Learn to write the Chinese character "啸" by watching the stroke order animation of "啸".
Stroke by Stroke: 啸 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '啸' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '啸' Step-by-Step
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Chinese Character '啸'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
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【本义】: 撮口作声,打口哨
(Original meaning): To make a sound by pursing the lips, to whistle.
1. 撮口作声,打口哨 ([En.] whistle)
- 啸歌 (singing),
- 啸傲 (to howl proudly),
- 啸聚 (to call together, such as “啸聚山林” – calling the mountains and forests together),
- 呼啸 (to call).
- 仰天长啸 (to let out a long howl towards the sky).
2. 动物拉长声叫 ([En.] howl; roar)
- 虎啸 (tiger's roar),
- 猿啸 (ape's howl).
3. 自然界发出的声音 ([En.] sound produced by nature)
- 北风呼啸 (the north wind howls),
- 海啸 (the roar of the sea).
4. 飞机或子弹掠过时发出的声音 ([En.] sound made by planes or bullets passing by)
- 飞机尖啸着冲上蓝天 (the airplane shrieks as it rushes into the blue sky).
- 炮弹呼啸而过 (the shell whizzes past).
【造字法】: 形声。从口,肃声
(Character formation): A phono-semantic compound. The radical is “口” (mouth) indicating sound, and “肃” (to calm or be serious) indicating the manner of the sound.
1. 《说文》: 啸,吹声也。
2. 《诗·召南·江有汜》: 其嘨也歌 (the sound is also a song).
3. 《礼记·内则》: 不嘨不指 (not howling or pointing).
4. 《封氏闻见记》: 激于舌端而清谓之啸 (the sound produced by the tip of the tongue is called a howl).
5. 晋·陶渊明《归去来兮辞》: 登东皋以舒啸 (climb the eastern ridge and let out a howl).
6. 明·归有光《项脊轩志》: 俯仰啸歌 (to look up and down while howling and singing).
7. 明·魏学洢《核舟记》: 若啸呼状 (similar to a howling call).
8. 明·刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》: 倚修木而啸 (leaning on a tall tree and howling).
如: 啸傲林泉 (to live in seclusion surrounded by tranquil forests and springs);
啸吟 (to howl and lament);
啸指 (to make sound by blowing through the fingers).
2. 呼召,号召 ([En.] call)
- 啸引 (to call forth);
- 啸召 (to summon);
- 啸合 (to gather by calling);
- 啸侣 (to call peers);
- 啸侣命俦 (to summon companions);
- 啸命 (to command loudly).
3. 鸟兽等的长声鸣叫 ([En.] howl; roar)
- 鸟啸 (bird's cry);
- 啸萃 (to gather by howling);
- 啸吼 (long loud howls);
- 啸风 (calling the wind);
- 风嘶雨啸 (the wind shrills and the rain howls).
form a band and take to the greenwood / call each other to form a gang in the forest / go to the greenwood / take refuge in the forests / take to the forest
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