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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

造 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

造 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 造
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 造
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Meaning of

Pinyin zào
to make / to build / to invent / to manufacture
造 [zào] 动词 1. 制作,做:to make; to do. 例:造物 (to create); 制造 (to manufacture). 2. 瞎编:to fabricate; to concoct. 例:胡编乱造 (to make ridiculous claims); 捏造 (to falsify). 3. 成就:to achieve; to accomplish. 例:造诣 (achievement). 4. 培养:to cultivate; to foster. 例:造就 (to bring up). 5. 相对两方面的人,法院里指诉讼的两方:the parties in a lawsuit; refers to the plaintiff and defendant in court. 例:甲造 (plaintiff); 乙造 (defendant). 6. 到,去:to go; to arrive. 例:造访 (to pay a visit). 7. 稻子等作物从播种到收割的次数:the number of harvests of crops from sowing to harvest. 例:一年两造 (two harvests a year). 8. 时代,年代:era; age. 例:末造 (the end of an era). 名词 1. 成就:achievement. 例:造士 (a person of achievement in academic fields). 2. 农作物的收成或收成的次数:crop; harvest. 例:早造 (early harvest). 3. 时代:time; age. 例:造年代 (historical era). 4. 旧时星命术士称人生辰干支:fortune in ancient astrology. 例:贱造 (a person with a bad birth fate). 5. 姓 (surname). 副词 1. 通“猝”:suddenly; abruptly. 例:造此 (this suddenly). 量词 农作物收获的次数:the number of harvests. 例:一年三造皆丰收 (three harvests a year, all successful).
zào fǎn
to rebel / to revolt
zào xíng
to model / to shape / appearance / style / design / form / pose
sù zào
to model / to mold / (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc) / (literature) to portray (in words)
zhì zào chǎng
manufacturing plant / factory
zào chuán chǎng
dockyard / shipyard
zào niè
to do evil / to commit sins
zào jiù
to bring up / to train / to contribute to / achievements (usually of young people)
shèng zào qī jí fú tú
Victory to build a seventh-level Buddha
dēng fēng zào jí
to reach great heights (in technical skills or scholastic achievements)
jiàn zào
to construct / to build
chuàng zào xìng
creativeness / creativity
zhì zào
to manufacture / to make
zào yáo huò zhòng
spread rumours to confusehoodwink / mislead] the people / fabricate rumours to mislead people / spread rumours to create confusion
niē zào
to make up / to fabricate
zào chéng
to bring about / to create / to cause
dǎ zào
to create / to build / to develop / to forge (of metal)
jiǎo róu zào zuò
pretension / affectation / putting on artificial airs
píng kōng niē zào
fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up
zào cè
zài zào
to give a new lease of life / to reconstruct / to reform / to rework / to recycle / to reproduce (copies, or offspring) / restoration / restructuring
gǎi zào
to transform / to reform / to remodel / to remold
bù gǎn zào cì
do not venture / not dare to be rash
gòu zào
structure / composition / tectonic (geology) / CL:個|个[ge4]
gòu zào yùn dòng
tectonic movement / movement of earth's crust
zào lín
chǔ yóu gòu zào
Oil storage structure
zào xiàng
chuàng zào
to create / to bring about / to produce / to set (a record)
cū zhì làn zào
to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work
wěi zào
to forge / to fake / to counterfeit
zào jià
construction cost
仿 fǎng zào
to copy / to produce sth after a model / to counterfeit
shāo zào
zào fú
to benefit (e.g. the people)
rén zào xiān wéi
synthetic fiber
zào zhǐ
zào zhǐ chǎng
paper mill
zhī zào
to weave / to manufacture by weaving
dì zào
to found / to create
dì zào zhě
creator (of a great work) / founder
yì zào
fabricate / make up
zào chuán
yíng zào
to build (housing) / to construct / to make
zào yì
academic or artistic attainments / to visit with sb / to call on sb
访 zào fǎng
to visit / to pay a visit
zào yáo
to start a rumor
zhì zào yè
manufacturing industry
rén zào
man-made / artificial / synthetic
zhù zào
to cast (pour metal into a mold)
qiǎn cí zào jù
wording and phrasing / choice of words and building of sentence
niàng zào
to brew / to make (wine, vinegar, soybean paste etc) by fermentation
zhù zào chǎng
jobbing foundry / foundry work
duàn zào
to forge (metal) / forging

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Input Method for
Pinyin zao4
Four Corner
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