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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

并 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

并 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 并
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 并
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Meaning of

Pinyin bìng、 bīng
and / furthermore / (not) at all / simultaneously / also / together with / to combine / to join / to merge, amalgamate / combine, and / also / together with
并 (bīng) 1. 合在一起。 To come together. 2. 一齐,平排着。 Side by side, in parallel. 3. 连词,表平列或进一层。 A conjunction indicating parallelism or an additional layer. 4. 用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样。 Used before a negation to intensify the negative tone, indicating something is not as expected. 5. 副词:全,全都。 Adverb: completely; entirely. Example: 黄发垂髫并怡然自乐。——陶渊明《桃花源记》 "The elderly and children all enjoy themselves peacefully." 6. 一起;一齐;同时。 At the same time; altogether. Example: 陈胜佐之,并杀两尉。——《史记·陈涉世家》 "Chen Sheng assisted him and killed the two lieutenants." 7. 并且, 连。 Furthermore; besides. Example: 杖至百,两股间浓血流离,并虫亦不能行捉矣。——《聊斋志异·促织》 "As the rod reached a hundred, thick blood flowed between the two thighs, and even the bugs could not walk to catch." 8. 和, 以及。 And; as well as. Example: 我们完全同意并拥护这个报告。 "We fully agree with and support this report." 9. 中国山西省太原市的别称。 A nickname for Taiyuan City in Shanxi Province, China. 10. 名词:古地名。并州。 Noun: Ancient place name. Bing Prefecture. 11. 现代地理:相传禹治洪水,分天下为九州。并州为九州之一,其地在今河北保定、正定和山西大同、太原一带。 In modern geography: Legend has it that Yu the Great divided the world into nine provinces to manage the Flood. Bingzhou was one of these provinces, located in present-day Baoding, Zhengding, and around Datong and Taiyuan in Shanxi. 12. 汉置并州,其地在今内蒙古、山西(大部)、河北(一部)。 In Han Dynasty, Bingzhou was established, covering present-day Inner Mongolia, most of Shanxi, and part of Hebei. 13. 动词:本义:并行,并列。 Verb: Original meaning: to run side by side; to be in parallel. Example: 同本义。 “Same meaning.” 14. 合并(由一部分与另一部分结合一起)。 Amalgamate; combine. 15. 兼并;并吞。 Annex; to annex. 16. 具备。 To have. 17. 通“屏”,“摒”。排除。 To get rid of. 18. 相同。 Be identical; same. 另见 bīng. See also bīng.
hé bìng
to merge / to annex
tūn bìng
to annex
bìng tūn
to swallow up / to annex / to merge
bìng cún
to exist at the same time / to coexist
bìng wèi
not yet / have not been
bìng fēi
really isn't
bìng rù
to merge into / to incorporate in
bìng yòng
use simultaneously
bìng gòu
merger and acquisition (M and A) / acquisition / to take over
bìng xíng
to proceed in parallel / side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts etc)
bìng jiān
alongside / shoulder to shoulder / side by side / abreast
yī bìng
to lump together / to treat along with all the others
bìng jǔ
to develop simultaneously / to undertake concurrently
bìng fā zhèng
complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)
bìng chēng
joint name / combined name
xiāng tí bìng lùn
to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms / to place on a par with / (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)
bìng pái
side by side / abreast
bìng fā
to be complicated by / to erupt simultaneously
bìng liè
to stand side by side / to be juxtaposed
gāng róu bìng jì
to couple strength and gentleness (idiom)
bìng xíng bù bèi
to run in parallel without hindrance / not mutually exclusive / two processes can be implemented without conflict
bìng lǒng
to draw together / to place side by side (e.g. one's fingers, two halves of a torn sheet of paper etc)
jiān bìng
to annex / to take over / to acquire
xié shǒu bìng jiān
hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder
chè bìng
to consolidate / to merge
bìng jiān zuò zhàn
fight side by side / fight shoulder to shoulder
jiān bìng jiān
shoulder to shoulder / abreast / side by side
běn bìng pí
bìng qiě
and / besides / moreover / furthermore / in addition
tú wén bìng mào
The picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent.
shēng qíng bìng mào
(of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)
bìng mào
bìng dì
And tie
jiān shōu bìng xù
incorporating diverse things (idiom) / eclectic / all-embracing
bìng guǐ
bìng pèi
And bridle
bìng jià qí qū
to run neck and neck / to keep pace with / to keep abreast of / on a par with one another

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Input Method for
Pinyin bing4
Four Corner
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