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而 stroke order animation

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而 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 而
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 而
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Meaning of

Pinyin ér
and / as well as / but (not) / yet (not) / (shows causal relation) / (shows change of state) / (shows contrast)
而 (ér) 1. **Pronoun**: Corresponds to "尔", meaning "you" or "your". - Example: 而翁归,自与汝复算耳。 (When the old man returns, we will settle accounts with you again.) 2. **Conjunction**: An ancient term used to connect words, phrases, and clauses, indicating various relationships: a. **Indicating Parallel Relationship**: 多而杂 (many and mixed). b. **Indicating Subsequent Relationship**: 取而代之 (take the place then replace). c. **Indicating Progressive Relationship**: 而且 (and moreover). d. **Indicating Contrastive Relationship**: 似是而非 (seems right but is wrong). e. **Connecting Affirmative and Negative**: 浓而不烈 (strong but not overwhelming). f. **Connecting Adverbial Phrases with Core Terms**: 侃侃而谈 (talk fluent and easy). g. **Inserting in Subject-Predicate for Hypothesis**: 人而无信,不知其可 (If a person lacks trust, one doesn’t know its feasibility). 3. **Showing Range**: 从上而下 (from top to bottom). 4. **Noun**: The character is pictographically representing the shape of bristles (jaw hair). - Example: 而,颊毛也。 (The character "而" represents bristles on the jaws.) 5. **Conjunction Uses**: - (1) Used continuously from ancient times, linking various elements to display complex relations: 如,“君子博学而日参省乎己。” (The gentleman is well-learned and reflects on himself daily.) - (2) Shows progress: 余方心动欲还,而大声发于水上。 (I was moved to return, when suddenly a loud sound came from the water.) - (3) Indicating contrast: 青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝。 (The color blue is derived from indigo, but is bluer than indigo.) - (4) Indicates a hypothetical relationship: 诸君而有意;瞻余马首可也。 (If everyone has intention, they may look towards my horse.) - (5) Connects qualifying/adverbial phrases: 吾恂恂而起。 (I rose gently.) 6. **Alternative Pronouns**: - (1) 你; 你的 (you; your): 余知而无罪也。 (I know and yet I am not guilty.) - (3) 如此 (this): 同是被逼迫,君而妾亦然。 (Both are being forced to do so, you and the concubine as well.) - (4) Another form: 而夫 (this man; that man). 7. **Modal Particles**: - (1) Indicates relationship akin to "of": 虞之与虢,相恃而势。 (The relationship of Yu and Guo relies on each other for power.) - (2) Used with directional terms: 形而上者谓之道。 (That which is beyond form is called the "Dao".) 8. **Rhetorical Question Indication**: - (1) Used in rhetorical questions: 为仁由己,而由人乎哉? (Is not being benevolent up to oneself, but relying on others?) - (2) Atters an emphasis: 已而已而,今之从政者殆而。 (Indeed, the current political leaders are perilous.) 9. **As a Verb**: - (1) Implies similarity: 溺死者千有余人,军惊而坏都舍。 (Over a thousand drowned, the army was alarmed and abandoned the city.) 通“能” (Also reads as "néng") **Noun**: Ability - 然计天下之所以治者,何也?唯而以尚同一义为政故也。 (To govern the world, what matters? Only by upholding the same principles in governance.) **Verb**: - (1) Can; to be able: 不逢汤武与恒缪兮,也孰去而知之? (If not encountering Tang and Wu, who could possibly know?)
wú jiāng shàng xià ér qiú suǒ
I will search up and down
fǎn ér
instead / on the contrary / contrary (to expectations)
yī hòng ér sàn
see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4]
yì hōng ér shàng
Rush up
yī hōng ér qǐ
(of a group of people) to rush into action
bù yán ér yù
it goes without saying / it is self-evident
yīn ér
therefore / as a result / thus / and as a result, ...
yīn ér shì
duó kuàng ér chū
burst into tears / tears started from one's eyes
zhōu ér fù shǐ
lit. the cycle comes back to the start (idiom); to move in circles / the wheel comes full circle
wěi wěi ér tán
talk familiarly on and on / talk volubly / talk effusively
wàng ér què bù
to shrink back / to flinch
bù hán ér lì
shiver all over though not cold / tremble with fear / shudder
ér yǐ
that's all / nothing more
xìng ér
by good fortune / luckily
yíng rèn ér jiě
lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom) / fig. easily solved
hū ér
suddenly / now (..., now...)
xuán ér wèi jué
pending a decision / hanging in the balance
mù míng ér lái
to come to a place on account of its reputation (idiom); attracted to visit a famous location
jiá rán ér zhǐ
with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); to come to an end spontaneously (esp. of sound)
pū miàn ér lái
lit. sth hits one in the face / directly in one's face / sth assaults the senses / blatant (advertising) / eye-catching / (a smell) assaults the nostrils
yáng cháng ér qù
to swagger off / to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
fú xiù ér qù
to storm off in a huff (idiom)
pāi àn ér qǐ
lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether / unable to take it any more
bá dì ér qǐ
rise straight from the ground / rising abruptly out of the ground
yī yōng ér shàng
to swarm around / flocking (to see)
fēng yōng ér zhì
come in great numbers
fēng yōng ér lái
pour in / come swarming / swarm forward
zé shàn ér cóng
to choose the right course and follow it (idiom)
shè jí ér shàng
to walk slowly up a flight of steps (idiom)
yī fà ér bù kě shōu shí
tǐng shēn ér chū
to step forward bravely
tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn
variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险[ting3 er2 zou3 xian3]
竿 jiē gān ér qǐ
bear arms against / raise the standard / rise in revolt
jiān ér yǒu zhī
to have both (at the same time)
cā jiān ér guò
brief encounter / to brush past sb
cā shēn ér guò
to brush past
gù ér
gǎn nù ér bù gǎn yán
angry, but not daring to speak out (idiom); obliged to remain silent about one's resentment / unable to voice objections
jìng ér yuǎn zhī
to show respect from a distance (idiom) / to remain at a respectful distance
xiǎn ér yì jiàn
clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously / clearly / it goes without saying
qīng ér yì jǔ
easy / with no difficulty
ér shì
yī gài ér lùn
to lump different matters together (idiom)
sǐ ér bù jiāng
dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis / to die hard (idiom) / to die yet not be vanquished (idiom)
dài jià ér gū
to sell only for a good price (idiom) / to wait for a good offer
xǐ jí ér qì
crying tears of joy (idiom)
yǎn miàn ér qì
to bury one's head in one's hands and weep (idiom)
jié zé ér yú
lit. to drain the pond to get at the fish (idiom) / fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
sì shì ér fēi
apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom)
kǎn kǎn ér tán
to speak frankly with assurance
rán ér
however / yet / but
qiān yī fà ér dòng quán shēn
lit. pull one hair and the whole body moves / fig. a slight change will affect everything else / the butterfly effect
shèn ér
even / so much so that
wàng ér shēng wèi
intimidate at the first glance (idiom); awe-inspiring / terrifying / overwhelming
fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn
applicable anywhere (idiom)
jǐn cǐ ér yǐ
that's all / just this and nothing more
ér jīn
now / at the present (time)
xué ér yōu zé shì
one who is successful in one's studies, can become an official (idiom)
wáng gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā
the king looked left and right and then talked of other things / to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)
lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě
not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical) / to respond in kind
bù yuē ér tóng
to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
jì ér
then / afterwards
bù jìng ér zǒu
to get round fast / to spread like wildfire
shā yǔ ér guī
to return in low spirits following a defeat or failure to achieve one's ambitions (idiom)
bù yì ér fēi
to disappear without trace / to vanish all of a sudden / to spread fast / to spread like wildfire
jìn ér
and then (what follows next)
ér yán
with regard to (preceding phrase)
ér hòu
after that / then
ér lùn
And on
ér lì
thirty years of age
zhuǎn ér
to turn to (sth else) / to switch to
zì rán ér rán
involuntary / automatically
kě xiǎng ér zhī
it is obvious that... / as one can well imagine...
shí ér
occasionally / from time to time
tuō kǒu ér chū
to blurt out / to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
tuō yǐng ér chū
to reveal one's talent (idiom) / to rise above others / to distinguish oneself
téng kōng ér qǐ
commence business / rise in the world by sheer effort and persistence
jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī
over time / as time passes / in the fullness of time
cóng ér
thus / thereby
fēng yōng ér shàng
rush on like a swarm of hornets / like bees pressing forward in swarms -- a crowd pressing on / (The crowds) surged forward (to shake hands with sb.).
tóu mèi ér qǐ
lit. to shake one's sleeves and rise (idiom) / fig. to get excited and move to action
jiē zhǒng ér lái
to come one after the other
yī cù ér jiù
to get there in one step (idiom); easily done / success at a stroke / to get results overnight
ér qiě
(not only ...) but also / moreover / in addition / furthermore
yú guàn ér rù
to walk in in a line
chèn xū ér rù
avail oneself of the opportunity to get in
yī yuè ér qǐ
to jump up suddenly / to bound up / to rise up in one bound
jiē zhǒng ér zhì
come one after another
bù cí ér bié
to leave without saying good-bye
yíng miàn ér lái
directly / head-on (collision) / in one's face (of wind)
wú gōng ér fǎn
to return without any achievement (idiom); to go home with one's tail between one's legs
bàn tú ér fèi
to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished
suí fēng ér shì
gone with the wind
tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn
to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)
qiè ér bù shě
to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth / to persevere / unflagging efforts
yī shǎn ér guò
to flash past / to flit by
chéng xì ér rù
take advantage of the crack and enter / get in through the crack / seize the opportunity and enter
bèi dào ér chí
to run in the opposite direction (idiom); to run counter to
dǐng zú ér lì
standing like a tripod -- a tripartite balance of forces

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