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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

立 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

立 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 立
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 立
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Meaning of

set up / to stand
立 [lì] [Verb], [Noun] 【Original Meaning】: Stand upright. 1. Stand, extended meaning refers to standing up: 立正 (stand straight), 立柜 (upright cabinet), 立足 (1. to stand on one's feet; 2. to be in a certain position), 立场 (standpoint), 屹立 (to stand firm), 顶天立地 (to stand tall). 2. To produce, to establish: 建立 (to establish), 设立 (to set up), 树立 (to establish), 立意 (to set an intention), 立此存照 (to establish this as a record). 3. To exist, to subsist: 自立 (to be independent), 独立 (to stand alone), 势不两立 (cannot coexist). 4. Immediately, at once: 立时 (immediately), 立刻 (at once), 立等 (to wait immediately). 5. A surname. 【Derived Meanings】: 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] stand). 2. Erect; set upright; establish ([En.] erect; set upright). 3. To set up; to establish ([En.] set up; put up; establish; found). 4. To draw up; to conclude ([En.] lay down; draw up; conclude). 5. To define; to decide; to determine ([En.] define; decide; determine). 6. To exist; to subsist ([En.] exist; subsist). 7. To conduct oneself; to establish a foothold ([En.] conduct oneself in society; have a foothold). 8. To ascend the throne ([En.] be enthroned; ascend the throne). 9. To assist; to establish a certain position ([En.] help; establish). 10. To recommend ([En.] recommend). 11. To become an official ([En.] become an official). 12. To manifest oneself; to reveal oneself ([En.] manifest oneself; reveal oneself). 13. To stop; to stay ([En.] stop; stay). 14. To arrive; to be present ([En.] arrive; be present). 15. To eat ([En.] take food). [Noun] Also pronounced as 位 (position), rank, precedence ([En.] precedence). [Adverb] 1. Immediately; right away ([En.] immediately). 【Example Sentences】: - 立定 (stand firm); - 立马造桥 (immediately commence construction).
jūn zhǔ lì xiàn
constitutional monarchy
lì chǎng
position / standpoint / CL:個|个[ge4]
zuò lì bù ān
lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom) / restless / fidgety
gū lì
isolate / isolated
yì lì
to tower / to stand straight (of person's bearing)
È lì tè lǐ yà
lì fāng lí mǐ
cubic centimeter
gū lì wú yuán
isolated and without help
lì xiàn
to set up a constitution
duì lì
to oppose / to set sth against / to be antagonistic to / antithetical / relative opposite / opposing / diametrical
wēi rán yì lì
to stand tall and rock-solid (idiom) / towering majestically / (of a person) to stand up against sb
jiàn lì
to establish / to set up / to found
chuàng lì
to establish / to set up / to found
lì zhì
to be determined / to be resolved
chéng lì
to establish / to set up / to be tenable / to hold water
tǐng lì
to stand erect / to stand upright
lì jí
cè lì
to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)
shù lì
to set up / to establish
lì guì
clothes closet
lì àn
to register (to an official organism) / to file a case (for investigation)
ào lì
standing proud
lì kè
forthwith / immediate / prompt / promptly / straightway / thereupon / at once
lì fǎ
to enact laws / to legislate / legislation
dú lì
independent / independence / to stand alone
shì lì
to stand by in attendance
dú lì zì zhǔ
independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determination / to act independently / to maintain control over one's own affairs
dú lì xìng
chù lì
to tower / standing tall and upright (of large building)
què lì
to establish / to institute
sī lì
private (company, school etc)
tíng tíng yù lì
slender and elegant (of a woman)
亿 yì lì fāng mǐ
hundred million cubic meters
shè lì
to set up / to establish
lì fāng
cube (math.) / abbr. for 立方體|立方体[li4 fang1 ti3] / abbr. for 立方米[li4 fang1 mi3]
lì shí
right away / quickly / immediately
zhàn lì
to stand / standing / on one's feet
lì zú
to stand / to have a footing / to be established / to base oneself on
lì tǐ
three-dimensional / solid / stereoscopic
shù lì
to erect / to set upright / to stand
竿 lì gān jiàn yǐng
lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect / quick results
lì fāng mǐ
cubic meter (unit of volume)
sǒng lì
to stand tall / to tower aloft
ér lì
thirty years of age
sù lì
to stand respectfully / (of trees, mountains) standing tall and majestic
zhù lì
to stand for a long time
wàn lì fāng mǐ
Ten thousand cubic meters
zhí lì jīng
erect stem
lì shì
vow / impawn / swear / take an oath
shì bù liǎng lì
the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences / incompatible standpoints
dìng lì
to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc) / to set up (a rule etc)
lì gōng shú zuì
perform a meritorious service to atone for one's crimes / atone for one's crimes by a good deed / perform merits to atone for one's misdeeds / repent one's evil ways and prove it by one's deeds
lì zhóu
vertical scroll (painting or calligraphy) / vertical shaft (of a machine)
pín wú lì zhuī
not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute
wú lì zhuī zhī dì
No place to stand
lì zhuī zhī dì
a tiny bit of land
lì xiàng
to launch a project
lì mǎ
at once / immediately / promptly / swiftly
dǐng lì
lit. to stand like the three legs of a tripod / tripartite confrontation or balance of forces
hè lì jī qún
a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom); way above the common / manifestly superior
sān zú dǐng lì
a situation of tripartite confrontation / like the three legs of a tripod
dǐng zú ér lì
standing like a tripod -- a tripartite balance of forces

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Pinyin li4
Four Corner
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