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音 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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音 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 音
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 音
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Meaning of

Pinyin yīn
sound / noise / news
音 [yīn] 名词 1. 声,亦特指有节奏的声。 (Sound; also specifically refers to rhythmic sound.) 2. 信息,消息。 (Information; news.) 3. 同本义 (sound; voice) - 同本义:声音。 (Same original meaning: voice.) 4. 音乐 (music tone) - 音乐:如音律、音调。 (Music: such as musical rhythm, pitch.) 5. 泛指语言、消息、讯息等 (news; message; information) - 泛指:信息、消息。 (General reference: information, news.) 6. 字的音读 (pronunciation) - 例:字音的发音。 (Example: pronunciation of characters.) 引自: - 《说文》:音,声也。生于心,有节于外。谓之音。 (From "Shuowen": Sound is voice. It is born from the heart and has rhythm externally; this is called sound.) - 《白虎通·礼乐》:八音。一说笙、祝、鼓、箫、琴、埙、钟、磬也。 (From "Baihu Tong": Eight sounds. Some say they are Sheng, Zhu, Gu, Xiao, Qin, Xun, Zhong, and Qing.) - 《礼记·乐记》:凡音之起,由人心生也。声成文,谓之音。 (From "Liji": The rise of sound comes from the heart of man. When sound forms writing, it is called音.) - 《庄子》:鸡狗之音相闻。 (From "Zhuangzi": The sound of chickens and dogs is mutually heard.) 例: - 音强(指声音的强弱。也叫响度或音势。音的强弱,因发音体振动时之振幅大小而异,振幅大者则音强,振幅小者则音弱)。 (Sound strength: refers to the intensity of a sound, also called loudness or sound momentum. The strength of sound varies with the amplitude of vibration when speaking.) - 音韵(指“汉”字字音中的声、韵、调)。 (Phonetic features: refers to the tones, rhymes, and pitches in the pronunciation of Chinese characters.) 音 [yīn] 名词 1. 树荫。 (Shade of trees.) - 例:鹿死不择音,小国之事大国也。 (Example: "When a deer dies, it does not choose shade; matters of small countries pertain to great countries.")
yīn chā
tuning fork
yīn xiǎng
sound / acoustics / audio / hi-fi system / stereo sound system / abbr. for 組合音響|组合音响[zu3 he2 yin1 xiang3]
shào yīn
BIRDIE / edge tone
xiāo míng yīn
wheeze / wheezing rale
hóu yīn
guttural sound / (linguistics) glottal (or laryngeal) consonant
sǎng yīn
zào yīn
rumble / noise / static (in a signal)
yīn yù
vocal range / register (music)
shēng yīn
voice / sound / CL:個|个[ge4]
xián wài zhī yīn
overtone (music) / (fig.) connotation / implied meaning
lù yīn
to record (sound) / sound recording / CL:個|个[ge4]
lù yīn jī
(tape) recording machine / tape recorder / CL:臺|台[tai2]
yīn lǜ
tuning / temperament
kuò yīn qì
megaphone / loudspeaker / amplifier / microphone
kuò yīn
to amplify (sound)
pīn yīn
phonetic writing / pinyin (Chinese romanization)
Hàn yǔ Pīn yīn
Hanyu Pinyin, the romanization system used in the PRC since the 1960s
pīn yīn wén zì
phonetic alphabet / alphabetic writing system
bō yīn
to transmit / to broadcast
bō yīn yuán
announcer / broadcaster
yǎo wú yīn xìn
to have no news whatever
yǎo wú yīn xùn
disappear without a trace / no news has been received for a long time
Bā yīn guō léng Měng gǔ Zì zhì zhōu
Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang
yīn xiàng
audio and video / audiovisual
fàn yīn
overtone / a harmonic
bō yīn
mordent (music)
zhuó yīn
voiced consonant (English z or v, as opposed to unvoiced s or f)
yù yīn
(deferential) your letter
qín yīn
fú yīn
good news / glad tidings / gospel
dí yīn
whistling / sibilant rale / syrigmophonia
yīn fú
(music) note / phonetic component of a Chinese character / phonetic symbol / phonogram
yīn xiāng
loudspeaker box / speaker (audio equipment) / resonating chamber of a musical instrument / sound box
yīn yuè táng
Concert hall
yīn yuè jiā
yīn yuè
music / CL:張|张[zhang1],曲[qu3],段[duan4]
yīn jié
yú yīn niǎo niǎo
The music lingered in the air long after the performance ended. / The enchanting notes persist long after the musicians bowed out. / The dying sounds are carried far.
Guān yīn
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
yīn xùn
letters / mail / news / messages / correspondence
yīn yì
transliteration (rendering phonetic value, e.g. of English words in Chinese characters) / characters giving phonetic value of Chinese word or name (when the correct characters may be unknown) / transcription (linguistics) / to transcribe phonetic symbols
yì yīn
phonetic transcription / transliteration
yǔ yīn
speech sounds / pronunciation / colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character / phonetic / audio / voice / (Internet) to voice chat / voice message
dú yīn
pronunciation / literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character
xié yīn
homonym / homophone / harmonic (component of sound)
chāo yīn sù
fǔ yīn
yī chuí dìng yīn
lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow / fig. to make the final decision
guān yīn gé
Guanyin Pavilion
yīn jiē
musical scale
mǐ mǐ zhī yīn
decadent or obscene music
kǒu yīn
oral speech sounds (linguistics)
zhī yīn
intimate friend / soul mate
huà yīn
one's speaking voice / tone / implication
fā yīn
to pronounce / pronunciation / to emit sound
shōu yīn jī
radio / CL:臺|台[tai2]
yīn yùn
music / rhyme and rhythm / initial, 音[yin1], and final and tone, 韻|韵[yun4], of a Chinese character / phoneme
yīn yùn xué
Chinese phonetics (concerned also with rhyme in poetry)
yīn pín
audio / sound / audio frequency / sound frequency
chàn yīn
vibrato (of stringed instrument) / trill (in phonetics)

Same Pronunciation Characters

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Input Method for
Pinyin yin1
Four Corner
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