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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

脫 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

脫 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 脫
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 脫
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Meaning of

Pinyin tuō
to shed / to take off / to escape / to get away from
脫 [tuō] 1. 离开,落掉。 - to leave, to fall off. 2. 遗漏。 - to omit. 3. 取下,除去。 - to take off, to remove. 4. 倘若,或许。 - if, perhaps. 5. 轻慢。 - to be careless. 6. 姓。 - a surname. 1. 离开,落掉:脱产;脱发;脱节;脱离;脱落;脱贫(摆脱贫困);脱稿(完成著作);脱手;摆脱;挣脱;临阵逃脱。 - to leave, to fall off: to leave one's job; to lose hair; to sever ties; to separate; to drop; to escape poverty; to finish writing; to let go; to shake off; to break free; to escape at the critical moment. 2. 遗漏:脱漏;脱误;脱文(因抄刊古书而误脱的字,亦称“夺文”)。 - to omit: to leak; to misreport; omitted characters (characters lost due to copying ancient texts, also called "lost text"). 3. 取下,除去:脱下;脱帽;脱氧;脱脂;脱胎换骨。 - to take off, to remove: to take off (clothes); to take off (a hat); to remove oxygen; to remove fat; to be reborn or transformed. 4. 倘若,或许:脱有不测。 - if, perhaps: (there) might be something unexpected. 5. 轻慢:脱略(放任,不拘束);脱易(轻率,不讲究礼貌);轻脱(轻率,不持重,放荡)。 - to be careless: to be indulgent; to be careless; to be reckless and not serious, to be decadent. 6. 姓。 - a surname. 【本义】肉去皮骨 - (Original meaning): meat separating from skin and bone. 【造字法】形声。从肉,兑(duì)声。 - (Character structure): phonetic compound; part is related to flesh, and the phonetic part is 'duì'. 1. 同本义 [English: peel off] - same root meaning. 2. 离;脱离 [English: separate oneself from] - to separate. 3. 脱落;掉落 [English: shed] - to drop or fall off. 4. 脱下,取下 [English: take off] - to remove. 5. 逃 [English: escape from] - to escape. 6. 失去;散落,缺漏 [English: fall in a scattering way; omit; lose] - to lose or omit. 7. 把东西变卖出去或把货物推销出去 [English: dispose of] - to sell off goods. 8. 照着描画;临摹 [English: copy] - to copy. 9. 过去 [English: pass] - to pass. 10. 欺骗 [English: deceive] - to deceive. 11. 冒出,说出 [English: to emerge, to speak out] - to come forth or speak out. 名: 1. 指病情突变、阴阳相离而致生命垂危的病理及其症候 [English: prostration syndrome] - referring to a medical condition where the change in health leads to life-threatening symptoms. 2. 又指中风脱证 - also refers to stroke-related syndromes. 副: 1. 表示频度,相当于“偶尔” [English: once in a while] - indicating frequency, equivalent to "once in a while." 2. 表示推断,相当于“或者” [English: perhaps] - indicating conjecture, equivalent to "perhaps." 连: 1. 表示假设,相当于“倘若” [English: if] - indicating a hypothesis, equivalent to "if." 形: 1. 散脱;放任 [English: free and easy] - relaxed and easy-going. 2. 疏忽,轻漫 - negligent and careless. 引自繁体辞典解释: 动: 1. 蟬、蛇等動物脫去皮殼,或指人死超生。[English: to describe animals like cicadas and snakes shedding their skins, or referring to humans transcending death]《莊子·玉樂》:「蝴蝶胥也化而為蟲,生於灶下,其狀若脫。」 副: 1. 寬舒、舒展、身心愉悅 [English: to be comfortable and relaxed both physically and mentally].

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Pinyin tuo1
Four Corner
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