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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

掠 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

掠 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 掠
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 掠
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin lüè
掠 [lüè] 1. 夺取: to plunder; to seize - 夺: to take - 抢: to rob - 劫: to hijack 2. 擦过: to brush past - 视: to glance - 浮光: flickering light - 影: shadow 3. 拷打: to torture; to interrogate - 笞: to whip - 治: to discipline - 拷: to question under duress 4. 砍伐: to cut down; to chop - 林: forest 5. 顺手抓取: to grab conveniently; to take up - 随手: at hand - 棍子: stick 【本义】: 抢劫,夺取 (Original meaning: robbery; to seize) 【造字法】: 形声。从手,京声 (Character formation method: phono-semantic compound, from "hand" and "capital sound") 1. 同本义 ([En.] plunder; seize) - 引: 《说文新附》:掠,夺取也 (Cited: "Shuōwén xīnfù": "lüè", to seize.) 2. 按: 掠是“略”的分别字,以别于经略、简略的略 ([En.] Note: “lüè” is a distinct character from “lüè” to differentiate from “strategic” and “abridge”) 3. 拷打;拷问 ([En.] torture) - 引: 《南史·柳仲礼传》:毒掠百姓 (Cited: "Southern History", "Drug and plunder the people.") 4. 拂过 ([En.] brush) - 引: 明· 袁宏道《满井游记》:髻鬟之始掠 (Cited: "Mǎnjǐng travels": "the hairpin first brushes".) 5. 砍伐;砍 ([En.] cut) - 引: 《水浒传》:(【英】:武松]赶上一刀,掠断了马脚 (Cited: "Water Margin": "Wu Song rushed and cut the horse leg with one stroke.") 6. 梳理 ([En.] comb) - 引: 金· 董解元《西厢记诸宫调》:镜儿里不住照,把须鬓掠了重掠 (Cited: "The West Chamber": "In the mirror, it is continuously reflected, combing the beard with another comb.") 7. 用某种小动作来表明或传达一种感情 ([En.] flicker) - 例: 如:他嘴角上掠过一丝微笑 (Example: "A faint smile flickered at the corner of his mouth.") 8. 〈方〉∶顺手拿,抄 ([En.] take up) - 例: 如:他掠起一根棒子就打 (Example: "He picked up a stick to strike.") 9. 扔;抛 ([En.] cast) - 引: 明· 笑笑生《金瓶梅》:春梅把鞋掠在地下 (Cited: "Jin Ping Mei": "Chunmei cast the shoes on the ground.") 10. 压;商议 ([En.] force; discuss) - 例: 如:掠阵(压阵;助威) (Example: to pressure; to support.)
lüè duó
to plunder / to rob
jié lüè
to loot / to plunder
qiǎng lüè
to loot / looting
lüè guò
to flit across / to sweep past / to glance (strike at an angle)
lüè zǒu
lǔ lüè
to loot / to pillage / to sack
lüè qǔ
to plunder / to pillage / to loot
hòu lüè jiǎo
sweepback / backward sweep
gōng lüè
shāo shā qiǎng lüè
burning, killing and pillaging
lüè duó xìng
fēi lüè
lüè yǐng
glimpse / glance / portrait / sketch / snapshot / shufty
fú guāng lüè yǐng
flickering light and passing shadows (idiom) / blurred scenery / cursory / superficial
lüè duó shì
gōng chéng lüě dì
jié lüè yī kōng
make a clean sweep / carry off everything / put to sack (and pillage)
qīn lüè

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Input Method for
Pinyin lve4
Four Corner
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