Learn to write the Chinese character "周" by watching the stroke order animation of "周".
Stroke by Stroke: 周 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '周' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '周' Step-by-Step
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(surname) / complete / encircle / circuit / lap / week / cycle / all / every / attentive / thoughtful, bestow alms, cycle / week
周 [zhōu]
1. 圈子,环绕。
[En.] Circle; to surround.
2. 普遍、全面。
[En.] Universal; comprehensive.
3. 时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期。
[En.] A cycle of time; specifically refers to a week.
4. 完备。
[En.] Complete.
5. 给,接济。
[En.] To give; to assist.
6. 中国朝代名。
[En.] Name of a Chinese dynasty.
7. 姓。
[En.] A family name.
周 [zhōu] (形)
本义: 周密;周到而没有疏漏
[En.] The original meaning: meticulous; thorough without omissions.
造字法: 象形。汉字的形状表示田中有种植之形。
[En.] Character formation: Pictographic. The shape represents cultivation within a field.
1. 同本义 ([En.] careful; meticulous; well-considered)
2. 稠密;紧密 ([En.] close)
3. 亲密,亲切,熟悉而情深 ([En.] intimate)
4. 周到,处处留意和体贴;周全;全面 ([En.] thoughtful; considerate; perfect)
5. 完备 ([En.] complete)
6. 遍及;普遍 ([En.] all; whole)
7. 诚,忠信 ([En.] honest)
周 [zhōu] (名)
1. 周围 ([En.] circumference; circle; ring; periphery)
2. 拐角儿 ([En.] corner)
3. 星期 ([En.] week)
4. 朝代名 ([En.] Zhou Dynasty)
5. 公元前11世纪周武王灭商后建立,建都镐京(今陕西西安市南)。
[En.] Established after King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty in the 11th century B.C., with its capital at Haojing (now south of Xi'an, Shaanxi).
6. 南北朝时,宇文觉代西魏称帝,国号周。
[En.] During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Yuwen Jue called himself emperor, naming his state Zhou.
7. 唐时,武则天临朝执政,改国号为周。
[En.] During the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian took power and renamed the state Zhou.
8. 五代时,郭威继后汉称帝,国号周。
[En.] During the Five Dynasties, Guo Wei declared himself emperor, naming his state Zhou.
9. 姓。
[En.] A family name.
周 [zhōu] (动)
1. 绕一圈,环绕 ([En.] make a circuit)
2. 保全 ([En.] preserve)
3. 通“週”。周济;救济 ([En.] give financial help to)
4. 合,适合 ([En.] suit; befit)
5. 巩固 ([En.] solidate)
6. 保密 ([En.] keep secret)
7. 通“调”。调和,协调 ([En.] mediate; concert)
週 [zhōu] (动)
1. 回 ([En.] make a circuit; round)
2. “週”同“周”。
[En.] "週" is the same as "周".
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