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起 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 起
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 起
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Meaning of

to rise / to raise / to get up
起 [qǐ] 〈动〉 【本义】: 由躺而坐;由坐而立 1. 动词同本义 (stand up) 2. 起床 (get up; get out of bed) 3. 产生;发生 (produce; happen; take place) 4. 开始;开端 (start; begin) 5. 源起;起因于 (cause; origin) 6. 治愈;病愈。亦谓复苏 (cure) 7. 起身,动起来,采取行动 (start) 8. 起义,起事,闹事 (insurgence; rise in rebellion) 9. 隆起,凸起,耸立 (protruding) 10. 草拟 (draw up) 11. 使疏松 (loosen) 12. 扶持 (help sustain) 13. 取 (证件、书信等) (get) 14. 兴建;建造 (build; construct) 15. 征收;征召 (levy; collect; call up) 16. 使死者复活 (bring back to life) 17. 举用 (employ) 18. 启发 (arouse) 19. 离开;除去 (remove; leave the original position) 20. 开启,张开 (open) 21. 搬运 (carry) 22. 出身 (be born of; come from) 〈量〉 1. 群;组 (group; lot) 2. 批 (batch) 3. 次,回 (time) 4. 病例;案例 (case; instance) 〈介〉 在时间或地点词前,表示始点,相当于“从”、“自”、“由” (from). 如: 起这儿剪下来; 我起北京来 〈副〉 1. 用在动词后作为补足语,表示动作的向上方向 (used as a complement after a verb indicating the upward direction) 2. 用在动词后,常与“不”、“得”连用,表示能或不能经受住,够或不够标准 (used after a verb together with “得” or “不” as meaning ‘can afford’ or ‘cannot afford’)
diào qǐ
to hoist
qǐ diào
sling / crane
huàn qǐ
to waken (to action) / to rouse (the masses) / to evoke (attention, recollection etc)
yī bō yòu qǐ
Wave after wave
lìng qǐ lú zào
lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch / back to square one / to start of on a new path
yī hōng ér qǐ
(of a group of people) to rush into action
xiǎng qǐ
ring out / to sound
chàng qǐ
qǐ yīn
cause / a factor (leading to an effect)
píng qǐ píng zuò
to be on an equal footing
fèn qǐ
to rise vigorously / a spirited start
qǐ shǐ
to originate
jué qǐ
to rise abruptly (to a towering position) / to tower over / to spring up / to emerge suddenly / the emergence (e.g. of a power)
qǐ hòng
to heckle / rowdy jeering / to create a disturbance
wò chuáng bù qǐ
be completely bedridden / remain in bed / take to one's bed and be likely to die
juǎn qǐ
to roll up / to curl up / (of dust etc) to swirl up
bó qǐ
erection / to have an erection
shēng qǐ
to raise / to hoist / to rise
qǐ fú diē dàng
Ups and downs
qǐ jū
everyday life / regular pattern of life
yǐn qǐ
to give rise to / to lead to / to cause / to arouse
Huáng Cháo qǐ yì
Huang Chao peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang, led by Huang Chao
qǐ chuáng
to get out of bed / to get up
cǐ qǐ bǐ luò
to rise and fall in succession (idiom) / repeating continuously
cǐ fú bǐ qǐ
see 此起彼伏[ci3 qi3 bi3 fu2]
qǐ jìn
vigorously / energetically / enthusiastically
tū qǐ
convex / protruding / to protrude / to bulge / to buckle upwards
qǐ chū
originally / at first / at the outset
yì qǐ
remember / recall / call to mind
xiǎng qǐ
to recall / to think of / to call to mind
rě bu qǐ
can't afford to offend / dare not provoke / difficult to deal with / insufferable
xiān qǐ
to lift / to raise in height / to begin / upsurge / to set off (a campaign)
yáng qǐ
to raise one's head / to perk up
zhuā qǐ
snatch up
tái qǐ
to lift up
pāi àn ér qǐ
lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether / unable to take it any more
bá dì ér qǐ
rise straight from the ground / rising abruptly out of the ground
tiǎo qǐ
to provoke / to stir up / to incite
tǐng qǐ
throw out / elevation
tí qǐ
to mention / to speak of / to lift / to pick up / to arouse / to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)
竿 jiē gān ér qǐ
bear arms against / raise the standard / rise in revolt
qǐ bó
gǎo qǐ
Get up
tù qǐ hú luò
quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination
xīng qǐ
to rise / to spring up / to burgeon / to be aroused / to come into vogue
qǐ bīng
Raise troops
zài qǐ
to arise again / to make a comeback / resurgence
xié qǐ shǒu lái
Join hands
qǐ lai
to stand up / to get up / also pr. [qi3 lai2]
sù rán qǐ jìng
to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom)
áng qǐ
Wǔ chāng Qǐ yì
Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911, which led to Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty
jià qǐ
set up
zuò qǐ
bǐ qǐ
compared with
fàn qǐ
to appear / to emerge / to surface
qǐ pào
to bubble / to foam / to blister / to sprout boils (on one's body) / sparkling (wine etc)
yǒng qǐ
to well up / to boil out / to bubble forth / to spurt
fēng qǐ yún yǒng
to surge like a gathering storm (idiom) / to grow by leaps and bounds
qǐ yuán
origin / to originate / to come from
jī qǐ
to arouse / to evoke / to cause / to stir up
qǐ diǎn
starting point
yǎng wò qǐ zuò
sit-up (physical exercise)
cǐ qǐ bǐ fú
up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession / no sooner one subsides, the next arises / repeating continuously / occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)
sī cháo qǐ fú
thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom) / different thoughts coming to mind
diē dàng qǐ fú
ups and downs
rán qǐ
to ignite / to light / fig. to spark off (hopes, controversy, flames of revolution)
qǐ bào
to explode / to set off an explosion / to detonate
qǐ yí
gài qǐ
Cover up
qiáo bù qǐ
to look down upon / to hold in contempt
qiáo de qǐ
think much of / have high regard for / look up to / see much in
qǐ mǎ
at the minimum / at the very least
zuì qǐ mǎ
at least
shù qǐ
to erect (a tent etc) / to prick up (one's ears) / to raise (one's eyebrows) / to stick up (one's thumb) / to turn up (one's collar) / (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)
hòu qǐ zhī xiù
an up-and-coming youngster / new talent / a brilliant younger generation
Qiū shōu Qǐ yì
Autumn Harvest Uprising (1927), insurrection in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces led by Mao Zedong
mǎi bu qǐ
cannot afford / can't afford buying
liǎo bu qǐ
amazing / terrific / extraordinary
tū qǐ
to appear suddenly / projection / bit sticking out
piān piān qǐ wǔ
(to start) dancing lightly and gracefully
téng qǐ
téng kōng ér qǐ
commence business / rise in the world by sheer effort and persistence
qǐ yì
uprising / insurrection / revolt
qǐ yì jūn
insurrectionary army
qǐ fú
to move up and down / to undulate / ups and downs
yī qǐ
in the same place / together / with / altogether (in total)
qǐ cǎo
to make a draft / to draw up (plans)
huò qǐ xiāo qiáng
Troubles start inside the house. / There is internal strife afoot. / Trouble breaks out at home. / Troubles come within one's family -- internecine feud.
fēng qǐ
to swarm / to rise in masses
qǐ qì
beginning and end (dates)
tóu mèi ér qǐ
lit. to shake one's sleeves and rise (idiom) / fig. to get excited and move to action
wǔ zhuāng qǐ yì
armed uprising
qǐ shì
to vow / to swear an oath
qǐ sù
to sue / to bring a lawsuit against / to prosecute
shuō qǐ
to mention / to bring up (a subject) / with regard to / as for
tán qǐ
mention / speak of
qǐ zǎo tān hēi
to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late
qǐ shēn
to get up / to leave / to set forth
fā qǐ
to originate / to initiate / to launch (an attack, an initiative etc) / to start / to propose sth (for the first time)

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