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蜂 stroke order animation

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蜂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蜂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蜂
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Meaning of

Pinyin fēng
bee / wasp
蜂 [fēng] 名 1. An insect that can fly, often has a stinger, and is capable of stinging people. There are various types, such as "honey bee," "bumblebee," "wasp," and "sawfly," many of which live in groups. 2. Specifically refers to "honey bee." 3. A type of bird known as "bee bird," which is the smallest kind of bird, about the size of a thumb, with a long, slender beak. It feeds on nectar and small insects found on flowers and is found in South America. 4. Numerous; in great numbers. Examples: swarm, crowd, gather, assemble. 蜂 [fēng] 名 【本义】:蜂,一种昆虫。有蜜蜂、胡蜂、细腰蜂等。特指“蜜蜂” 【造字法】:形声。从虫,夆( fēng )声。 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] wasp) 2. Specifically refers to honey bee ([En.] bee;honey-bee) 引 1. 《说文》:蜂,飞虫螫人者。 2. 《左传·僖公十二年》:蜂虿有毒。 3. 《汉书·文元传》:蜂目而豺声。 4. 《论衡·言毒》:蜜为液,蜂则阳物也。 例 如:蜂虿(蜂与蝎子。泛指小毒虫);蜂臣(指蜂王以外的众蜂);蜂扇蚁聚(蜂翅扇动,蚂蚁聚合。比喻人虽众多起不了大作用) 蜂 [fēng] 形 1. Metaphor for being numerous and in swarms ([En.] in swarms) 引 1. 《史记·项羽本纪》:楚蜂起之将。 2. 《汉书·刘向传》:蜂午并起。 3. 《汉书·中山靖王胜传》:谗言之徒蜂生。 4. 《广东军务记》:乡民蚁拥蜂攒,布满山麓。 例 如:蜂出(群拥而出);蜂至(群集而至);蜂溃(像蜂群四处飞散样逃亡);蜂出泉流(像群蜂倾巢,如泉水涌流);蜂合豕突(如群蜂聚集,似野猪奔突。比喻众人杂沓会合,横冲直撞);蜂簇(群蜂簇拥) 2. 通“锋”。兵器的尖端。引申为锐势,势头 ([En.] tendency) 引 1. 《汉书·陈胜项籍传》:今君起江东, 楚蜂起之将皆争附君者,以君世世 楚将,为能复立 楚之后也。
fēng cháo
beehive / wasp's nest / honeycomb / fig. honeycomb figure
fēng yōng
to flock (to see) / to mill / to throng
fēng yōng ér zhì
come in great numbers
fēng yōng ér lái
pour in / come swarming / swarm forward
fēng wáng jiāng
royal jelly
fēng wō
bee's nest / honeycomb / fig. honeycomb figure
yī wō fēng
like a swarm of bees / everyone swarms around pushing and shouting / a hornet's nest
mǎ fēng wō
hornet’s nest
mì fēng
bee / honeybee / CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]
mǎ fēng
variant of 馬蜂|马蜂[ma3 feng1]
fēng mì
fēng qǐ
to swarm / to rise in masses
gōng fēng
worker bee
fēng qún
bee colony / swarm / CL:隊|队[dui4]
fēng wáng
queen bee
cí fēng
queen bee
fēng yōng ér shàng
rush on like a swarm of hornets / like bees pressing forward in swarms -- a crowd pressing on / (The crowds) surged forward (to shake hands with sb.).
xióng fēng
drone (bee)
fēng dú
wasp poison
fēng là

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Input Method for
Pinyin feng1
Four Corner
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