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世 stroke order animation

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世 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 世
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 世
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Meaning of

Pinyin shì
life / age / generation / era / world / lifetime
世 shì Meaning: 1. An era; sometimes specifically refers to thirty years. - Example: 世代 (many eras); 世纪 (refers to one hundred years). 流芳百世 (for generations to come). 2. Passed down from generation to generation. - Example: 世袭 (hereditary); 世家 (a family that has held high status for generations). 3. The human world, distinguished from heaven. - Example: 世上 (in the world); 世俗 (mundane; non-religious); 世故 (worldly wisdom). 4. The sum of all things in the natural world and human society; the entire Earth, or the universe; a part of the universe. - Example: 世界 (world); 举世瞩目 (attract worldwide attention); 公之于世 (make it known to the world). 5. A surname. Additional meanings: 1. The original meaning is thirty years. - Example: Three decades. 2. Father's and son's succession as generations. - Example: One generation (after turning thirty, a man traditionally marries and has children, creating a new generation). 3. A lifetime; one’s life. - Example: In this life; the mortal realm; next life. 4. The world or earthly existence. - Example: Renowned worldwide; worldly matters; the honored one (referring to Buddha). 5. An era; dynasty. - Example: The present era; turbulent times. 6. Age; year. - Example: The height of prosperity. 7. A geological epoch, shorter than a geological era and longer than a geological stage. - Example: Paleogene epoch. 8. Mundane things. - Example: Existence in the world. 9. Descendants; later generations. - Example: Future generations; inheritance based on lineage. 10. Family property or lineage. - Example: Keeping up the family name. 11. Noble clan. - Example: Noble families; descendants of aristocracy. 12. Surname. Adjectival meanings: 1. Having familial connections, indicating generations of interactions between families. - Example: 世先生 (a respectful title for an old family friend). 2. Referring to the legitimate heir. - Example: The eldest son. 3. Can mean "great." - Example: 世利 (greatly beneficial). Adverbial meanings: 1. Already; indicating something has happened. - Example: 小子世来你家 (I have been coming to your family for a long time). 2. Always or ultimately. - Example: 世不曾牢拴 (has not been tightly secured). 3. Forever or eternally. - Example: 世脱下皮囊 (cast off existence forever).
shì shū
a surname
Shǐ xīn shì
Eocene (geological epoch from 55m-34m years ago)
fèn shì jí sú
to be cynical / to be embittered
Shì bó huì
World Exposition / abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shi4 jie4 Bo2 lan3 hui4], World Expo
yàn shì
world-weary / pessimistic
Shì zōng
Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented
chén shì
this mortal life / the mundane world
huǎng rú gé shì
like a thing of the previous generation / as if it were a lifetime ago
wán shì bù gōng
to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions / frivolous
shì wài táo yuán
see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2]
shì xiōng
jīng shì hài sú
universally shocking / to offend the whole of society
qī shì dào míng
to fool the world and usurp a good name (idiom)
yǒng shì
eternal / forever
rén shì cāng sāng
Human events are as uncertain as the weather. / instability of human affairs / mutability of human affairs / the vicissitudes of human affairs / tremendous changes in the world
shì zé
Broad & Bright
zhuó shì
the world in chaos / troubled times / the mortal world (Buddhism)
shè shì
to see the world / to go out into society / to gain experience
shí tàn shì
shì jiè xìng
worldwide / cosmopolitan
gài shì
unrivalled / matchless
jǔ shì zhǔ mù
to receive worldwide attention
xī shì
cōng míng yī shì
shì jiè wū jǐ
the roof of the world / usually refers to Tibet or Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原[Qing1 Zang4 gao1 yuan2]
féi tè liè yī shì
Frederick I
yǔ shì gé jué
to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)
shì jì
century / CL:個|个[ge4]
shì shàng
on earth
quán shì jiè
worldwide / entire world
qù shì
to pass away / to die
shì rén
people (in general) / people around the world / everyone
shì shì
to pass away / to die
shì jì mò
end of the century
hòu shì
later generations
shì jiān
world / earth
yī shì
generation / period of 30 years / one's whole lifetime / lifelong / age / era / times / the whole world / the First (of numbered European kings)
shì xí
succession / inheritance / hereditary
wèn shì
to be published / to come out
èr shì
the Second (of numbered kings) / second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
shì jiè gè dì
all over the world / everywhere / in all parts of the world
chuán shì
handed down from ancient times / family heirloom
běn shì jì
present century
shì sú
profane / secular / worldly
liú fāng bǎi shì
(of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom) / to leave a mark for generations to come
shì dài
for many generations / generation / era / age
bù ān shì shì
ignorant of worldly affairs / not familiar with the ways of the world
shì jiè
world / CL:個|个[ge4]
Shì mào
World Trade Organization (WTO) / abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织
kuà shì jì
trans-century / cross-century
cí shì
to die / to depart this life (euphemism) / same as 去世
jǔ shì wén míng
world-famous (idiom)
wén míng yú shì
gé shì
separated by a generation / a lifetime ago

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Input Method for
Pinyin shi4
Four Corner
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