Learn to write the Chinese character "逝" by watching the stroke order animation of "逝".
Stroke by Stroke: 逝 Writing Order
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逝 [shì]
1. 过去,往。
(Past, to go; to leave.)
例:逝去。逝川(the flowing water that has passed, metaphor for past times or things)。光阴易逝(Time flies)。
“子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!” (Confucius said, "Time flows like this.")
2. 死,多用于对死者的敬意。
(To die, often used to express respect for the deceased.)
例:逝世。长逝(to pass away)。仙逝(to die a noble death, often implying transcendence or ascending to a higher realm)
3. 同“誓”,表决心之词。
(Same as 'vow', to express determination.)
1. 《说文》:逝,往也。 (From "Shuowen": 逝 means to go.)
2. 《广雅》:逝,行也。 (From "Guangya": 逝 means to walk.)
3. 《诗·陈风·东门之枌》:谷旦于逝。 (From "Shijing": describing times that have passed.)
4. 《论语·雍也》:君子可逝也。 (From "Lunyu": The gentleman can pass away.)
又如:逝者如斯夫。 (For example: "The deceased flows like this.")
1. 《诗·邶风·谷风》:毋逝我梁。 (From "Shijing": Do not pass my beam.)
2. 《楚辞·九歌·少司命》:倏而来兮忽而逝。 (From "Chuci": Came suddenly and left swiftly.)
3. 《楚辞·湘夫人》:闻佳人兮召予,将腾驾兮偕逝。 (From "Chuci": Hearing the beautiful lady calling me, I shall mount and depart together.)
4. 《吕氏春秋·疑似》:其真子恐其父之不能反驰,遂逝迎之。 (From "Lu Shi Chun Qiu": Fearing that his father could not turn back, he went to welcome them.)
5. 唐·柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》:俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。 (From Tang: The water flows away, coming and going rhythmically.)
6. 清·袁枚《祭妹文》:如影历历,逼取便逝。 (From Qing: Like shadows, they quickly pass away.)
又如:远逝(to go far away);逝逝(the intention of going alone);逝踵(to leave);逝川(the flowing water that has passed, also metaphor for time or things that have gone);逝水(the water that has flowed away);逝波(the waves that have gone, also a metaphor for the passage of time);逝景(the time that has passed)
(Die; pass away.)
例:逝殂(to pass away);逝灭(to vanish, to perish);逝路(the path of death);逝没(to die)
(Same as 'vow', to express determination.)
例:逝将(to vow to go)
(From "Shijing": "I am about to leave for a joyful land.")
(Particle. Without real meaning, it serves to adjust the rhythm.)
1. 《诗·邶风·日月》:乃如之人兮,逝不古处。
(From "Shijing": Such a person, does not live in the ancient places.)
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