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期 stroke order animation

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期 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 期
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 期
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Meaning of

Pinyin qī、 jī
a period of time / phase / stage / (used for issue of a periodical, courses of study) / time / term / period / to hope
期 (qī) 1. 规定的时间,或一段时间。 Predetermined time or a period of time. 2. 量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物。 A measure word used for publications or other periodic items. 3. 盼望,希望。 To expect or hope. 4. 限度。 Limit. 5. 必,决定。 Necessity or determination. 6. 〔~颐〕指人活到一百岁。 Refers to living to one hundred years. 7. 地质学上指在一个国境内或一个大区域内,小于“世”的地质年代单位。 In geology, refers to a geological age unit that is smaller than an era within a specific country or large region. (动) 1. 同本义: 约会,约定。 Same original meaning: to engage, make an appointment. 2. 会,会合。 To meet or come together. 3. 希望。 To hope. (名) 1. 预定的时间;选定的日子;期限。 Scheduled time; selected day; deadline. 2. 机运;机会。 Good fortune; opportunity. 3. 时,日;一段时间。 A period of time; stage. 4. 极,限度。 Extreme; limit. 5. 量词。用于分期的事物。 A measure word used for periodic items. 1. 一周年,一整月。 One year anniversary, a whole month. 2. 一周年,一整月:~年。~月。~服(古代丧服名,要穿一年)。 One anniversary, one whole month: anniversary year; anniversary month; mourning garments (invented in ancient times, to be worn for a year). (动) 1. 约定。 To agree or make arrangements. 2. 希冀、盼望。 To expect or long for. (名) 1. 时、日,或经约定的时、日。 Time, day, or a predetermined time or day. 2. 一段时间。 A period of time. 3. 限度。 Limit. 4. 量词。计算事物分期的单位。 A measure word, a unit for calculating periodic items.
zhōu qī
period / cycle
zhōu qī xìng
periodic / periodicity (math) / cyclicity
tóng qī
the corresponding time period (in a different year etc) / concurrent / synchronous
hòu qī
late stage / later period
rèn shēn qī
gestation period / duration of pregnancy
fēn miǎn qī
delivery term / delivery period
yīng ér qī
yùn qī
gestation / duration of pregnancy
怀 huái yùn qī
gestation period / duration of pregnancy
jí qī
at sight / on demand
fū huà qī
incubation period / time for sth to develop
gāo fēng qī
peak period / rush hour
diān fēng qī
peak period / climax stage / pinnacle
yán qī
to delay / to extend / to postpone / to defer
qī dài
to look forward to / to await / expectation
hòu qī
late stage / later period
qī kān
yǒu qī tú xíng
limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment)
xíng qī
prison term
wú qī tú xíng
life imprisonment
chū qī
initial stage / beginning period
huī fù qī
àn qī
on schedule / on time
xīng qī
week / CL:個|个[ge4] / day of the week / Sunday
bīng qī
glacial epoch / ice age
fēng dòng qī
a period of freezing weather / freeze / freeze-up
liù qī
Six period
qī jì
(literary) to hope for / to wish
kū shuǐ qī
period of low water level (winter in north China)
rì qī
date / CL:個|个[ge4]
zǎo qī
early period / early phase / early stage
shí qī
period / phase / CL:個|个[ge4]
Xīng qī tiān
Sunday / CL:個|个[ge4]
qīng chūn qī
puberty / adolescence
wǎn qī
later period / end stage / terminal
shǔ qī
summer vacation time
gēng nián qī
menopause / andropause
qī wàng
to have expectations / to earnestly hope / expectation / hope
cháng qī
long term / long time / long range (of a forecast)
qī jiān
period of time / time / time period / period / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhōng qī
middle (of a period of time) / medium-term (plan, forecast etc)
dìng qī
at set dates / at regular intervals / periodic / limited to a fixed period of time / fixed term
duǎn qī
short term / short-term
yù qī
to expect / to anticipate
jìn qī
near in time / in the near future / very soon / recent
qián qī
preceding period / early stage
qī xiàn
time limit / deadline / allotted time
mò qī
end (of a period) / last part / final phase
qī mò
end of term
dàng qī
slot within a schedule / timeslot (for a TV program, a session with a photographer etc) / range of dates in which an event is to be held (film screening, exhibition etc)
xùn qī
flood season
jià qī
mì rǔ qī
lactation period
hóng shuǐ qī
flood season
guò dù qī
transitional period / interim period / layoff period
qī mǎn
to expire / to run out / to come to an end
rèn qī
term of office / CL:屆|届[jie4] / tenure (entire period in office)
qián fú qī
incubation period (of disease)
chéng shú qī
autumn / acme / mature period / maturation stage / maturation period
qī pàn
hope and expectation / to anticipate / to look forward to / to await expectantly
xiū mián qī
period of dormancy / quiescent stage
fēn qī fù kuǎn
to pay in installments / payment in installments
bǔ rǔ qī
breastfeeding period / lactation period / suckling period
ér tóng qī
pìn qī
employment term / employment period
dì shí qī qī
Seventeenth issue
qī qī ài ài
stammering (idiom)
miáo qī
(agriculture) seedling stage
bàn shuāi qī
chǎn rù qī
postnatal period / puerperium (period of six weeks after childbirth)
zhù cún qī
shelf life / storage period / storage life
yú qī
to be overdue / to fail to meet a deadline / to be behind in doing sth
yáo yáo wú qī
far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
guān jiàn qī
critical period
wú shuāng qī
frost-free period
xiàn qī
to set a time limit / time limit / deadline
shuāng qī
frost season
dǐng shèng qī
flourishing age (of the ceremonial tripod) / golden age

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Pinyin qi1
Four Corner
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