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古 stroke order animation

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古 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 古
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 古
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Meaning of

ancient / old
古 [gǔ] 名 (Noun) 1. 时代久远的,过去的,与“今”相对。 Ancient times; referring to a distant past, in contrast with "now." 例: 古代; 古风 (ancient customs) 2. 古体诗的简称。 Abbreviation for ancient-style poetry. 例: 五古 (five-character ancient poetry); 七古 (seven-character ancient poetry) 3. 姓。 A surname. 古 [gǔ] 形 (Adjective) 1. 久远;古老 (ancient; age-old) Used to describe things that have existed for a very long time. 例: 古文明 (ancient civilization); 古王朝 (ancient dynasty) 2. 质朴 (simple). 例: 古穆 (simple and solemn); 古健 (simple and robust) 3. 奇特,不同凡俗;执拗 (strange). 例: 古执 (stubbornness); 古董 (a conservative person) 4. 旧,原来 (old; former). 例: 古法 (old methods); 古诗 (ancient poetry) 1. 同本义 ([En.] ancient times). 2. 古代的事物,特指先哲的遗典、道统。古代的典章、文献 ([En.] books or orthodoxies of ancient sages). 3. 古人 ([En.] the ancients). 4. 天 ([En.] Heaven). 5. 古体诗的简称 ([En.] form of pre-Tang poetry). 6. 古巴的简称 ([En.] Cuba). 7. 象声词 ([En.] onomatopoeia).
gǔ mù
old tomb (archaeology)
Měng gǔ
míng shèng gǔ jì
historical sites and scenic spots
gǔ chéng
ancient city
gǔ guài
eccentric / grotesque / oddly / queer
gǔ rén
people from ancient times / the ancients / the late (i.e. person who has passed away)
gǔ jì
places of historic interest / historical sites / CL:個|个[ge4]
zì gǔ
(since) ancient times / (from) time immemorial
kǎo gǔ
gǔ Xī là
ancient Greece
Gǔ bā
Měng gǔ rén
gǔ chēng
Ancient name
gǔ dū
ancient capital
kǎo gǔ xué
Táng gǔ lā shān
Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau
Kā lǎ qìn Zuǒ yì Měng gǔ zú Zì zhì xiàn
Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning
jiè gǔ yù jīn
to borrow the past as a model for the present
gǔ bǎo
ancient castle
gǔ mù qún
Bó Gǔ
Bo Gu (1907-1946), Soviet-trained Chinese Communist, journalist and propagandist, 1930s Left adventurist, subsequently rehabilitated, killed in air crash
qiān gǔ
for all eternity / throughout all ages
Tài gǔ zhòu
Archaean (geological eon before 2500m years ago)
gǔ zhòu
Ancient universe
gǔ sì
an ancient temple / an old temple
gǔ shī
mummy / ancient corpse
gǔ miào
ancient temple / old temple
diāo zuān gǔ guài
cunning / queer / an eccentric person with a streak of the fox in him / sly and capricious / tricky service
gǔ chà
old Buddhist temple
lā gǔ
Raghu / Lacourt
gǔ zhuō
Gu Zhuo
gǔ diǎn
gǔ diǎn zhǔ yì
Nèi měng gǔ
Inner Mongolia / abbr. for 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1], Inner Mongolia autonomous region
mó gǔ
model or pattern after ancient style
gǔ xī
(literary) ancient times / in olden days
gǔ pǔ
simple and unadorned (of art, architecture etc)
Wǎ jiā dù gǔ
Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso
Bā yīn guō léng Měng gǔ Zì zhì zhōu
Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang
gǔ zhāng
Ancient camphor
Gǔ ěr bān tōng gǔ tè Shā mò
Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang
zhèn gǔ shuò jīn
shaking the old and illuminating the new (idiom); surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries / glorious and world-shattering
gǔ dài
ancient times / olden times
仿 fǎng gǔ
pseudo-classical / modeled on antique / in the old style
là mǎ gǔ yuán
gǔ wán
antique / curio
gǔ qín tái
Ancient Lute Platform / Boya Platform
gǔ jīn
then and now / ancient and modern
gǔ jǐng
ancient well
gèn gǔ
throughout time / from ancient times (up to the present)
gèn gǔ wèi yǒu
unprecedented / never seen since ancient times
gǔ zhēng
zither or guzheng / large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times
gǔ jí
ancient text / antique books
gǔ rén lèi
ancient hominid species such as Homo erectus, Neanderthal man etc
gǔ Luó mǎ
ancient Rome
yī gǔ nǎo r
variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yi1 gu3 nao3 r5]
Gǔ lìn xiàn
Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan
Měng gǔ guó
Nèi měng gǔ Zì zhì qū
Inner Mongolia autonomous region, abbr. 內蒙古|内蒙古[Nei4 meng3 gu3], capital Hohhot 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4]
měng gǔ rén zhǒng
Mongoloid / the Mongolian stock
méng gǔ gāo yuán
Mongolian Plateau
nèi méng gǔ gāo yuán
Inner Mongolian Plateau
gǔ xùn
old adage / ancient teaching
jiè gǔ fěng jīn
to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)
gǔ shī
old verse / Classical Chinese poem
rén shēng zì gǔ shéi wú sǐ
Men are mortal. / Death comes to all men.
gǔ yàn
ancient proverb / old saying
nián yú gǔ xī
over seventy years old
gǔ zhèn
ancient town / old town / heritage town(已列入保护项目)

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