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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

兌 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

兌 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 兌
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 兌
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Meaning of

Pinyin duì、 ruì、 yuè
to cash
兌 [duì] 1. 交換: exchange. Example: 兌換 (exchange one currency for another); 兌現 (cash in); 匯兌 (exchange funds between two places via letters or telegrams). 2. 摻和; 混合: mix; blend. Example: 兌點熱水 (add a bit of hot water). 3. 八卦之一,代表沼澤: one of the eight trigrams, representing marshlands. 4. 直: straight. Example: 松柏斯兌 (referring to a straight line). 形 [adjective] 本义: 喜悅: original meaning: joy. 造字法: 会意。从人,从囗,八象气之舒散,兄者與祝同意。从八,與曾同意,今字作悅: method of character formation: a combined meaning consisting of elements that relate to joy from people and the surrounding context. 1. 同本義: same original meaning: happy. 引 References: 1. 《說文》: 兌,說也. (Dui means to speak). 2. 《易·說卦》: 兌為口. (Dui represents the mouth). 3. 《易·序卦》: 兌者說也. (Dui is to speak). 4. 《荀子·脩身》: 佞兌而不曲: (A flattering person speaks untruthfully. Note: "Dui means to be happy"). 5. 《荀子·不苟》: 見由則兌而倨. (When meeting someone, one is happy yet arrogant). 6. 《莊子·德充符》: 豫通而不失乎兌. (A person who is free will not lose their happiness). 7. 《管子·七臣七主》: 多兌道以為上. (Many exchanges are important). 8. 《淮南子·泰族》: 禱祠而求福,雩兌而請雨. (Praying and seeking blessings, invoking Dui to demand rain). 例: 兌悅 (joy). 通 「銳 (ruì)」: 鋒利: sharp. References: 1. 《墨子·備城門》: 兩鋌交之置如平, 不如平不利,兌其兩末. 2. 《管子·小匡》: 爲人巧轉而兌利. 3. 《荀子·議兵》: 兌則若莫邪之利鋒. 4. 《史記·天官書》: 前列直鬥口三星,隨北端兌,若見若不. 動 [verb] 1. 更換: convert; commute. Example: 兌轉 (exchange); 兌撥 (allocate); 兌支 (allocate funds); 兌便 (a type of currency exchange in the Tang dynasty); 兌命 (exchange one's life); 兌坊 (a small pawn shop); 把外幣兌本國貨幣 (exchange foreign currency for local currency). 2. 用天平稱銀子: weigh. Example: 兌準 (accurately weigh); 兌頭 (remain amount; small discrepancies in silver weighing); 兌銀子. 3. 拼: be ready to risk one’s life. Reference: 元·佚名《京本通俗小說》: 你這剪徑的毛團, 我須是認得你,做這老性命不着,與你兌了罷! 4. 攙合: add. Example: 這酒是兌了水的 (this wine is mixed with water). 5. 指象棋中的拼子: refers to exchanging pieces in chess by sacrificing one’s pieces to capture the opponent's pieces. Example: 兌馬 (exchange horse); 兌車 (exchange chariot). 名 [noun] 1. 《易》卦名: one of the trigrams in the Book of Changes; symbolizing marshlands. Example: 兌人 (shaman). 2. 西方: the west. The ancients viewed Dui as the trigram of the western direction. Example: 兌隅 (the western corner); 兌域 (the western region). 同 「銳」:尖銳: sharp. 同 「悅」: 喜悅: joy.

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Pinyin dui4
Four Corner
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