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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

湖 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

湖 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 湖
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 湖
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Meaning of

xián shuǐ hú
salt lake
Shuāng hú
two lakes / Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet
Bā ěr kā shí Hú
Lake Balkhash in southeast Kazakhstan
Tǎn gá ní kā Hú
Lake Tanganyika in East Africa
kā kā hú
Lake Titicaca
bā lǐ kūn hú
Barkol Lake
yàn sè hú
dammed lake / lake formed by landslip or lava flow
hú táng
Lake pond
Tài Hú
Lake Tai near Wuxi City 無錫|无锡, bordering on Jiangsu and Zhejiang, one of China's largest freshwater lakes
Hú nán
Hunan province in south central China, abbr. 湘, capital Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1]
Hú nán Shěng
Hunan Province in south central China, abbr. 湘[Xiang1], capital Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1]
Nán hú
Nanhu district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang
Hú běi Shěng
Hubei Province (Hupeh) in central China, abbr. 鄂[E4], capital Wuhan 武漢|武汉[Wu3 han4]
Hú běi
Hubei Province (Hupeh) in central China, abbr. 鄂[E4], capital Wuhan 武漢|武汉[Wu3 han4]
Cháo hú
Chaohu prefecture-level city in Anhui / Chaohu lake
Cháo hú shì
Chaohu prefecture-level city in Anhui
Dòng tíng Hú
Dongting Lake in northeast Hunan province
xìng kǎi hú
lán hú
Orchid Lake
Kūn míng Hú
Kunming Lake
Liáng zi hú qū
Liangzihu district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
hú pō
Mì xiē gēn Hú
Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]
jiāng hú
rivers and lakes / all corners of the country / remote areas to which hermits retreat / section of society operating independently of mainstream society, out of reach of the law / the milieu in which wuxia tales play out (cf. 武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2]) / (in late imperial times) world of traveling merchants, itinerant doctors, fortune tellers etc / demimonde / (in modern times) triads / secret gangster societies / underworld
hú zhǎo
lakes and marshes
Lú gū Hú
Lugu Lake
沿 yán hú
Along the lake
jìng pō hú
Jingpo Lake
tiān rán hú pō
Natural lake
xiè hú
Hóng hú shì
Honghu county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei
Diàn shān Hú
Dianshan Lake between Shanghai Municipality and Jiangsu Province
dàn shuǐ hú
freshwater lake
Liǎng Hú
Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 provinces
hú miàn
lake surface
hú shuǐ
lake water
Dà hú
Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
西 Xī hú
Xihu or West lake (place name) / West Lake in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang / Xihu or Hsihu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
Hú Qū
Lake District, north England
西 Hú xī
Huhsi township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan
hú biān
hé hú
River lake
hú zhōng
In the lake
hú bīn
lake front
Bīn hú
Binhu district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu
Bīn hú qū
Binhu district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu
lóng tán hú
Longtan Lake
Péng hú Liè dǎo
Pescadores Islands, Taiwan
Péng hú
Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan
Péng hú xiàn
Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan
mǎ nà sī hú
Manas Lake
pí pá hú
Lake Biwa
hú pàn
西 xī zi hú pàn
West Lake
dòng tíng hú pàn
Dongting Lakeside
wèi míng hú pàn
Weiming Lakeside
pó yáng hú pàn
Poyang Lakeside
hú pén
lake basin
yán hú
salt lake
hú xīn tíng
Mid-Lake Pavilion
hú zhòu
Lake crepe
Wú hú
Wuhu prefecture level city in Anhui
Zhà dé Hú
Lake Chad
Dōng hú
Donghu district of Nanchang city 南昌市, Jiangxi
lái máng hú
Lake Geneva
Wú hú shì
Wuhu prefecture level city in Anhui
wú hú cháng jiāng dà qiáo
Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge
Wú hú xiàn
Wuhu county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui
niú è hú
banco / cutoff lake / crescent lake
Bèi jiā ěr Hú
Lake Baikal
Pó yáng Hú
Poyang Lake in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi
è líng hú
Oring Lake
pó yáng hú qū
Poyang Lake District
chuǎng jiāng hú
make a living wandering from place to place
chuǎng dàng jiāng hú
to travel around the country
jiāng hú piàn zi
swindler / itinerant con-man
Tiān é Hú
Swan Lake

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Input Method for
Pinyin hu2
Four Corner
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