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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

呐 stroke order animation

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呐 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 呐
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 呐
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Meaning of

Pinyin nà、 nè、 ne、 na
battle cry, (final part.)
呐 [nà] 动词 1. 大声呼喊,例如“~~助威”、“摇旗~~”。 (English: to cry out loudly, such as “shouting slogans”, “waving flags loudly”.) 呐 [nà] 动词 1. 呐喊,大叫。 (English: to cry out) 引: 1. 《水浒传》:且说史进就中堂又放起火来,大开了庄门,呐声喊,杀将出来。 (Translation: "In the Water Margin, it is stated that at this moment, Shi Jin set fire to the main hall, opened the courtyard door wide, and shouted loudly as he rushed out to fight.") 呐 [nà] 叹词 1. 表示提醒注意。 (English: to draw attention) 引: 1. 吉学沛《田野里的追逐》:呐,我们可以开始了。 (Translation: "In Jixuepei's 'Chasing in the Fields': 'Hey, we can start now.'") 2. 另见 nè。 呐 [nè] 形容词 1. 古同“讷”,说话迟钝。 (English: same as "nè", meaning slow of speech.) 呐 [nè] 动词 1. 小声说话。 (English: to whisper; speak in a low voice) 2. 另见 nà。 呐 [nè] 形容词 1. 本义: 说话迟钝或口吃。 (English: original meaning: slow of speech or stuttering.) 造字法: 会意兼形声。从口,从内,内亦声。讲话迟钝或口吃,好像在口内存留。 (Compound character: a combination of ideogram and phonetic. From "mouth" and "inside". It suggests inability to speak smoothly.) 引: 1. 《说文》:言之讷也。 (Translation: "In ‘Shuowen’, it is said to be slow of speech.") 2. 《荀子·非相》:其辩不若其呐也。 (Translation: "In ‘Xunzi’, it is stated that his eloquence is inferior to his stammering.") 3. 《汉书·李广传》:广呐口少言。 (Translation: "In ‘Historical Records’, it states that Guang spoke little and slowly.") 4. 《汉书·鲍宣传》:臣宣呐钝于辞。 (Translation: "In ‘The Book of Han’, it mentions that Xuan is slow in words.") 5. 《韩非子·八经》:呐者言之疑。 (Translation: "In ‘Han Feizi,’ it states that ‘nè’ indicates doubt in speech.") 例: 又如:呐口(说话困难,不流畅);呐吃(口吃, 说话结结巴巴);呐呐(说话迟钝);呐钝(语言迟钝)。 (Translation: Examples include: "nàkǒu" (difficulty speaking, not fluent); "nèchī" (stuttering, speaking haltingly); "nàna" (slow speech); "nèdùn" (slow in language).) 呐 [nè] 动词 1. 小声说话。(English: to whisper; speak in a low voice) 引: 1. 《水浒》:只听得差拨口里呐出一句‘高太尉’三个字来。 (Translation: "In ‘Water Margin,’ it is noted that someone quietly spoke the words 'Gao Taiwei'.") 2. 另见 nà。
suǒ nà
suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes / also written 鎖吶|锁呐 / also called 喇叭[la3 ba5]
yáo qí nà hǎn
to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on / to give support to
nà hǎn zhù wēi
cheer / shout loudly to encourage / shout encouragement / shout one's support
nà hǎn shēng
slogan / hubbub
suǒ nà shēng
nà hǎn
shout / rallying cry / cheering / to shout

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Input Method for
Pinyin na4
Four Corner
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