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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

区 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

区 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 区
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 区
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Meaning of

Pinyin qū、 ōu、 gōu
Ou (surname), area / region / district / small / distinguish
Xián ān qū
Xian'an district of Xianning city 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei
xiàn shì qū
yuán qū
site developed for a group of related enterprises / (industrial or technology) park
wéi qū
polder areas
shēn zhèn tè qū
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
bà qū
Dam area
Shā píng bà qū
Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
kěn qū
reclamation area
nóng kěn qū
agricultural reclamation area
chéng qū
city district / urban area
xíng zhèng qū yù
administrative area
qū yù xìng
Táng gū qū
Tanggu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]
西 Xī sài shān qū
Xisaishan district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei
bié shù qū
villa district / villa area
gōu hè qū
Gully area
广西 Guǎng xī Zhuàng zú Zì zhì qū
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South Central China, on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂[Gui4], capital Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2] / until 1959, Guangxi province
Níng xià Huí zú Zì zhì qū
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, abbr. 寧|宁[Ning2], capital Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Ying2 chuan1]
Yí líng qū
Yiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
yú lè qū
public place of entertainment
ā ěr bēi sī shān qū
zhuāng xiè qū
loading place / stevedoring district
qū yù
area / region / district
zì zhì qū
autonomous region, namely: Inner Mongolia 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区, Guangxi 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区, Tibet 西藏自治區|西藏自治区, Ningxia 寧夏回族自治區|宁夏回族自治区, Xinjiang 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区
shè qū
Hóng shān qū
Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
běn háng zhèng qū yù
This administrative area
Jiāng xià qū
Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
shān qū
mountain area / CL:個|个[ge4]
kāi fā qū
development zone
Wǔ chāng qū
Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
xíng zhèng qū
administrative district
shì qū
urban district / downtown / city center
shì fàn qū
demonstration plot / demonstration area
lín qū
region of forest
lǚ yóu qū
tourist area
xiá qū
administrative region
jīng jì tè qū
special economic zone
Xiào nán qū
Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city 孝感市[Xiao4 gan3 shi4], Hubei
shǎn gān níng biān qū
Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region / border areas of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia
zhù zhái qū
residential area / housing development
Dōng bǎo qū
Dongbao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei
Nán gǎng qū
Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang
Lóng gǎng qū
Longgang district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong
tài yuè qū
Taiyue District
běi yuè qū
Beiyue District
Jiāng àn qū
Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
Láo shān qū
Laoshan district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
Lú shān qū
Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi
Zhāng wān qū
Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei
Xīn jiāng Wéi wú ěr Zì zhì qū
Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region, abbr. 新, capital Urumqi or Ürümqi 烏魯木齊|乌鲁木齐
Duō dāo qū
Duodao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei
xíng zhèng qū huà
administrative subdivision
qū huà
subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)
qū bié
difference / to distinguish / to discriminate / to make a distinction / CL:個|个[ge4]
huī zhōu dì qū
Huizhou area
zhàn qū
war zone / (military) theater of operations
jì shù kāi fā qū
technology development zone / technical development zone
kē jì yuán qū
science park
bǎo hù qū
conservation district / CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
jūn qū
geographical area of command / (PLA) military district
Shén nóng jià lín qū
Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei
nóng yè qū
agricultural region
dì qū
local / regional / district (not necessarily formal administrative unit) / region / area / as suffix to city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture-level city or county level city) / CL:個|个[ge4]
jìn chá jì biān qū
the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area
gān hàn qū
arid region
jǐng qū
scenic area
fēng jǐng qū
parkland / beauty spot
wǔ dāng shān fēng jǐng qū
Wudang Mountain Scenic Area
Zēng dū qū
Zengdu district of Suizhou city 隨州市|随州市[Sui2 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
xiào qū
Liáng zi hú qū
Liangzihu district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
Huái yìn qū
Huaiyin district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong
é luó sī yuǎn dōng dì qū
Russian Far East
zì rán bǎo hù qū
nature reserve
Fán chéng qū
Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei
pí lián qū
contiguous zone
Hàn yáng qū
Hanyang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
Hàn nán qū
Hannan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
cháo shàn dì qū
Chaoshan area
yí méng shān qū
Yimeng mountain area / Yimeng District
shěn yáng jūn qū
Shenyang Military Area Command / Shenyang Military Region
Shā shì qū
Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|荆州市[Jing1 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
lún xiàn qū
enemy-held territory
沿 yán hǎi dì qū
coastland / coastal areas
jīng jīn dì qū
Peking and Tianjin district / Beijing-Tianjin region / Beijing and Tianjing area
Xīn zhōu qū
Xinzhou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
qiǎn shuǐ qū
shallow end
Pǔ dōng xīn qū
Pudong New District, subprovincial district of Shanghai
Pǔ kǒu qū
Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
Huáng pǔ qū
Huangpu district, central Shanghai
Hǎi diàn qū
Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Peking University, Tsinghua University 清華大學|清华大学[Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun 中關村|中关村[Zhong1 guan1 cun1]
Lín zī qū
Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong
Zī chuān qū
Zichuan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong
jiāng huái dì qū
Jianghuai region / area between Changjiang and Huaihe
Qín huái qū
Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
yú qū
fishing area
huán bó hǎi dì qū
Circum-Bohai Sea Region
Huáng shí gǎng qū
Huangshigang district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei
gǎng qū
port area

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Pinyin qu1
Four Corner
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