Learn to write the Chinese character "袭" by watching the stroke order animation of "袭".
Stroke by Stroke: 袭 Writing Order
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1. 趁敌人不备时攻击。
[En.] Attack when the enemy is unprepared.
2. 触及。
[En.] Touch.
3. 照样做,照样继续下去。
[En.] Carry on as before; continue in the same way.
4. 量词,指成套的衣服。
[En.] A measure word for a complete set of clothes.
5. 衣上加衣,引申为重迭。
[En.] Add clothing onto clothing, extending to mean overlap.
6. 合,和。
[En.] Combine; join.
【本义】: 死者穿的衣服,衣襟在左边
[En.] The original meaning: Clothes worn by the deceased, with the opening on the left side.
【造字法】: 形声。从衣,龖省声。
[En.] Phonetic structure: A pictograph of "clothing" and a phonetic component.
1. 同本义 ([En.] graveclothes)
引: 《说文》:袭,左衽袍也。 按,凡敛死者,左衽,不纽。
[En.] "In Shuowen," it states: "Xi means a robe with left lapel; for burying the deceased, it is left-lapelled and not fastened."
例: 袭衣(尸衣;也指古代行礼时穿在裼衣外面的上衣);袭玩(衣着器用)
[En.] Example: Grave clothes; also refers to clothing worn over ceremonial attire.
2. 姓
[En.] A surname.
1. 衣一套为一袭 ([En.] a suit)
引: 《汉书·昭帝纪》:赐衣被一袭。
[En.] "In the Book of Han": Bestowed a garment, one set.
例: 袭衣(成套衣服);袭衣兼食(成套衣服,多盘菜肴。谓生活优裕)
[En.] Example: A complete set of clothes; a suit of clothes with multiple dishes, signifying comfortable living.
2. 层,重 ([En.] layer)
1. 因袭,照旧搬用 ([En.] carry on as before)
引: 《韩非子·孤愤》:今袭迹于齐晋,欲国安存,不可得也。
[En.] "In Han Feizi": To follow the old ways of Qi and Jin, seeking national stability, is impossible.
例: 沿袭(依照旧传统办理);袭因(依照旧例);袭迹(依照前人的遗迹)
[En.] Example: Follow the old tradition; carry on as per old practice.
2. 继承 ([En.] succeed)
例: 世袭(指帝位、爵位等世代相传);袭职(继承官职);袭位
[En.] Example: Hereditary succession; inheriting an official position.
3. 重复 ([En.] repeat)
例: 袭吉(卜若不吉则止,不可因而重卜;重卜而得吉,叫做“袭吉”)
[En.] Example: Repeated divination if not auspicious; "Xi Ji" means to repeat divination until auspicious.
4. 调合;合 ([En.] merge)
例: 袭从(言两者相合);袭然(合一的样子)
[En.] Example: When two elements combine; resembles unity.
5. 袭击,乘其不备,偷偷地进攻 ([En.] raid)
例: 【左传·庄公二十九年】凡师有钟鼓曰伐,无曰侵,轻曰袭。
[En.] "In Zuo Zhuan": If an army has bells and drums, it is called an attack, if not, it is termed a raid.
例: 偷袭;奔袭;侵袭;奇袭;夜袭;空袭
[En.] Example: Surprise attack; swift raid; invasion; ambush; night raid; air raid.
6. 衣上加衣 ([En.] put)
例: 寒不敢袭,痒不敢搔。
[En.] Example: During cold weather, one does not dare to add layers; during itch, one does not dare to scratch.
7. 穿衣 ([En.] wear)
例: 袭尸(为死者穿衣);袭朝服
[En.] Example: Clothe the deceased; wear ceremonial attire.
8. 盖 ([En.] cover)
例: 袭裘(古代盛礼时,掩上裼衣而不使羔裘见于外)
[En.] Example: Cover with clothing during formal ceremonies.
9. 触及;熏染;侵袭 ([En.] attack)
例: 芳气袭人是酒香。
[En.] Example: The fragrant aroma wafts through, a scent of wine.
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