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意 stroke order animation

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意 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 意
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Meaning of

idea / meaning / wish / desire / (abbr.) Italy
意 [yì] [名] 【本义】: 心志。心意 1. 心思: emotion; feelings. (Examples: 意思, 意见, 意义, 意味, 意念, 意志) 2. 心愿,愿望: wish; desire. (Examples: 意愿, 愿意, 意向, 意图, 意皆, 好意, "醉翁之意不在酒") 3. 人或事物流露的情态: the manifestation or expression of people or things; sentiment. (Examples: 春意, 诗意, 惬意, 情意, 意境) 4. 料想,猜想: to guess or speculate. (Examples: 意料, 意想, 意外) 意 [yì] [动] 1. 思念;放在心上: to miss; to keep in mind. 2. 意料;猜测: to anticipate; to expect. 3. 怀疑: to doubt. (The following are more detailed meanings and usages): 1. 同本义 ([En.] meaning; idea) 2. 意志;愿望。亦引申为志向 ([En.] desire; intention; will) 3. 胸怀;内心 ([En.] heart) 4. 情意;感情 ([En.] affection; emotion) 5. 意气;气势 ([En.] will and spirit) 6. 意图 ([En.] intention) 7. 神情、态度 ([En.] expression; manner) 引: 1. 《说文》:意,志也。 2. 《春秋繁露·循天之道》:心之所谓意。 3. 《史记·项羽本纪》:今者项庄拔剑舞,其意常在沛公也。 4. 汉·贾谊《过秦论》:通其意。 5. 晋·陶渊明《饮酒》:中有真意。 6. 明·魏禧《大铁椎传》:不快我意。 7. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:无意则已。 8. 《齐民要术》:蔡伦立意造纸。 9. 宋·欧阳修《醉翁亭记》:醉翁之意不在酒。 10. 清·薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:其意深长。 例: 又如: 文章大意; 词不达意。亦指念头,想法。 如: 意投道合(心意投合,志向一致); 意故(意思,缘故); 意定(认定); 意头(心意; 想法); 意马(意念的马。比喻意念像野马般奔驰,难以驾驭)。 意志;愿望。亦引申为志向 ([En.] desire; intention; will) 引: 1. 《管子·君臣下》:明君在上,便僻不能食其意。 例: 又如: 意缓心劳(冀求不执着; 三心二意); 意足心满(非常满足); 意树(喻意念。佛教认为人的一切善果、恶果都由意念所生); 意宪(意志,意思); 意望(愿望,希望)。 胸怀;内心 ([En.] heart) 引: 1. 《云门颂》:除尔贪图,祗慎意业。 例: 又如: 意业(佛教语。指内心的贪、淫、痴等心理行为); 意气超迈(器宇轩昂,抱负远大); 意概(气概,胸怀); 意会(内心领会)。 情意;感情 ([En.] affection; emotion) 引: 1. 宋·欧阳修《醉翁亭记》:醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。 2. 《聊斋志异》:久之,目似瞑,意暇甚。 例: 又如: 意蕊横飞(非常高兴); 意得过(过意得去); 意孜孜(情意缠绵); 意不过(情意上过不去); 意分(交情,情分); 意好(感情); 意孜孜(情意缠绵貌); 意性(情态); 意情(情意)。 意气;气势 ([En.] will and spirit) 引: 1. 《世说新语·雅量》:意色举止,不异于常。 例: 又如: 意大(傲慢); 意小(小气,气量小); 意局(气度); 意脉(气质; 情态); 意量(气度); 意貌(神色); 意调(意境); 意界(意境,境界)。 意图 ([En.] intention) 引: 1. 《楚辞》:用君之心,行君之意。 2. 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:一狼洞其中,意将隧入以攻其后也。 神情、态度 ([En.] expression; manner) 引: 1. 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:其一犬坐于前。久之,目似瞑,意暇甚。 2. 《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》:意少舒。 动: 1. 思念;放在心上 ([En.] miss)。 例: 如: 意悬悬(忐忑不安; 提心吊胆); 意悬(挂念); 意顾(挂念)。 2. 意料;猜测 ([En.] anticipate; expect). 引: 1. 《管子·小问》:而小人善意。臣意之也。 2. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:何意致不厚。 3. 宋·文天祥《指南录·后序》:意北亦尚可以。 4. 《聊斋志异·促织》:当其为里正、受扑责时,岂意其至此哉? 5. 清·周容《芋老人传》:不意作缘。 6. 蔡元培《图画》:多以意构。 例: 又如: 意定(猜定); 意度(揣测; 设想)。 3. 怀疑 ([En.] doubt). 引: 1. 《汉书·梁孝王武传》:于是天子意梁。 例: 又如: 意意似似(意意思思。犹犹豫豫; 吞吞吐吐); 意疑(怀疑); 意忌(疑忌)。
hán yì
yì wèi zhe
to signify / to mean / to imply
yì wèi
meaning / implication / flavor / overtone / to mean / to imply / (Tw) to get a sense of
tóng yì
to agree / to consent / to approve
shàn yì
goodwill / benevolence / kindness
yì tú
intent / intention / to intend
yì jìng
artistic mood or conception / creative concept
yì wài
unexpected / accident / mishap / CL:個|个[ge4]
gòu yì si
wonderful / great / delightful / very kind / generous
sì yì wàng wéi
see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2]
zì yì wàng wéi
to behave unscrupulously
yī yì gū xíng
obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom) / willful / one's own way / dogmatic
hán yì
a nip in the air / chilliness
yù yì
moral (of a story) / lesson to be learned / implication / message / import / metaphorical meaning
zì yì
without restraint / unbridled / reckless
qiè yì
satisfied / pleased / contented
yì jiàn
idea / opinion / suggestion / objection / complaint / CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2]
dé yì
proud of oneself / pleased with oneself / complacent
kè yì
meticulous / painstaking / deliberate
yì jiàn hán
comment letter
chuàng yì
creative / creativity
Yì dà lì
Italy / Italian
Dé yì zhì
German (phonetic rendition of "Deutsch") / Germany
yì zhì
will / willpower / determination / CL:個|个[ge4]
dé yì wàng xíng
so pleased as to lose one's sense of measure / beside oneself with joy
shū hu dà yì
oversight / negligence / careless / negligent / not concentrating on the main point
怀 bù huái hǎo yì
to harbor evil designs / to harbor malicious intentions
yì shí xíng tài
yì si
idea / opinion / meaning / wish / desire / interest / fun / token of appreciation, affection etc / CL:個|个[ge4] / to give as a small token / to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc
bù hǎo yì si
to feel embarrassed / to find it embarrassing / to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)
yǒu yì si
interesting / meaningful / enjoyable / fun
è yì
malice / evil intention
yuàn yì
to wish / to want / ready / willing (to do sth)
zhù yì
to take note of / to pay attention to
gù yì
deliberately / on purpose
mǎn yì
satisfied / pleased / to one's satisfaction
yì shí
consciousness / awareness / to be aware / to realize
shēng yì
life force / vitality
xīn yì
regard / kindly feelings / intention
yǒu yì
to intend / intentionally / interested in
suí yì
as one wishes / according to one's wishes / at will / voluntary / conscious
yì yuàn
aspiration / wish (for) / desire
xīn huāng yì luàn
confused / rattled / flustered
xīn huī yì lǎn
discouraged / downhearted
zhí yì
to be determined to / to insist on
shòu yì
to inspire / to incite
jué yì
to be determined
liáng yì
a slight chill
yì yáng
Italian poplar
dí yì
enmity / hostility
jìng yì
respect / tribute
wú yì
inadvertent / accidental / to have no intention of (doing sth)
zhǐ yì
decree / order
yì zhǐ
will / intention / wish
nuǎn yì
róu qíng mì yì
zuò shēng yì
to do business
juàn yì
weariness / tiredness / sleepiness
yì yù
purpose / plan / conation / intend / mean
qiàn yì
apology / regret
wāi zhǔ yì
Crooked idea
dǎi yì
evil intent / malice
yì zài pèi gōng
Intention to Peigong
zhù yì lì
xīn mǎn yì zú
perfectly contented (idiom) / perfectly satisfied
qián yì shí
unconscious mind / subconscious mind / subconsciousness
rèn yì
arbitrary / at will / at random
xīn fán yì luàn
lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety
tè yì
specially / intentionally
yì yóu wèi jìn
to wish to continue sth / to have not fully expressed oneself
xīn yuán yì mǎ
lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.) / to have ants in one's pants / hyperactive / adventurous and uncontrollable
yì mǎ xīn yuán
in a restless and jumpy mood / restless and whimsical
wán yì r
erhua variant of 玩意[wan2 yi4]
wán yì
toy / plaything / thing / act / trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc)
yì xìng lán shān
with flagging interest / fell dispirited / One's interest is worn-out.
Yì Jiǎ
Serie A, the top division of the Italian football league system
liú yì
to be mindful / to pay attention to / to take note of
má bì dà yì
unwary / negligent
chūn yì àng rán
Spring is in the air. / Spring is evident everywhere. / Spring is very much in the air. / It's a furious spring.
shuì yì
shì yì
to hint / to indicate (an idea to sb)
chán yì
buddhist mood
jiè yì
to care about / to take offense / to mind
xiào yì
smiling expression
qíng yì mián mián
everlasting love / very much enamored
zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ
wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol / having an ulterior motive / to have other things in mind / with an ax to grind / accomplishing something besides what one set out to do
sì yì
wantonly / recklessly / willfully
zhǔ yi
plan / idea / decision / CL:個|个[ge4] / Beijing pr. [zhu2 yi5]
yì yì
sense / meaning / significance / importance / CL:個|个[ge4]
chū hū yì liào
beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
lè yì
to be willing to do sth / to be ready to do sth / to be happy to do sth / content / satisfied
shū yì huǎn
xù yì
deliberate / premeditated / malice
yì yùn
inner meaning / implication / connotation
yán jiǎn yì gāi
concise and comprehensive (idiom)
xià yì shí
subconscious mind
yǒu yì shí
yì yì
meaning (of foreign expression) / translation of the meaning (as opposed to literal translation 直譯|直译) / paraphrase / free translation
shī yì
poetry / poetic quality or flavor
chéng yì
sincerity / good faith

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