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(also sheng4) able to do / competent enough to, peptide, victorious
胜 shèng
1. 在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的。
(To defeat the opponent in a struggle or competition or to achieve the intended purpose of an endeavor.)
例:胜利 (victory), 得胜 (to win), 胜券 (a guarantee of victory), 胜负 (win or loss), 无往不胜 (always victorious).
2. 超过,占优势。
(To surpass; to have an advantage.)
例:胜似 (to be better than), 优胜 (superior), 以少胜多 (to defeat the many with the few).
3. 优美的。
例:胜地 (charming places), 胜景 (beautiful scenery), 胜境 (lovely environment), 胜迹 (remarkable sites), 胜状 (delightful conditions).
4. 古代妇女的饰物。
(Jewelry for women in ancient times.)
例:花胜 (floral jewelry), 彩胜 (colorful ornaments).
5. 能承担,能承受(旧读shēng)。
(To be able to bear or endure (historical reading: shēng).)
例:胜任 (to be competent), 不胜其烦 (unable to endure the annoyance).
6. 尽(旧读shēng)。
(To exhaust (historical reading: shēng).)
例:不胜感激 (overwhelmed with gratitude).
胜 shèng
[动] 【本义】:胜任,禁得起
(Verb; original meaning: to be capable; to bear.)
1. 同本义 ([En.] can bear)
例: 《说文》:胜,任也。 (In the "Shuo Wen": victory means to be capable.)
2. 战胜,打败 ([En.] defeat)
例: 《诗·周颂·武》:胜殷遏刘。 (In the "Book of Songs": victorious over Yin and Liu.)
3. 胜过;超过 ([En.] surpass; prevail over)
例: 唐· 白居易《忆江南》:日出江花红胜火。 ("The Flowers of the River, by Bai Juyi": at sunrise, the flowers bloom redder than fire.)
4. 一说通“称”。相当;相称 ([En.] be equal to)
例: 《国语·晋语四》:为礼而不终,耻也;中不胜貌,耻也。
5. 克制;制服 ([En.] exercise restraint; check; subdue)
例: 《管子》:凡令之行也,必待近者胜也。
6. 通“升”。上升 ([En.] rise)
例: 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:卿当日胜贵。
胜 shèng
1. 特指名胜古迹 ([En.] scenic spots and historical sites)
例: 明· 归有光《项脊轩志》:又杂植兰桂竹木于庭,旧时栏楯亦遂增胜。
2. 通“升”。容积单位 ([En.] liter)
例: 宋· 苏轼《次韵章传道喜雨》:县前已窖八千斛,率以一胜完一亩。
3. 古代妇女首饰 ([En.] jewelry)
例: 杜甫《人日》:胜里金花巧耐寒。
4. 姓
([En.] Surname)
胜 shèng
1. 胜利 ([En.] victory)
例: 《孙子·谋攻》:是故百战百胜,非善之善者也。
2. 非常美好;美妙 ([En.] wonderful)
例: 宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:予观夫巴陵胜状,于洞庭一湖。
胜 shèng
[副] 尽;完 ([En.] exhausted; completely)
(Obsolete term for peptide.)
动词 禁得起、承受得了。
(Verb; to be able to bear or endure.)
副词 尽。
(Adverb; exhausted.)
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