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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

面 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

面 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 面
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 面
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Meaning of

Pinyin miàn
fade / side / surface / aspect / top / face / flour / noodles, flour / noodles
hòu miàn
rear / back / behind / later / afterwards / also pr. [hou4 mian5]
miàn xiàng
to face / to turn towards / to incline to / geared towards / catering for / -oriented / facial feature / appearance / aspect / facet
lìng yī fāng miàn
on the other hand / another aspect
sì miàn
all sides
dì miàn
floor / ground / surface
chǎng miàn
scene / spectacle / occasion / situation
péng tóu gòu miàn
messy hair and dirty face / bad appearance
xià diàn miàn
underlying surface
Shí miàn Mái fú
Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piece) / House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋[Zhang1 Yi4 mou2])
miàn sù
(figurines) made of dough / dough modeling
miàn kǒng
wài miàn
outside (also pr. [wai4 mian5] for this sense) / surface / exterior / external appearance
jú miàn
aspect / phase / situation
dǎ lǔ miàn
noodles with gravy
miàn bāo
bread / CL:片[pian4],袋[dai4],塊|块[kuai4]
miàn róng
appearance / facial features
miàn duì
to confront / to face
duì miàn
(sitting) opposite / across (the street) / directly in front / to be face to face
fēng miàn
cover (of a publication)
céng miàn
aspect / facet / level (political, psychological, spiritual etc) / (geology) bedding plane
wū miàn
miàn jīn
face flannel or towel / shroud (over the face of a corpse)
zhàng miàn
píng miàn
plane (flat surface) / print media
bù shì Lú shān zhēn miàn mù
lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain / fig. can't see the forest for the trees
lú shān zhēn miàn mù
the truth of sth.
dǐ miàn
bottom / bottom side / bottom surface
diàn miàn
shop front
miàn páng
hú miàn
cambered surface
hòu miàn
rear / back / behind / later / afterwards / also pr. [hou4 mian5]
qián miàn
ahead / in front / preceding / above / also pr. [qian2 mian5]
miàn qián
in front of / facing / (in the) presence (of)
pōu miàn
profile / section
zòng pōu miàn
vertical section / longitudinal section
héng pōu miàn
horizontal section
pōu miàn tú
profile map / cross-section drawn / cutaway view
tū miàn jìng
convex mirror
tū miàn
convex surface
āo miàn
concavity / camber concave / concave surface / rearward face
zǒng miàn jī
total area / gross area
xīn cí miàn ruǎn
soft-hearted / kind heart and soft countenance
miàn mù kě zēng
repulsive countenance / disgusting appearance
jié miàn
section / cross-section
shàn miàn
pū miàn
lit. sth hits one in the face / directly in one's face / sth assaults the senses / blatant (advertising) / eye-catching / (a smell) assaults the nostrils
pū miàn ér lái
lit. sth hits one in the face / directly in one's face / sth assaults the senses / blatant (advertising) / eye-catching / (a smell) assaults the nostrils
pāo tóu lòu miàn
to show your face in public (derog.)
pāo wù miàn
paraboloid (geometry)
fú miàn
Brush face
gǎn miàn zhàng
rolling pin
guà miàn
pasta / noodles
quán miàn
all-around / comprehensive / total / overall
sì miàn bā fāng
in all directions / all around / far and near
miàn jù
shòu miàn
Animal face
chēng mén miàn
to keep up appearances / to put up a front
xié miàn
inclined plane
xié duì miàn
diagonally across
fāng miàn
respect / aspect / field / side / CL:個|个[ge4]
yī fāng miàn
on the one hand
wù miàn
to meet (in person) / to meet with sb
qū miàn
curved surface / surface
miàn tiáo
miàn bǎn
panel / faceplate
zhù miàn
cylinder / cylindrical surface
zhuō miàn
desktop / tabletop
qiáo miàn
roadway / floor / deck / bridge floor
hú jiāo miàn
Pepper noodles
là jiāo miàn
chili powder
bù kàn sēng miàn kàn fó miàn
do sth. out of consideration for sb. else
cè miàn
lateral side / side / aspect / profile
miàn miàn jù dào
(idiom) take care of everything; handle everything
zhèng miàn
front / obverse side / right side / positive / direct / open
shuǐ miàn
water surface
miàn tāng
noodle soup / noodles in soup / noodle broth
tāng miàn
noodle with soup
yǎn miàn ér qì
to bury one's head in one's hands and weep (idiom)
lèi liú mǎn miàn
cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)
hǎi miàn
sea level / sea surface
shè jí miàn
involved aspects
huì miàn
braised noodles / stewed noodles
hú miàn
lake surface
mǎn miàn
across one's whole face / (smiling) from ear to ear
zhuāng huáng mén miàn
do window dressing / put up a facade / keep up appearances
chǎo miàn
stir-fried noodles / "chow mein"
yǎng miàn
back / faceup / upturned face
yǎng miàn cháo tiān
with one's face towards the sky / fall flat on one's back
piàn miàn
unilateral / one-sided
bǎn miàn
page of a publication (e.g. newspaper or website) / printing space (reserved for some content) / page layout
yóu bào pí pá bàn zhē miàn
Still holding the pipa half-hidden face
miàn mù zhēng níng
look fierce / sinister in appearance / with grossly offensive features / ferocious features / a vile visage
zhēng níng miàn mù
shī shēn rén miàn xiàng
huā miàn lí
Flower face raccoon
qīng miàn liáo yá
ferocious-looking (idiom)
bā miàn líng lóng
be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)
huà miàn
scene / tableau / picture / image / screen (displayed by a computer) / (motion picture) frame / field of view
jiè miàn
contact surface / (computing) interface
miàn gē da
dough dumpling

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Input Method for
Pinyin mian4
Four Corner
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