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胃 stroke order animation

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胃 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 胃
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 胃
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Meaning of

Pinyin wèi
胃 [wèi] [名] 【本义】: 人和动物贮藏和消化食物的器官 [Basic Meaning]: The organ in humans and animals responsible for storing and digesting food. 1. 同本义 ([En.] stomach) Same as the basic meaning ([En.] stomach). 2. 星名 ([En.] name of a star) Name of a star. It is one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions, specifically the third mansion of the White Tiger's seven mansions. There are three stars: Aries 35, 39, and 41. 【造字法】: 象形。据小篆字形。上象口袋形的消化器官,下为肉。 [Character Formation]: Pictograph. Based on the small seal script. The upper part resembles a digestive organ in the shape of a bag, and the lower part represents flesh. 【引】 1. 疾在肠胃。 [Quote] "Illness in the intestines and stomach." 2. 在肠胃。 [Meaning] "In the intestines and stomach." 【例】 又如: 重瓣胃; 胃疸(中医指胃部虚热); 胃气痛(方言。胃痛); 胃气(中医指胃的生理功能及其精气; 泛指胃病) [Example]: For instance: Double-layered stomach; Stomach ghee (referring to weak heat in the stomach in traditional Chinese medicine); Stomach pain (dialect. Stomachache); Stomach energy (referring to the physiological functions and essence of the stomach in traditional Chinese medicine; generally refers to gastric diseases). 2. 星名 ([En.] name of a star) 二十八宿之一,白虎七宿的第三宿。有星3颗,即白羊座35、39、41三星。 [En.] It is one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions, specifically the third mansion of the White Tiger's seven mansions. There are three stars: Aries 35, 39, and 41. 【例】 如: 胃维(胃星之旁) [Example]: For example: Weiwei (beside the stomach star).
wèi mì sù
wèi kuì yáng
gastric ulcer / gastrohelcosis / gastrohelcoma
wèi yán
wèi ái
stomach cancer
wèi kǒu
appetite / liking
wèi cháng
the stomach and intestine
cháng wèi
stomach and intestine / digestive system
wèi cháng dào
gastrointestinal tract
kāi wèi
to whet the appetite / appetizing / to amuse oneself at sb's expense / to tease
wèi suān
gastric acid
pí wèi
spleen and stomach (digestive organs in TCM) / preferences / one's taste (e.g. in literature)
wèi bìng
stomach trouble / stomach illness
xǐ wèi
to have one stomach's pumped / gastric lavage (medicine)
wèi yè
gastric fluid
wèi bù
stomach / gastric area
wèi wǎn
gastral cavity
jiàn wèi
invigorating stomach
fǎn wèi
retching / vomiting
wèi jìng
gastroscope (medicine)
wèi cháng yán
wèi dàn bái méi

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Pinyin wei4
Four Corner
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