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腹 stroke order animation

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腹 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 腹
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 腹
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Meaning of

abdomen / stomach / belly
腹 [fù] 名词 1. Generally refers to a part of the trunk of humans and vertebrates, situated between the chest and pelvis, including "abdominal wall," "abdominal cavity," and internal organs (commonly referred to as "belly"). 例: ~部 (abdomen), ~膜 (abdominal membrane), ~水 (abdominal water), ~泻 (diarrhea), ~疾 (abdominal disease), 心~ (close person, metaphorically). 2. Metaphorically denotes the front, interior, or central part of a region. 例: ~地 (inner land), ~背受敌 (facing the enemy from the front). 3. Thick. 例: “(Winter months)Ice is thick, water is solid,” (meaning the ice is thick and solid). 4. Embrace. 例: “出入~我” (to come and go, embracing me). 引 1. 《说文》: 腹, thick; according to, on both sides of the navel. 2. 《易·说卦传》: 坤为腹 (the earth represents the belly). 3. 《易·明夷》: 入于左腹 (enter the left abdomen). 4. 《素问·评热病论》: 腹者至阴之所居 (the abdomen is the place of pure yin). 5. 《释名》: 自脐以下曰水腹 (below the navel is called the water belly). 6. 晁错 《论贵粟疏》: 腹饥不得食 (the belly is hungry and cannot eat). 例 腹痛 (bellyache), 腹肠 (belly), 腹围 (waist measurement), 腹如垂瓠 (describes a sagging or unattractive belly), 腹便便 (describes a plump belly). 引 1. 《汉书·灌夫传》: 腹诽而心谤 (to slander in the belly while prattling with the heart). 例 腹诽 (to not voice but hold skepticism in the heart), 腹记 (to remember secretly), 腹热 (to be anxious in heart), 腹悲 (to be secretly sorrowful), 腹咏 (to sing within oneself), 腹咒 (to curse inwardly). 形容词 厚 (thick) 如: 腹坚 (meaning ice is thick and hard). 动词 1. Embrace. 引 例: 方苞《王处士墓表》: 先妣出入操作必腹之 (the late mother would come and go; she must embrace it). 2. Contain. 引 例: 柳宗元《天对》: 巴蛇腹象,足觌厥大 (the python’s belly is expressive, its feet vibrant).
pōu fù
to cut open the abdomen / to disembowel / to speak from the heart
pōu fù chǎn
Cesarean section
pěng fù dà xiào
uproarious / hilarious / to split one's sides laughing / lit. to hold one's belly with both hands
pěng fù
uproarious / hilarious / to split one's sides laughing / lit. to hold one's belly with both hands
fù xiè
diarrhea / to have the runs
fù gǔ gōu
groin (anatomy)
mǎn fù láo sāo
lit. belly full of complaints (idiom) / discontent / always moaning and complaining
mǎn fù hú yí
have all sorts of doubts and conjectures in one's mind / extremely suspicious / filled with suspicion
fù tòng
bellyache / stomach pain
mǎn fù jīng lún
full of political wisdom (idiom) / politically astute / with encyclopedic experience of state policy
fù bù
abdomen / belly / flank
fù jī
abdominal muscle
fù zhàng
abdominal distension / ventosity
xiōng fù
thoracico-abdominal / thoracoabdominal
fù qiāng
abdominal cavity
fù qiāng jìng
laparoscope / peritoneoscope
fù dì
hinterland / interior / outback
xiǎo fù
underbelly / lower abdomen
xīn fù
trusted aide / confidant / reliable agent / to confide
fù zhōng
abdominal cavity
mǎn fù
filled with / preoccupied with
fù miàn
segmental venter
fù mó
peritoneum (anatomy)
kōng fù
an empty stomach
fù qí
ventral fin / pelvic fin
shān fù
mountainside / hillside
tuī xīn zhì fù
to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute confidence / to trust completely / to confide in sb with entire sincerity
fù nèi
fù shuǐ
ascites / ascitic fluid / hydroperitoneum (medicine)
kǒu mì fù jiàn
lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly (idiom); fig. hypocritical and murderous
fù fěi
silent curse or disagreement / unspoken criticism
huáng fù jiǎo zhì
(bird species of China) Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti)

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Pinyin fu4
Four Corner
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