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不 stroke order animation

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 不
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 不
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Meaning of

Pinyin bù、 fǒu、 fōu、 pī、 pǐ、 fū
(negative prefix) / not / no
不 [bù] 副词。 1. Adverb. 2. Used before verbs, adjectives, and other words to indicate negation, or combined with nouns or nominal morphemes to form adjectives: 不去 (not going), 不多 (not much), 不法 (not lawful), 不料 (unexpected), 不材 (insignificant talent, often used for self-deprecation), 不刊 (no need for revision, cannot be erased), 不学无术 (not knowledgeable or skillful). 3. Used alone as a negative response: 不,我不知道 (No, I don’t know). 4. Used at the end of a sentence to express a question: 他现在身体好不? (Is he healthy now?) 用在动词、形容词或个别副词前,表示否定 (not, no). 1. Used before verbs, adjectives, or certain adverbs to express negation. 2. Neither…nor. 3. Without needing the prior condition to perform the subsequent actions and states (without). 4. As a virtual word, indicates lack or neglect of an action (without). 5. When used between the same words in repetition, often precedes "什么," indicating indifference or irrelevance (no matter(what)). 6. Indicates no need in logic or morality (no need to). 7. Used after verbs to indicate that expected results or goals cannot be achieved (cannot do as expected). 8. Used alone to express negation of the other party's words or questions (no). 9. Used at the end of a sentence to form a question (whether). 助词。 1. Used to strengthen the tone. 2. Used to adjust syllables. 形容词。 1. Similar to "丕" (pī). Big; great. 2. Note: "不" is pronounced in the second tone (阳平) before a fourth-tone character (去声), such as 不必 (bú bì), 不是 (bú shì). 表示疑问、未定。 Expresses a question or uncertainty. 助词。 1. Used to indicate negation. 2. Used to indicate questioning or uncertainty. 名词。 1. A surname, as in 不准 from the Jin dynasty. 名词。 1. A surname, as in 不准 from the Jin dynasty. 名词。 1. The peduncle of a flower. 《诗经·小雅·常棣》: "常棣之华,鄂不韡韡。" (The flowers of the constant acacia, none are like that.)
yī shēng bù kēng
to not say a word
bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì
as easy as blowing off dust / effortless / with ease
jì wǎng bù jiù
to forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to let bygones be bygones / There is no point in crying over spilt milk.
bù jiù jì wǎng
not censure sb for his past misdeeds / overlook sb's past mistakes / let bygones be bygones
bù xián bù dàn
Neither salty nor light
shí bù xià yàn
Can't swallow
kě bu shì
that's just the way it is / exactly!
kě bu
see 可不是[ke3 bu5 shi4]
bù chì
just as / no less than / like (sth momentous) / as good as / tantamount to
zàn tàn bù yǐ
to be full of praise (idiom)
bù chī
not eat / eat nothing / without eating
dié dié bù xiū
to chatter or jabber on and on
bù tóng yú
other than / be differ from / be different than
bù lìn
not to stint / to be generous (with praise etc) / to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)
bù lìn cì jiào
you are so kind to give me a reply / please favour me you instruction / please don't hesitate to let me know if there is any mistake
bù zhì kě fǒu
decline to comment / not express an opinion / be noncommittal / hedge
bù jí
to fall short of / not as good as / too late
lái bu jí
there's not enough time (to do sth) / it's too late (to do sth)
pò bù jí dài
impatient (idiom); in a hurry / itching to get on with it
bù biàn
constant / unvarying / (math.) invariant
bù biàn zī běn
constant capital
zhǐ bu guò
only / merely / nothing but / no more than / it's just that ...
kū xiào bù dé
lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom) / both funny and extremely embarrassing / between laughter and tears
lǘ chún bù duì mǎ zuǐ
lit. a donkey's lips do not match a horse's mouth (idiom) / fig. beside the point / incongruous
bù shàn
bad / ill / not good at / not to be pooh-poohed / quite impressive
bù yán ér yù
it goes without saying / it is self-evident
bù kě lǐ yù
to be impervious to reason (idiom) / unreasonable
bù kě yán yù
inexpressible (idiom)
bù kān
cannot bear / cannot stand / utterly / extremely
hé bù lǒng zuǐ
unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc / grinning from ear to ear / mouth agape / gobsmacked
tān duō jiáo bù làn
to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)
bù zài
not to be present / to be out / (euphemism) to pass away / to be deceased
bù fáng
there is no harm in / might as well
bù jūn
uneven / distributed unevenly
kǎn kě bù píng
potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
zuò lì bù ān
lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom) / restless / fidgety
jiān chí bù xiè
to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end
jiān dìng bù yí
unswerving / unflinching
jiān zhēn bù qū
faithful and unchanging (idiom); steadfast
bù kān yī jī
to be unable to withstand a single blow / to collapse at the first blow
bù kān shè xiǎng
too horrible to contemplate / unthinkable / inconceivable
láng bèi bù kān
battered and exhausted / stuck in a dilemma
pí bèi bù kān
whacked to the wide -- terribly fatigued / being fatigued to the extreme / be tired beyond endurance / be tired to death / extremely tired
bù kān zhòng fù
can't bear the heavy load / overwhelmed
kǔ bù kān yán
to suffer unspeakable misery / indescribably painful / hellish
bù kān huí shǒu
unbearable memories / Old memories are too bitter to recall
pò làn bù kān
in shreds and patches / torn and tattered / worn to the thread(s)
bù kān rù mù
unbearable to look at / an eyesore
yōng jǐ bù kān
overcrowded / jam-packed
shú bù kě rěn
zhāo bù bǎo xī
at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state / imminent crisis / living from hand to mouth
chà bu duō
almost / nearly / more or less / about the same / good enough / not bad
bù gòu
not enough / insufficient / inadequate
bù shī
Without losing
bù zú wéi qí
not at all surprising (idiom)
fèn bù gù shēn
to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers / regardless of perils
bù hǎo
no good
bù rú
not equal to / not as good as / inferior to / it would be better to
bù miào
(of a turn of events) not too encouraging / far from good / anything but reassuring
miào bù kě yán
too wonderful for words
bù tuǒ
not proper / inappropriate
bù xiè
to disdain to do sth / to think sth not worth doing / to feel it beneath one's dignity
岿 kuī rán bù dòng
steadfastly stand on one's ground / remain firm / remain unmoved / standing erect and unshakable
wú kǒng bù rù
get in by every opening / be all-pervasive / have a finger in every pie
bù yùn
bù yùn zhèng
female infertility
zuò wò bù ān
fidget / feel restless
wò chuáng bù qǐ
be completely bedridden / remain in bed / take to one's bed and be likely to die
què zhī bù gōng
to refuse would be impolite
bù yàn qí fán
not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom) / to take great pains / to be very patient
bù yàn
not to tire of / not to object to
bīng bù yàn zhà
there can never be too much deception in war / in war nothing is too deceitful / all's fair in war
shí bù yàn jīng
One does not object to the finest food.
Nà bù lè sī
Napoli, capital of Campania region of Italy / Naples
bù xiào
bù ān
unpeaceful / unstable / uneasy / disturbed / restless / worried
shuō bu dìng
can't say for sure / maybe
bù yí
not suitable / inadvisable / inappropriate
shì bù yí chí
the matter should not be delayed / there's no time to lose
chǒng rǔ bù jīng
remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation
bù róng
must not / cannot / to not allow / cannot tolerate
hǎo bù róng yì
with great difficulty / very difficult
bù gān jì mò
unwilling to remain lonely or idle / unwilling to be left out
yè bù néng mèi
lie awake the whole night / lie awake all night
bù hán ér lì
shiver all over though not cold / tremble with fear / shudder
qǐn shí bù ān
feel uneasy even when eating and sleeping
guǎ bù dí zhòng
the few are no match for the many / heavily outnumbered / facing impossible odds (idiom)
cùn bù bù lí
to follow sb closely (idiom) / to keep close to
cùn cǎo bù shēng
lit. not even a blade of grass grows (idiom) / fig. barren
bù tóng xún cháng
out of ordinary
bù xiǎo
not small
yī chén bù rǎn
untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible / spotless
zhàng èr hé shàng mō bù zháo tóu nǎo
puzzled / be all at sea / be completely at a loss
bù jìn
not completely / endlessly
gǒu pì bù tōng
incoherent (writing or speech) / nonsensical / a load of crap
bù qū
unyielding / unbending
bù qū bù náo
unyielding / indomitable
nìng sǐ bù qū
rather die than submit (idiom)
bù xiè yī gù
to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)
lǚ jiàn bù xiān
a common occurrence (idiom)

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