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授 stroke order animation

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授 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 授
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 授
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Meaning of

Pinyin shòu
to teach / to instruct / to award / to give
授 [shòu] 【Verb】 【Primary Meaning】: To give; to hand over 1. To give, to confer: 予. 权. 命. 奖. 旗. 衔. 意. (English: award; confer; give) 2. To teach, to pass on: 业. (English: instruct; teach) ### Additional Meanings: 1. Same as the primary meaning (English: award; confer; give) 2. To return; to hand back (English: return) 3. To appoint (English: appoint) 4. Examples: - 授正 (to appoint officials) - 授用 (to employ) - 授能 (to employ capable individuals) 5. To transmit; to instruct (English: instruct; teach) 6. To take (a wife), especially referring to the practice in ancient times of marrying a woman for a son (English: take) 7. Equivalent to “受”. To accept (English: accept) ### Contextual Illustrations: - In 《说文》: 授,予也. According to this, "授" appears to be a later developed character. - In 《周礼·邻长》: 则从而授之. - In 《左传·僖公二十八年》: 献俘授馘. Note: "数也." - In 《国语·鲁语》: 今日必授. Note: "与也." - In 《资治通鉴》: 君言当击,甚与孤合,此天以君授孤也. - In the work of Wang Anshi: 议法度而修之于朝廷,以授之于有司,不为侵官. ### Examples of Usage: - 授受 (handover; the act of giving and accepting) - 授兵 (to give arms to soldiers) - 授官厅 (government office) - 授玉 (to give jade) - 授室 (to entrust family matters to the new wife) - 授赏 (to reward) - 授简 (to give a letter) - 授以全权 (to confer full authority) - 授位 (to grant a position) - 授政 (to confer the throne) This comprehensive overview of the character "授" incorporates its meanings, examples, and historical references, providing a clear understanding for both Chinese and English readers.
shòu xūn
to award an honor
fù jiào shòu
associate professor (university post)
hán shòu
to teach by correspondence
jiào shòu
professor / to instruct / to lecture on / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
jiǎng shòu
to lecture / to teach (a college course)
shòu quán
to authorize
shòu kè
to teach / to give lessons
shòu yì
to inspire / to incite
kǒu shòu
dictate / oral instruction / pass on (sth.) through oral instruction
shòu fěn
shòu zhí
rén gōng shòu jīng
artificial insemination
kè zuò jiào shòu
visiting professor / guest professor
shòu shòu
to give and accept
shòu tú
zhuī shòu
poshumously awarded
shòu jiǎng
to award a prize
shòu shí
to broadcast a time signal
shòu rén yǐ bǐng
to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom) / to give someone a hold on oneself
chuán shòu
to impart / to pass on / to teach
tiān shòu lǐ fǎ yán zuò
God-given method Yanzuo
shòu yǔ
to award / to confer
shòu yǔ quán
shòu yǔ
variant of 授予[shou4 yu3]
shòu xián
rank of professor / academic title

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Input Method for
Pinyin shou4
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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