Learn to write the Chinese character "市" by watching the stroke order animation of "市".
Stroke by Stroke: 市 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '市' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '市' Step-by-Step
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市 [shì]
1. 做买卖或做买卖的地方:开市。菜市。市井(街,市场)。市曹。市侩(旧指买卖的中间人、唯利是图的奸商;现泛指贪图私利的人)。
Meaning: A place for buying and selling: to open a market. Vegetable market. Market street. Merchant (historically referred to as a middleman in trade, implying greed; now generally refers to those seeking personal gain).
2. 买:市义。市恩(买好,讨好)。
Meaning: To buy: buying obligations. Buying favor (to please someone through gifts).
3. 人口密集的行政中心或工商业、文化发达的地方:城市。都市。市镇。
Meaning: An administrative center with a dense population, or a place with developed commerce and culture: city. Capital city. Town.
4. 一种行政区划,有中央直辖和省(自治区)辖等: 北京市。南京市。
Meaning: A type of administrative division, which may be directly administered by the central government or governed by provinces (or autonomous regions): Beijing City. Nanjing City.
5. 中国人民习惯使用的度量衡单位:市制。市尺。市斤。
Meaning: A unit of measurement commonly used in China: Chinese metric system. Chinese foot. Chinese pound.
1. 交易;商品买卖: 市易。市官(管理买卖市集的官吏)。
Meaning: To trade; to buy and sell goods: market transactions. Market official (an official managing trade).
2. 购买:市骏(购买骏马);市沽(买酒);市药。
Meaning: To buy: to purchase fine horses; to buy wine; to buy medicine.
3. 卖:市酒(卖酒);市食(市中售卖的食物)。
Meaning: To sell: to sell wine; food sold in the market.
4. 引起,激起:市怨。
Meaning: To spark or provoke: to sow resentment.
5. 求取:市利(牟取利益);市爱(求取别人怜爱)。
Meaning: To seek: to seek profit; to seek affection from others.
6. 谄媚,哄骗,引诱:市宠;市欢。
Meaning: To flatter, deceive, or entice: to curry favor; to seek joy.
Chibi county level city in Xianning 咸宁市, Hubei / Chibi or Redcliff in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, Hubei, scene of the famous battle of Redcliff of 208
municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision / province level city / also called directly governed city
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