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君 stroke order animation

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君 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 君
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 君
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Meaning of

Pinyin jūn
monarch / lord / gentleman / ruler
君 [jūn] 名词 (n.) 本义: 君主,国家的最高统治者 (Original meaning: Sovereign, the highest ruler of a country) 1. 封建时代指帝王、诸侯等。 (1. In feudal times, refers to emperors, lords, etc.) - 例: 君主。君子(a. Formerly referred to nobles, rulers, and their representatives; b. Refers to a virtuous person, as in "正人君子")。君王。君上。国家的君权。君临。君侧。 (Examples: Ruler. Noble person. King. Lord. Country's sovereignty. To rule. By your side.) 2. 古代的封号。 (2. Ancient title.) - 例: 商君。平原君。信陵君。长安君。 (Examples: Lord of the Shang. Lord of Pingyuan. Lord of Xinling. Lord of Chang'an.) 3. 对对方的尊称。 (3. A term of respect towards the other party.) - 例: 张君。诸君。 (Examples: Mr. Zhang. All of you.) 引申义 (Extended meanings): 1. 古代大夫以上据有土地的各级统治者的通称。 (1. General term for various levels of rulers owning land above the ancient officials.) (En. sovereign; ruler) 2. 封建制度的一种尊号,尤指君主国家所封的称号或封号。 (2. A title of respect in the feudal system, especially referring to titles granted by a monarch.) (En. lord) 3. 引申为人的尊称,相当于“您”。 (3. Extended as a term of respect for a person, equivalent to "you.") (En. your) 4. 夫妇之间的尊称。 (4. A term of respect between spouses.) (En. sir; husband; wife) 5. 主体。 (5. Master.) (En. master) 6. 姓。 (6. A surname.) 动词 (v.) 1. 主宰、统治。 (1. To dominate, to rule.) (En. dominate) 引 (Quotation): - 1 《诗·大雅·公刘》:君之宗之。 (From the Book of Poetry: You are the master.) - 2 例如: 君火 (In traditional Chinese medicine, refers to the fire that governs spiritual matters.) (Example: Ruler's fire)
jūn chén
a ruler and his ministers (old)
jūn zǐ
nobleman / person of noble character
jūn zhǔ zhì
jūn quán
monarchial power
jūn zhǔ zhuān zhì
autocratic monarchy / absolute monarchy
guó jūn
zhèng rén jūn zi
upright gentleman / man of honor
hūn jūn
incapable ruler
jūn zhǔ lì xiàn
constitutional monarchy
Jūn shān
Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan
zhōng jūn
使 shǐ jūn
fū jūn
my husband / a form of address for one's husband
qī jūn
jūn lín
qīng jūn cè
rid the emperor of “evil” ministers / clean up those around the emperor
shèng jūn
shì jūn
regicide / to commit regicide
Zào jūn
Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen / also written 灶神
wěi jūn zǐ
chén bì jūn
Chen Bijun
huáng jūn bì
Huang Junbi
qǐng jūn rù wèng
lit. please Sir, get into the boiling pot (idiom) / fig. to give sb a taste of his own medicine
yǐn jūn zǐ
opium eater / drug addict / chain smoker
qī jūn wǎng shàng
to dupe one's sovereign
jūn zhǔ
monarch / sovereign
qiān qiān jūn zi
a modest, self-disciplined gentleman / a modest, cautious gentleman

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Input Method for
Pinyin jun1
Four Corner
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