Learn to write the Chinese character "铄" by watching the stroke order animation of "铄".
Stroke by Stroke: 铄 Writing Order
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鑠 shuò
1. 熔化金属。
Melt metals.
2. 消毁,消损。
Destroy, damage.
3. 同“烁”。
Same as "烁".
Detailed Meanings:
1. 熔化金属:众心成城,众口~金。
Melt metals: When people's hearts unite, they can melt metals.
2. 消毁,消损:“秦先得齐宋,则韩氏~”。
Destroy, damage: "If Qin first captures Qi and Song, then the Han family will be destroyed."
3. 同“烁”。
Same as "烁".
Additional Definitions:
动 (Verb):
- 【本义】: 熔化 (Melt)
- 【造字法】: 形声。从金,乐声。 (Phonetic compound, from metal and musical sound.)
1. 同本义 ([En.] melt)
- 《说文》:铄,销金也。
"Shuo, means to melt gold."
2. 销毁 ([En.] destroy)
- 《庄子·胠箧》:彼人含其明,则天下铄矣。
"If that person contains light, then the world is destroyed."
3. 削弱 ([En.] weaken)
- 《战国策》:秦先得齐宋,则韩氏铄。
"If Qin first seizes Qi and Song, then the Han family weakens."
4. 渗入 ([En.] permeate)
- 《孟子·告子上》:仁义礼智,非由外铄我也,我固有之也。
"Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom do not come from outside influence, they are inherent."
5. 毁谤 ([En.] slander)
- 如: 铄金毁骨。
"Like: slandering gold and destroying bones."
6. 同“烁”。灼烁,光彩夺目 ([En.] blaze)
- 如: 铄闪 (shining); 铄铄 (means bright and shining).
形 (Adjective):
1. 明亮,光明 ([En.] bright)
- 魏· 何晏《景福殿赋》:故其华表则镐镐铄铄,赫奕章灼若日月之丽天也。
"In Wei: The brilliance shines as bright as the sun and the moon."
2. 美好的样子 ([En.] fine)
- 如: 铄懿渊积。
"Like: beautiful virtue and profound learning."
3. 光辉美盛的样子 ([En.] beautiful)
- 如: 铄颖。
"Like: shining brilliantly and outstanding."
lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom) / fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth / mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong
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