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装 stroke order animation

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装 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 装
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 装
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhuāng
adornment / adorn / costume / dress / clothing
装 装 zhuāng 名 1. 穿着的衣物:服装、便装、军装、中山装、装裹。 [En.] Clothing: outfit, casual wear, military uniform, Zhongshan suit, wrapping. 2. 特指演员演出时的穿戴打扮:上装、卸装。 [En.] Specifically refers to the attire and makeup of actors during performances: putting on costumes, removing costumes. 3. 特指出行时带的东西:治装、整装待发。 [En.] Specifically refers to items carried during travel: preparing luggage, ready to set out. 4. 特指工业生产或军队作战所需的用具和器械:装备、装置、防甲。 [En.] Specifically refers to tools and equipment needed for industrial production or military operations: equipment, installation, armor. 5. 用服饰改变人的原来原貌:化妆、乔装打扮。 [En.] Using clothing and accessories to alter a person's original appearance: makeup, disguise. 6. 假作,故意做作:佯装、装相、装模作样。 [En.] Pretending, deliberately putting on an act: feigning, putting on airs, affected behavior. 7. 安置,安放:装载、装卸。 [En.] To place or put in position: loading, unloading. 8. 布置,点缀:装修、装饰。 [En.] Arrangement and embellishment: renovation, decoration. 9. 特指对书籍、字画加以修整或修整成的式样:装订、装帧、装裱、线装、精装、装潢(原指用黄檗汁染的纸装裱书画,现泛指装饰物品使之美观)。 [En.] Specifically refers to the style of binding or framing books and artworks: binding, mounting, mounting, thread binding, fine binding, decorative embellishment (originally, using herbs to mount pictures, now it generally refers to beautifying items). 装 装 zhuāng 动 1. 装饰;打扮(指一般的装点):装点、打扮。 [En.] To decorate and dress up (general embellishment): dress-up, attire. 2. 装作,假装:装鬼脸、伪装。 [En.] To pretend, feign: put on a silly face, disguise. 3. 装载:装车、装放、装船。 [En.] To load: loading onto the cart, put in place, load onto the ship. 4. 装配;安装:装修、安装设备。 [En.] To assemble; install: renovate, installing equipment. 5. 贮放;藏:装黄金、藏物。 [En.] To store; hide: storing gold, keeping things. 6. 运载:运货、运载粮食。 [En.] To carry: transporting goods, carrying grain. 7. 修整书画:装裱书画、装潢。 [En.] To mount and decorate books and paintings: mounting books and paintings, embellishing. 8. 装入;放进:放进箱子。 [En.] To put into: putting something into a box.
zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ
to play deaf-mute
zhuāng tián
filling / bagging / backfill / stow / load
zhuāng bèi
equipment / to equip / to outfit
tào zhuāng
outfit or suit (of clothes) / set of coordinated items / kit
zhuāng xiè liàng
Loading and unloading
zhuāng xiè gōng
docker / longshoreman
xiè zhuāng
(of an actor) to remove makeup and costume / (computing) to uninstall / to unmount
zhuāng xiè qū
loading place / stevedoring district
bāo zhuāng
to pack / to package / to wrap / packaging
ān zhuāng
to install / to erect / to fix / to mount / installation
zhuāng zhēn
binding and layout (of a book etc)
西 xī zhuāng gé lǚ
dressed in Western-style clothes / impeccably attired
zhuāng shén nòng guǐ
lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify / to deceive people / to scam
quán fù wǔ zhuāng
fully armed / armed to the teeth / fig. fully equipped
wǔ zhuāng lì liàng
armed force
róng zhuāng
martial attire
bù dǒng zhuāng dǒng
to pretend to understand when you don't
zhuāng bàn
to decorate / to adorn / to dress up / to disguise oneself
nǚ bàn nán zhuāng
(of a woman) to dress as a man (idiom)
pīn zhuāng
to assemble
huàn zhuāng
reloading / rehandling
zhuāng xiè
to load or unload / to transfer / to assemble and disassemble
zhuāng jiǎ bīng
gǎi zhuāng
to change one's costume / to repackage / to remodel / to refit / to modify / to convert
fú zhuāng
dress / clothing / costume / clothes / CL:身[shen1]
zhuāng shù
attire / clothing
zhuāng liàn
dress and lay a corpse in a coffin
jiǎ zhuāng
to feign / to pretend
zhuāng shǎ
to act stupid / to pretend to be naive
zhuāng fēng mài shǎ
to play the fool (idiom) / to feign madness
zhuāng xiū
to decorate / interior decoration / to fit up / to renovate
wǔ zhuāng
arms / equipment / to arm / military / armed (forces)
yǒng zhuāng
zhuāng huáng
to mount (a picture) / to dress / to adorn / decoration / packaging
zhuāng hú tú
pretend not to know / feign ignorance
zhuāng huáng mén miàn
do window dressing / put up a facade / keep up appearances
zhuāng huáng
variant of 裝潢|装潢[zhuang1 huang2]
zhuāng jiǎ
vehicle armor
píng zhuāng
zhuāng jiǎ chē
armored car / CL:輛|辆[liang4]
zhuāng jiǎ shī
armored division
nán zhuāng
men's clothes
shèng zhuāng
splendid clothes / rich attire / one's Sunday best
qiáo zhuāng gǎi bàn
qiáo zhuāng
to pretend / to feign / to disguise oneself
qiáo zhuāng dǎ bàn
to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit
tóng zhuāng
children's clothing
jí zhuāng xiāng
container (for shipping)
zǔ zhuāng
to assemble and install
guàn zhuāng
canned (food, coffee etc)
zhuāng zhì
to install / installation / equipment / system / unit / device
xī zhuāng
fitting-out / outfit
zhuāng qiāng zuò shì
posturing / pretentious / affected
wěi zhuāng
to pretend to be (asleep etc) / to disguise oneself as / pretense / disguise / (military) to camouflage / camouflage
yáng zhuāng
to pretend / to pose as
zhuāng suàn
to act stupid / to play dumb / to pretend to not know
zhuāng biǎo
mount (a picture, etc.)
dài zhuāng
in bags
zhuāng yǒu
fitted with
zhuāng shì
to decorate / decoration / decorative / ornamental
zhuāng pèi
to assemble / to fit together
wǔ zhuāng qǐ yì
armed uprising
zhuāng zuò
to pretend / to feign / to act a part
qún zhuāng
yín zhuāng sù guǒ
be covered with snow(cover的被动式)
zhuāng dìng
bookbinding / to bind (books etc)
qīng zhuāng
light / with light packs
zhuāng zài
to load / to stow
zhuāng shì pǐn
zhuāng shì xìng
decorative / ornamental

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhuang1
Four Corner
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