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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

蟲 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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蟲 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蟲
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蟲
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Meaning of

Pinyin chóng
insect / worm, an animal / an invertebrate / a worm / an insect
蟲 chóng [名] 1. Ancient general term for animals. (古時對動物的通稱。) 2. Insect. (昆蟲。) 3. Plague of insects. (蟲災。) 4. Metaphorically refers to a person with specific characteristics or preferences. (喻指具有某種特點或嗜好的人。) 5. Place name. A city name from the Zheng state in the Spring and Autumn period, located east of present-day Jining City, Shandong Province. (地名。春秋鄭國邑名。在今山東省濟寧市東。) 6. Surname. (姓。) 1. In ancient times, this was a general term for animals. For example: big bug; long bug. (古時對動物的通稱。如:大蟲;長蟲。) 2. Synonymous with insects. (同本義。) 3. In ancient times, it referred broadly to all animals. (古代泛指所有的動物。) 4. Refers to a plague of insects. (蟲災。) 引文: 1. “有足謂之蟲,無足謂之豸。” (From "Shuowen Jiezi") (有足謂之蟲,無足謂之豸。) 2. “風為蟲。” (From "The Analects of Confucius") (風爲蟲。) 3. “煩氣為蟲。” (From "Huainanzi") (煩氣爲蟲。) 4. “禽獸蟲蛾。” (From "Liezi") (禽獸蟲蛾。) 5. “蟲飛薨薨。” (From "Book of Songs") (蟲飛薨薨。) 6. “古人之觀於天地、山川、草木、蟲魚、鳥獸,往往有得。” (Wang Anshi) (古人之觀於天地、山川、草木、蟲魚、鳥獸,往往有得。) 7. “人民不勝蟲蛇。” (From "Han Feizi") (人民不勝蟲蛇。) 例子: 1. 蟲豸 (insects; bugs); 蟲蛭 (small insects); 蟲天 (a state where all insects adapt to their environment); 蟲吊 (the sound of insects, which is often mournful); 蟲出 (when a body decomposes, insects come out. It implies not being buried after death). (如:蟲豸(昆蟲;蟲子);蟲蛭(小蟲子);蟲天(百蟲能各自適應所處的環境);蟲吊(蟲聲。其聲悽切,有如弔問);蟲出(人死後數日則屍體生蟲。喻死後不得入土安葬)) 引文: 1. “肉腐出蟲。” (From "Xunzi") (肉腐出蟲。) 例子: 1. 長蟲 (big bug, colloquial for tiger); 蟲蝦 (refers to fish and shrimp); 蟲蝨 (broadly refers to borers); 蟲網 (spider web). (如:長蟲(大蟲。方言。指老虎);蟲蝦(指魚蝦);蟲蝨(泛指蛀蟲);蟲網(謂蜘蛛佈網)) 1. Bug bite. (蟲咬。) 1. Bug bite. (蟲咬。) 1. “Chong chong” later turned into “luan luan”. Refers to the appearance of steam creating an oppressive heat. (〔蟲蟲〕後作“爞爞”。熱氣蒸人的樣子。) 1. “Chong chong” later turned into “luan luan”. Refers to the appearance of steam creating an oppressive heat. (〔蟲蟲〕後作“爞爞”。熱氣蒸人的樣子。)

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Pinyin chong2
Four Corner
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