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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

學 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

學 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 學
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 學
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Meaning of

Pinyin xué
learn / study / science / -ology
學 xué 1. 效法,钻研知识,获得知识,读书。 (To imitate, to study knowledge, to acquire knowledge, to read.) 2. 传授知识的地方。 (A place for imparting knowledge.) 3. 掌握的知识。 (Knowledge that one possesses.) 4. 分门别类的有系统的知识。 (Systematic knowledge that is categorized.) 1. 效法,钻研知识,获得知识,读书:~生。~徒。~习。~业。~友。~者。~阀。~制。~历。~步邯郸(讥讽人只知模仿,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。 (To imitate, to study knowledge, to acquire knowledge, to read: student; apprentice; to practice; to major in; study friend; learner; academic clique; educational system; academic experience; to imitate without understanding - a metaphor referring to lacking in real achievement due to mere imitation.) 2. 传授知识的地方:~校(简称“学”或“校”)。~院。~府。中~。大~。上~。 (A place for imparting knowledge: school (abbreviated as "xue" or "xiao"); academy; educational institution; central school; university; higher education.) 3. 掌握的知识:~问(简称“学”)。~术(一切学问的总称)。~位。~士(①学位名,大学毕业生;②古代官名)。才~。治~。~识。博~多才。 (Knowledge possessed: inquiry (abbreviated as "xue"); study (a collection of all knowledge); academic rank; scholar (① degree name, university graduate; ② ancient official title); talent study; governance knowledge; learned knowledge; knowledgeable and talented.) 4. 分门别类的有系统的知识:~说。哲~。数~。小~(①古代指文学、音韵、训诂学;②现指初等学校)。 (Categorized systematic knowledge: theory; philosophy; mathematics; elementary education (in ancient times refers to literature, phonetics, and philology; now refers to primary education).) 學 xué 【本义】:學習 (Original Meaning: Study) 【造字法】: 形聲。本作“学”,从双手“”从“爻”声从屋形“宀”。後作聲符,加“子”为义符。子,孩子。小孩子是学习的主体。 (Character Creation Method: Phono-semantic; originally written as "学," combining the hand and an echo, plus the structure of the house. Later, the character changed to include "子" as a meaning component, where "子" represents children, the primary learners.) 1. 同本義 ([En.] study; learn) 引用: "學,識也。" (Reference: "Xue means knowledge." - Guangya) 2. 模仿 ([En.] imitate; mimic) 引用: "學舌。" (Reference: "Imitate speech." - Dream of the Red Chamber) 3. 講述,說 ([En.] speak) 引用: "學,教也。" (Reference: "Xue means to teach." - Guangya) 4. 講學 ([En.] give lectures) 引用: "學者,學其所不能學也。" (Reference: "As a learner, one learns what one cannot." - Zhuangzi) 學 壆 xué 1. 學校 ([En.] school)。又曾稱學廬、學教、學館、學堂、學宮、學院、學屋、學園 (School; also referred to as study hut, education, study hall, academic palace, academy, schoolhouse, study garden.) 引用: "學,官也。" (Reference: "Xue, it means official." - Guangya) 2. 學問 ([En.] learning) 引用: "人之為學有難易乎?" (Reference: "Is there a hard or easy way to learn?" - Qing Dynasty Literature) 3. 學科;某一門類系統的知識 ([En.] subject of study; branch of learning) (Subject of study; systematic knowledge in a specific field.) 引用: "今日覩卿詞學。" (Reference: "Today we shall observe your studies in literature." - Various texts)

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Input Method for
Pinyin xue2
Four Corner
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