Learn to write the Chinese character "匝" by watching the stroke order animation of "匝".
Stroke by Stroke: 匝 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '匝' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '匝' Step-by-Step
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Chinese Character '匝'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
匝 [zā]
1. 周,绕一圈。
- Circumference; one complete turn.
2. 环绕,满。
- To encircle; full.
3. 周,绕一圈:绕树三匝。
- [Example] Three laps around a tree.
4. 环绕,满:匝月。柳荫匝地。
- [Example] Full moon; the shade of the willow covers the ground.
量 [liàng]
1. 周,环绕一周叫一匝 [En.] circumference; circle.
- One complete wrap is called one 'zā'.
2. 遍;次 [En.] time.
- Refers to times or instances.
动 [dòng]
1. 环绕 [En.] circle.
- To encircle.
2. 笼罩,烟雾等弥漫着 [En.] shroud.
- To shroud; to envelop with smoke or other substances.
3. 咂 [En.] click.
- To make a clicking sound.
形 [xíng]
1. 遍;完满;周全 [En.] full.
- Complete; whole; thorough.
1. 《说文》:匝,周也。从反匝而匝也。
- "Zā" refers to a complete circuit.
2. 就,匝也。——《周礼·典瑞》注。
- In "Zhouli", it refers to measures of value in transactions.
3. 周,匝也。——《礼记·檀弓》注。
- It has the same meaning in "Liji".
4. 清·邵长蘅《青门剩稿》:匝城兵士。
- Describes soldiers encircling a city.
1. 又如:绕树三匝;在门前绕了三匝;五匝;沿鼎壁游了一匝。
- Examples: Three laps around a tree; made three laps in front of the door; five times; completed one wrap along the cauldron wall.
动 引
1. 《水经注·河水》:水匝隍堑,于城东北合为一渎。
- Water encircles the moat, joining the river in the northeast of the city.
动 例
1. 又如:匝栏(围栏)。
- Example: encircling fence.
形 引
1. 柳宗元《铕鉧潭西小丘记》:不匝旬而得异地者二。
- Liu Zongyuan mentioned in his writing that there were two who had moved to different places in less than ten days.
形 例
1. 又如:匝年(满一年);匝旬(满十天);匝时(满一季);匝岁(满一年);匝地氍毹(遍地铺着毛毯);匝洽(遍及)。
- Examples: a full year; ten full days; a full season; a full year; spread thick carpets all over the floor; widely covered.
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