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战 stroke order animation

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战 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 战
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 战
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhàn
to fight / fight / war / battle
zhàn hòu
after the war / postwar
cān zhàn
to go to war / to engage in war
zhàn yǒu
comrade-in-arms / battle companion
shàn zhàn
be good at fighting / be skilful in battle
zhàn chǎng
battlefield / CL:個|个[ge4]
gōng jiān zhàn
storming of heavily fortified positions
zhàn háo
trench / entrenchment
zhàn shì
fighter / soldier / warrior / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhàn bèi
war preparation
bèi zhàn
prepared against war / to prepare for war / warmongering
zhēng duó zhàn
fèn zhàn
to fight bravely / (fig.) to struggle / to work hard
yù xuè fèn zhàn
fight a bloody battle / bloody battles / fight dauntlessly
gū jūn fèn zhàn
lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom) / fig. (of a person or group of people) struggling hard without support
yàn zhàn
be weary of war / be war-weary
xuān zhàn
to declare war
hán zhàn
lǚ zhàn lǚ bài
to suffer defeat in every battle (idiom)
lǚ bài lǚ zhàn
to keep on fighting despite continual setbacks (idiom)
lǚ zhàn lǚ shèng
have won every battle / fight repeatedly and win every battle / score one victory after another / win victory after victory
zhàn yì
military campaign
zhàn mù
War curtain
zhēng zhàn
campaign / expedition
fáng yù zhàn
Defensive war
zhàn gōng
outstanding military service
liàn zhàn
to zealously continue fighting
wú xīn liàn zhàn
have no desire to continue fighting / have no heart for further fighting
néng zhēng guàn zhàn
be used to war or fighting
zhàn lüè
zhàn dòu
to fight / to engage in combat / struggle / battle / CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]
Zhàn guó
the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
zhàn shù
zhàn dòu jī
fighter (aircraft)
tiǎo zhàn
to challenge / challenge
线 zhàn xiàn
battle line / battlefront / front
zhàn jī
opportunity in a battle / fighter aircraft / war secret
zhàn shèng
to prevail over / to defeat / to surmount
zhàn dòu lì
fighting strength
线 tǒng yī zhàn xiàn
united front
zhàn qū
war zone / (military) theater of operations
kuò jūn bèi zhàn
arms expansion and war preparation
zhàn dǒu
to shudder / to tremble
tiǎo zhàn xìng
tiǎo zhàn zhě
jiē mù zhàn
jué zhàn
decisive battle
zhàn kuàng
battlefield situation / battle progress
lěng zhàn
cold war / (coll.) shiver / shudder
zhàn jīng jīng
shaking with fear
nèi zhàn
civil war
zài zhàn
zhàn dòu bù
zhàn fǔ
zhàn guǒ
victory / results of battle / combat success
zhàn lì
to tremble / shudder
tíng zhàn
armistice / cease fire
zhàn fú
prisoner of war
zhàn fú yíng
prisoner-of-war camp
zhàn sǐ
die in battle
jiān miè zhàn
war of annihilation
bǎi zhàn bù dài
to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3]); to win every fight
hùn zhàn
chaotic warfare / confused fighting / melee / to join in such fighting
jī zhàn
to fight fiercely / fierce battle
zuò zhàn
combat / to fight
zhàn zhàn jīng jīng
trembling with fear / with fear and trepidation
xiū zhàn
zhàn fàn
war criminal
zhàn lüè xìng
lián zhàn jiē jié
Win the battle
dū zhàn
supervise operations / direct campaign
zhàn huò
disaster of war
jiāo zhàn
to fight / to wage war
zhàn luàn
chaos of war
yóu jī zhàn zhēng
Guerrilla war
Zhàn guó cè
"Strategies of the Warring States", chronicle of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), possibly written by Su Qin 蘇秦|苏秦[Su1 Qin2]
zhàn jì
military successes / (fig.) success / accomplishment
zhàn bà
End of war
bìng jiān zuò zhàn
fight side by side / fight shoulder to shoulder
dǎn zhàn xīn jīng
to tremble with fear (idiom) / scared witless
xīn jīng dǎn zhàn
lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear / scared witless
zhàn shèng guó
victorious nation
zhàn zhēng
war / conflict / CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]
退 qiě zhàn qiě tuì
Fight and retreat
shé zhàn
verbal sparring / duel of words
zhàn jiàn
battleship / warship
zhàn liè jiàn
zhàn dòu jiàn
zhàn chuán
kǔ zhàn
bitter struggle / hard battle / arduous effort
zhàn páo
(old) combat robe / soldier's uniform / (sports) team jersey / team shirt
pò xí zhàn
sabotage operations
zhàn bài
to lose a war
zhàn chē
war chariot / tank
yíng zhàn
to meet the enemy head-on
áo zhàn
bitter fighting / a violent battle
zāo yù zhàn
engagement / encounter
hān zhàn
to fight lustily
yě zhàn jūn
field army
lā jù zhàn
to-and-fro tussle / closely-fought contest
zhàn zhèn
battle array

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Pinyin zhan4
Four Corner
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