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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

斷 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

斷 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 斷
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 斷
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Meaning of

Pinyin duàn
absolutely / decidedly (in negative constructions) / break / to judge
斷 duàn 1. 長形的東西從中間分開。 (To split a long object in the middle.) 2. 不繼續,禁絕。 (To stop, to prohibit.) 3. 判定,決定。 (To judge, to decide.) 4. 一定,絕對。 (To be certain, absolutely.) 1. 長形的東西從中間分開: (To split a long object in the middle:) 斷裂 (split), 斷層 (fault), 斷面 (cross-section), 截斷 (cut off), 斷腸 (broken-hearted), 斷魂 (soul parting), 斷線風箏 (cut loose kite). 2. 不繼續,禁絕: (To stop, to prohibit:) 斷糧 (cut off food supplies), 斷水 (cut off water), 斷炊 (stop cooking), 斷奶 (stop nursing), 斷檔 (stop file transfer), 斷流 (halt flow), 斷種 (stop planting), 斷交 (cut off diplomatic ties), 斷片 (cut off piece), 斷續 (intermittently), 斷子絕孫 (cut off descendants). 3. 判定,決定: (To judge, to decide:) 判斷 (judgment), 診斷 (diagnosis), 斷獄 (trial and judgment of a case). 4. 一定,絕對: (To be certain, absolutely:) 斷乎不可 (absolutely impossible), 斷然施行 (absolutely enforced). 動 (verb) 本义: 截斷,截開 (Original meaning: to cut off.) 造字法: 會意。 (Writing method: ideogram.) 1. 同本義 (cut off). 引用例句: 《說文》:斷,截也。 《易·繫辭下》:斷木爲杵。 《玉臺新詠·古詩爲焦仲卿妻作》:三日斷五匹,大人故嫌遲。 《韓非子·說林下》:公孫弘斷髮而爲越王騎。 《韓非子·用人》:是斷手而續以玉也,故世有易身之患。 例:斷梗 (broken branch; metaphor for being homeless), 斷金 (solidarity), 斷袖 (male favorite; metaphor for deep friendship). 2. 斷開; 斷絕 (break; snap). 引用例句: 《徐霞客遊記·遊黃山記》:斷者架木通之。 《韓非子·內儲說下》:切肉肉斷而發不斷。 《唐·李白《望天門山》:天門中斷楚江開。 例:斷紋 (crack on a guitar), 斷頭香 (incense that burns out in the middle). 3. 攔截; 攔劫 (intercept). 引用例句: 《後漢書·杜茂傳》:坐斷兵馬稟縑。 《後漢書·蓋勳傳》:因軍興,斷盜數千萬。 注: “斷,謂割截。” 例:斷取 (intercept), 斷盜 (intercept theft). 4. 判斷; 裁決 (judge). 引用例句: 《宋·蘇軾《石鐘山記》:事不目見耳聞,而臆斷其有無,可乎。 例:斷配 (judicial assignment), 斷決 (decide), 斷冤 (trial of wrongful accusations). 5. 分; 區分; 劃分 (divide). 引用例句: 《釋名》:斷,段也,分爲異段。 例:斷限 (defined age limit), 斷方 (cutting into squares). 6. 禁止 (inhibit). 例:斷酒 (forbid brewing), 斷盡 (prohibit completely). 7. 戒掉,有意地抑制自己不行動 (abstain from). 例:斷酒 (abstain from alcohol). 8. 斬殺,宰殺 (kill). 引用例句: 《漢書·淮南歷王長傳》:大者立斷。 例:斷除 (destroy), 斷殺 (slay). 9. 治理,治,管理…的事物 (administer). 例:斷遺 (dispose of). 副 副詞 (副word) 絕對; 一定 (absolutely). 引: 《唐·李商隱《無題》:斷無消息石榴紅。 例:他的話斷不可信; 斷無此理; 斷黑 (completely black); 斷喝 (severe yelling). 形 形容詞 (Adjective) 1. 殘缺; 片斷 (broken). 例:斷想 (fragmented thoughts), 斷碎 (broken), 斷霞 (broken clouds). 2. 陡峭 (abrupt). 例:斷壁 (cliff), 斷石 (steep rock).

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Pinyin duan4
Four Corner
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