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过 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 过
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 过
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Meaning of

Pinyin guò、 guo、 guō
(experienced action marker) / to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / (surname) / excessively / too-
过 guò 【verb】 1. Go across; pass through. (从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时) Examples: 过江 (cross the river), 过马路 (cross the street), 过账 (settle accounts). 2. Exceed; go beyond. (超出) Examples: 过于 (exceed), 过度 (excessive), 过甚 (go too far). 3. Pass by; go over. (过去(过后)) Examples: 三伏已过 (the hottest days have passed), 雨过天晴 (after the rain, the sky clears up). 4. Euphemism for dying; pass away. (去世) Examples: 过世 (pass away), 过作 (die). 5. Give; pass something to someone. (给予;递给) Examples: 过书 (send a letter), 过茶 (serve tea). 6. Cross; ferry. (渡过) Examples: 过江 (cross the river), 过渡 (transit). 7. Transfer; transition. (转移;过渡) Examples: 过户 (transfer property), 过渡期 (transition period). 8. Infect (方言). (传染) Example: 过病 (catch a disease). 9. Spend time; pass time. (度过;过活) Examples: 过日子 (spend days), 过阴天儿 (rest). 10. Visit; call on. (来访;前往拜访;探望) Examples: 过临 (visit), 过晤 (meet). 11. Associate; contact. (交往;相处) Examples: 过从 (interact), 过节 (celebrate festivals together). 12. Converse; talk with each other. (交谈) Example: 过谈 (visit and chat). 13. Error; make a mistake. (错误) Examples: 记过 (record a mistake), 过失 (slip). 14. Lose. (失去) Example: 过序 (lose order). 15. Blame; censure. (怪罪;责难) Example: 责过 (blame). 16. Adopt; marry. (继入;赘入或嫁人) Example: 过继 (adopt a son). 17. Dialect; refers to a sow giving birth. (方言。指母猪生小猪) Example: 过下来的小猪 (pigs that are born). 18. Transport; convey. (传递) Example: 过嘴 (pass words along). 19. Help swallow; eat along with. (帮助咽下;和着吃) Examples: 过酒 (pass wine). 20. Wash off; rinse. (冲刷;漂洗) Example: 过水 (rinse with water). 21. [Modal particle]. (语助) 22. Used after a verb to indicate exceeding or passing. Example: 过不去 (can't pass). 23. Used after a verb to indicate completion. Example: 吃过 (finished eating). 24. Used after a verb to indicate that an action or change has occurred, but not continued to the present. Example: 读过书 (used to read books). 过 guò 【noun】 1. Unintentional criminal acts; mistakes. (无意的犯法或作恶行为;错误) Example: 过失 (fault). 2. Dialect; reason or cause. (缘故) Example: 离家远的过 (the reason for being far from home). 3. Also pronounced as "huò," meaning disaster or adversity. (灾殃) Example: 大过 (great disaster). 过 guò 【adjective】 Excessive; too much. (过分;;过于;太甚) Example: 过头话 (exaggerated talk). 过 guò 【measure word】 1. Time; iteration. (遍;次) Example: 一过 (once). 2. See also guō. Also, the character 过 can be used as a surname. 过 Guō 【noun】 1. Name of an ancient state, located near the present-day Yexian, Shandong Province. (古国名) 2. Surname, from the descendants of the Guo state. 3. See also guò.
qù guò
shòu guò
zhǐ bu guò
only / merely / nothing but / no more than / it's just that ...
huí guò
guò jìng
to pass through a country's territory / transit
shú néng wú guò
Can't fail
guò wǎng
to come and go / to have friendly relations with / in the past / previous
guò shèng
surplus / excess
shēng chǎn guò shèng
huǐ guò
to regret / to repent
niù bu guò
can't persuade / unable to make (sb) change their mind / unable to resist (sb)
lüè guò
to flit across / to sweep past / to glance (strike at an angle)
jiē guò
to take (sth proffered)
guò dōng
to get through the winter
guò qù
(in the) past / former / previous / to go over / to pass by
cāo zhī guò jí
to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient / overhasty
cā jiān ér guò
brief encounter / to brush past sb
cā shēn ér guò
to brush past
guò mǐn xìng
hypersensitive / allergic reaction / anaphylaxis
guò mǐn zhèng
hypersensitivity / erethism
shén jīng guò mǐn
jumpy / nervous / oversensitive
guò guān zhǎn jiàng
to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom) / abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4]
guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng
lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom) / fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
guò zǎo
premature / untimely
cóng wèi yǒu guò
have no precedent
guò lái
to come over / to manage / to handle / to be able to take care of
jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng
to overcorrect (idiom) / to overcompensate
guò yǎng huà qīng
hydrogen peroxide H2O2
guò yǎng huà wù
guò dù
to cross over (by ferry) / transition / interim / caretaker (administration)
guò lǜ
to filter / filter
dù guò
to cross over / to pass through
guò dù xìng
transitional / bridging
guò dù qī
transitional period / interim period / layoff period
guò lǜ jī
filter separator
guò lǜ qì
filtering apparatus / (machine) filter
piào yáng guò hǎi
travel far away across the sea -- go abroad / sail across an ocean
dàn qiú wú guò
seek only to escape blame / seek only to avoid a flaw / only praying to commit no wrong
guò yóu bù jí
too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)
guò yǐn
to satisfy a craving / to get a kick out of sth / gratifying / immensely enjoyable / satisfying / fulfilling
guò bǎ yǐn
kàn guò
have seen / have read / have met / have watched
guò chéng
course of events / process / CL:個|个[ge4]
mán tiān guò hǎi
to cross the sea by a trick (idiom) / to achieve one's aim by underhanded means
穿 chuān guò
to pass through
guò yìng
to have perfect mastery of sth / to be up to the mark
guò yú
too much / excessively
guò chèng
weigh (on the steelyard) / take the weight of
guò shāi
sieving / riddling / sifting / select / sift out
jīng guò
to pass / to go through / process / course / CL:個|个[ge4]
rào guò
to detour / to bypass / to circumvent / to avoid / to wind around (of a road etc)
guò jì
to adopt / to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative)
zuì guo
sin / offense
fān guò
to turn over / to transform
shèng guò
to excel / to surpass
bù guò
only / merely / no more than / but / however / anyway (to get back to a previous topic) / cannot be more (after adjectival)
dé guò qiě guò
satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through / without high ambitions, but getting by
mò guò yú
nothing can surpass
guò lǜ
be overanxious / worry overmuch / worry unnecessarily
chāo guò
to surpass / to exceed / to outstrip
tōng guò
by means of / through / via / to pass through / to get through / to adopt / to pass (a bill or inspection etc) / to switch over
zǒu guò
to walk past / to pass by
yuè guò
to cross over / to transcend / to cover distance / to overcome / to rise above
yuè guò
jump ascross / leap over
kuà guò
to surmount / to cross over
duǒ guò
steer by / not to be caught and scolded or punished
zhuǎn guò
Turn over
shí guò jìng qiān
things change with the passage of time (idiom)
guò dù
excessive / over- / excess / going too far / extravagant / intemperate / overdue
guò fèn
excessive / undue / overly
guò nián
to celebrate the Chinese New Year
dù guò
to pass / to spend (time) / to survive / to get through
tòu guò
to pass through / to penetrate / by means of / via
féng nián guò jié
at the Chinese New Year or other festivities
guò cuò
mistake / fault / responsibility (for a fault)
shǎn guò
to flash through (one's mind) / to dodge (away from pursuers)
yī shǎn ér guò
to flash past / to flit by
nán guò
to feel sad / to feel unwell / (of life) to be difficult
shǐ guò
put over / roll by / plough through
guò jiāng zhī jì
a school of silver carps moving down a stream / a great number

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Pinyin guo4
Four Corner
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