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啄 stroke order animation

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啄 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 啄
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 啄
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhuó
to peck
啄 (zhuó) 〈动〉 【本义】: 鸟用嘴取食 [Original Meaning]: Birds use their beaks to obtain food. 1. 鸟类用嘴叩击并夹住东西 ([En.] peck) [Birds strike and hold things with their beaks.] 例: ~食。~木鸟。鸡~米。 Example: Pecking for food. Woodpecker. The chicken pecks at rice. 2. 用嘴理 ([En.] preen) [Use the beak to groom.] 例: 如:啄毛 Example: For example, preening feathers. 3. 敲击 ([En.] knock) [Strike.] 例: 潘必正《杨柳枝》:归来残月窥窗角,星初落,几回欲把朱扉啄,人知觉。 Example: In Pan Bizheng's "Willow Branch": "Returning to see the waning moon peering at the window corner, with the stars just falling, how many times do I want to peck at the vermilion door, but no one notices." 4. 咬 ([En.] bite) [Bite.] 例: 《楚辞·宋玉·招魂》:虎豹九关,啄害下人些。 Example: In "Chuci - Song Yu - Invoking the Soul": "Tigers and leopards harm the people under nine barriers." 引: 1. 《说文》:啄,鸟食也。 [Shuowen: "Zhuó, bird eating."] 2. 《广雅》:啄啮也。 [Guangya: "Pecking and nibbling."] 3. 唐·白居易《钱塘湖春行》:谁家燕子啄春泥。 [Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi, "Spring Walk by Qiantang Lake": "Whose swallows are pecking at the spring mud?"] 4. 唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》:檐牙高啄。 [Tang Dynasty, Du Mu, "Ode to the Epang Palace": "The eaves jut high and peck."] 5. 《聊斋志异·促织》:径进以啄。 [Liaozhai Zhiyi, "The Cricket": "Directly approaching to peck."] 例: 又如: 幸啄不中。 Example: For instance, it happened to peck incorrectly. 又如: 啄抱(禽鸟幼雏破壳而出);啄啄(禽鸟取食的样子);啄饮(啄食饮水);啄噪(啄食鸣叫);啄木 Example: For example, pecking out (young birds breaking out of the shell); the action of pecking for food; pecking and drinking; pecking and chirping; woodpecking.
zhuó mù niǎo
zhuó shí
(of a bird) to peck at food
bō zhuó
(onom.) tap (on a door or window)

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Pinyin zhuo2
Four Corner
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