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Stroke by Stroke: 履 Writing Order
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履 [lǚ]
1. 鞋: Shoes. 西装革履 (Western-style leather shoes). 削足适履 (to tailor something to fit).
2. 践踩,走过: Tread on, walk over. 履历 (a. personal experience; b. a document recording experiences). 履任 (assume office). 履险如夷 (walking on a dangerous path as if on flat ground, metaphorically indicating fearlessness in a perilous situation, or safely navigating through danger). 如履薄冰 (to be in a precarious situation).
3. 步伐: Pace. 步履维艰 (to have difficulty moving forward).
4. 执行,实行: Execution, implementation. 履行 (fulfill). 履约 (honor an agreement).
5. [履带]: A steel chain belt surrounding wheels of tractors, tanks, etc.
6. 指领土: Referring to territory. “赐我先君履 (give me the territory of my predecessor).”
履 [lǚ] (verb)
**Original Meaning**: To tread.
**Character Formation**: Ideogram. The small seal character comprises the "尸" (shī, person) and "彳" (chì, indicating walking). 履 was primarily used as a verb before the Warring States period. The term "屦" was generally used to refer to shoes, while "鞋" became common after the Tang dynasty.
1. 同本义 (tread on).
2. 穿鞋 (put on shoes).
3. 登位 (ascend the throne).
4. 经历某种景况 (experience).
5. 实行 (fulfill).
6. 躬行 (keep personally).
7. 开始担任职务 (assume office).
履 [lǚ] (noun)
1. 鞋 (shoes).
2. 足 (foot).
3. 领土,疆土 (territory).
履 [lǚ] (verb)
**Original Meaning**: To tread.
1. 引用例: 《易·坤》: 履霜,履虎尾. (treading on frost, stepping on the tail of a tiger).
2. 引用例: 《诗·魏风·葛屦》: 可以履霜. (can tread on frost).
3. 引用例: 《礼记·玉藻》: 履蒯席. (tread on the seat).
4. 引用例: 清·梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》: 地履其黄. (the ground treads yellow).
5. 引用例: 《庄子·养生主》: 足之所履. (where the feet tread).
- 履危 (to tread in peril);
- 履亩 (to inspect fields);
- 履虎尾 (to step on the tail of a tiger);
- 履迹 (to follow in someone's footsteps);
- 履霜 (to tread on frost, cautioning against future dangers);
- 涉水如履平地 (crossing water as if on level ground);
- 履冰 (walking on ice);
- 履薄 (walking on thin ice).
2. 穿鞋 (put on shoes).
1. 引用例: 唐·李贺《南园》: 自履藤鞋收石蜜. (wearing vine shoes to gather honey).
3. 登位 (ascend the throne).
1. 引用例: 《礼记·表记》: 履其位而不履其事. (to occupy the position without performing its duties).
2. 引用例: 汉·贾谊《过秦论》: 履至尊. (to ascend to the supreme position).
- 履任 (to take office);
- 履位 (to ascend to a position).
4. 经历某种景况 (experience).
- 履炭 (to experience hardship);
- 履运 (to encounter luck).
5. 实行 (fulfill).
1. 引用例: 《礼记》: 处其位而不履其事,则乱也. (to be in a position but not perform its duties leads to chaos).
- 履善 (to do good);
- 履蹈 (to implement);
- 履中 (to practice moderation);
- 履谦 (to act humbly);
- 履经 (to walk the wrong path).
6. 躬行 (keep personally).
- 履仁 (to practice benevolence);
- 履方 (to follow the right path);
- 履正 (to uphold correctness);
- 履忠 (to practice loyalty);
- 履约 (to keep commitments).
7. 开始担任职务 (assume office).
1. 引用例: 清·张廷玉《明史》: 将履新任. (about to assume a new position).
- 履任 (to take office);
- 履端 (to initiate).
履 [lǚ] (noun)
1. 鞋 (shoes).
1. 引用: 《说文》: 履,足所依也. (shoes, what the feet rely on).
2. 引用: 《方言四》: 丝作之者谓之履. (those made of silk are called shoes).
3. 引用: 《列子·黄帝》: 脱履户外. (taking off shoes outside).
4. 引用: 《汉书·鲍宣传》: 衣敝履空. (wearing tattered clothes and shoes).
5. 引用: 清·周容《芋老人传》: 不辨衣履. (unable to distinguish clothes and shoes).
6. 引用: 宋·司马光《训俭示康》: 蹑丝履. (to step lightly in silk shoes).
7. 引用: 《史记·货殖列传》: 衣履天下. (to wear clothing and shoes throughout the world).
8. 引用: 《史记·留侯世家》: 孺子,下取履. (the child, take the shoes).
9. 引用: 《韩非子·外储说左上》: 郑人有欲买履者. (a man from Zheng wanted to buy shoes).
10. 引用: 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》: 脱丝履. (to take off silk shoes).
- 革履 (leather shoes);
- 履屐 (shoes);
- 履带 (shoelaces);
- 履组 (shoe laces);
- 履靸 (refers to shoes).
2. 足 (foot).
1. 引用: 庾信《和咏舞》: 顿履随疏节,低鬟逐上声. (the dance steps follow the rhythm, as the hair falls low to the sound).
3. 领土,疆土 (territory).
1. 引用: 《左传·僖公四年》: 赐我先君履,东至于海,西至于河. (grant me the territory of my predecessor, east to the sea, west to the river).
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