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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

率 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

率 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 率
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 率
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Meaning of

Pinyin shuài、 lǜ
rate / frequency, to lead / command
率 [shuài] 1. 带领: to lead. 2. 轻易地,不细想,不慎重: easily, thoughtlessly, carelessly. 3. 爽直坦白: straightforward and frank. 4. 大概,大略: roughly, generally. 5. 遵循: to follow. 6. 模范,楷模: model, example. 7. 漂亮,俏皮(亦作“帅”): beautiful, pretty (also “帅”). 8. 姓: a surname. 率 [shuài] (as a noun) - 基本意义: 捕鸟的丝网: the net used for bird catching. - 1. 同本义 ([En.] net) - 2. 榜样; 表率; 楷模 ([En.] model; example) - 3. 领导者,统帅,首领 ([En.] leader) - 4. 部队 ([En.] army) - 5. 古代行政区划的基层单位 ([En.] district name). - 6. 姓: a surname. 率 [shuài] (as a verb) - 1. 用网捕鸟兽 ([En.] to net). - 2. 聚敛; 征收 ([En.] to converge; collect). - 3. 率领; 带领。通“帅” ([En.] to lead; command). - 4. 劝导; 引导 ([En.] to try to persuade; guide). - 5. 遵行; 遵循 ([En.] to follow). - 6. 沿着; 顺着 ([En.] at will; as one pleases). - 7. 顺服; 顺从 ([En.] to submit; obey). - 8. 类似 ([En.] to be similar to). 率 [shuài] (as an adjective) - 1. 草率: 轻率 ([En.] rash; cursory). - 2. 急速 ([En.] swift). - 3. 直率; 坦率 ([En.] straightforward; frank). - 4. 粗鲁 ([En.] rough). - 5. 漂亮 ([En.] beautiful). 率 [shuài] (as an adverb) - 1. 皆,都 ([En.] all). - 2. 大约,大概 ([En.] about). - 3. 一般说来 ([En.] generally). 率 [shuài] (as a preposition) - 1. 自,由,从 ([En.] from). - 2. 另见 lǜ. ----------------------------------------- 率 [lǜ] 1. 法令; 条例 ([En.] law). 2. 规格; 标准 ([En.] specifications; standard). 3. 比例; 比率 ([En.] rate; proportion; ratio). 4. 假借“锊”。古重量名 ([En.] unit of weight used in ancient China). 率 [lǜ] (as a verb) - 1. ([En.] 按某种标准) 计算 ([En.] to calculate). - 2. 另见 shuài. ----------------------------------------- 两个相关的数在一定条件下的比值: Ratio between two related numbers under certain conditions. For example, attendance rate is the ratio of the actual days attended by a unit or individual to the number of days they should have attended within a specified period.
yuán zhōu lǜ
(math.) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (π)
tǎn shuài
frank (discussion) / blunt / open
chuí zhí sǎo miáo pín lǜ
Vertical scan frequency
zēng zhǎng lǜ
growth rate (esp. in economics)
shì chǎng zhàn yǒu lǜ
market share
zhàn yǒu lǜ
shēng xué lǜ
enrolment rate
wán chéng lǜ
percentage complete / finishing rate
jiù yè lǜ
employment rate
lù qǔ lǜ
acceptance rate / admission rate
gōng lǜ
rate of work / power (output)
láo dòng shēng chǎn lǜ
labo(u)r productivity
jì huà shēng yù lǜ
Family planning rate
lì lǜ
interest rates
lì rùn lǜ
profit margin
lì xi lǜ
interest rate
huàn bìng lǜ
morbidity / prevalence rate
zhì yù lǜ
cure rate / recovery rate / curative ratio
biǎn lǜ
oblateness / flattening / compression
zhé shè lǜ
index of refraction
duì huàn lǜ
currency exchange rate
xiào lǜ
gài lǜ
probability (math.)
gài lǜ lùn
probability (math.)
gài lǜ fēn bù
probability distribution
shuài xiān
to take the lead / to show initiative
bǐ lǜ
ratio / rate / percentage
máo lì lǜ
gross profit rate
huì lǜ
exchange rate
táo tài lǜ
shèn tòu lǜ
permeability / penetrance
shuài lǐng
to lead / to command / to head
shèng yú jià zhí lǜ
rate of surplus value
pín lǜ
shēng chǎn lǜ
productivity / efficiency of production
tǒng shuài
to command / to direct
rù xué lǜ
percentage of children who enter school
fù gài lǜ
sù lǜ
speed / rate
shì yíng lǜ
PE ratio
shōu yì lǜ
earnings rate / earnings yield (finance)
wén máng lǜ
illiteracy rate
dū shuài
sǐ wáng lǜ
mortality rate
shuì lǜ
tax rate
tōng huò péng zhàng lǜ
inflation rate / rate of inflation
tōng zhàng lǜ
inflation rate
fā yá lǜ
germination rate
chǔ xù lǜ
savings rate
chuò xué lǜ
dropout rate
tiē xiàn lǜ
discount rate
péi lǜ
odds / loss per cent
fēn biàn lǜ
resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
gāo fēn biàn lǜ
high resolution
bào chóu lǜ
rate of pay / interest rate return
chǎn xiāo lǜ
current period inventory / sales-output ratio
diàn zǔ lǜ
specific resistance / electrical resistivity
gù zhàng lǜ
fault rate / failure rate

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Input Method for
Pinyin shuai4
Four Corner
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