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缕 stroke order animation

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缕 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 缕
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 缕
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Meaning of

state in detail / strand / thread
缕 (lǚ) 1. 名词 (Noun) - 线:千丝万缕。 (Thread: countless threads, like the fine lines of silk.) - 泛指线状物。 (General term for thread-like objects.) 2. 名词 (Noun) - 同本义 ([En.] thread) - 引用: 1. 《说文》:缕,线也。段注:“凡蚕者为丝,麻者为缕。” (According to "Shuo Wen": "Lü" means thread. Commentary: "For silkworms, it is silk; for hemp, it is lü.") 2. 《孟子·滕文公上》:麻缕丝絮轻重同,则贾相若。 (Mencius: The lightness of hemp thread and silk is the same, hence the trade is similar.) 3. 《孟子》:有布缕之征。注:“紩铠甲之缕也。” (Mencius: There are signs of cloth threads; Commentary: "They are the threads of woven armor.") 4. 苏轼《赤壁赋》:余音袅袅,不绝如缕。 (Su Shi, "Red Cliffs Rhapsody": The lingering sound is continuous like threads.) 5. 《潜夫论·俘侈》:或断绝众缕,绕带手腕。 (Potential Husbandry: Some cut off many threads and wind them around their wrists.) - 例子:缕綦(用线织綦);缕綵(用各色不同的线缕成其文采) (Instances: "lü qi" (woven with thread); "lü cai" (woven with various colored threads).) 3. 泛指细而长的东西,线状物 ([En.] filament) - 引用: 1. 《三国志·文帝纪》:汉氏诸陵无不发掘,乃至烧取玉匣金缕。 (Records of the Three Kingdoms: All Han tombs are excavated, even burning the gold threads of the jade boxes.) 2. 冯延己《鹊踏枝》:杨柳风轻,展尽黄金缕。 (Feng Yanjie, "Magpie Steps": The willow sways gently, revealing golden threads.) - 例子:缕子脍(食品名。以细切的鱼肉制成);缕肉羹(肉丝羹) (Examples: "lü zǐ kuǎi" (a dish made of finely sliced fish); "lü ròu gēng" (meat shreds soup).) 4. 帛 ([En.] silks) - 引用: 1. 《管子·侈靡》:故为祷朝缕绵。注:“帛也。” (Guanzi: Hence, I pray for exquisite silks; Commentary: "It's silk.") - 例子:缕绵(绸帛丝绵) (Example: "lü mián" (silk fabric).) 5. 形容词 (Adjective) - 连续不断 ([En.] continuously) - 例子:如:缕悉(一条一条很清楚);缕堤(临河处所筑小堤。因连绵不断,状如丝缕,故名);缕缕行行(方言。成群结队。形容很多);缕续(接连不断) (Examples: Such as: "lü xi" (clear one by one); "lü dī" (small embankment); "lü lü xíng xíng" (dialect, in groups, describes many); "lü xù" (continuously).) 6. 形容词 (Adjective) - 通“褛”。衣破 ([En.] worn-out) - 例子:如:蓝缕(破衣) (e.g., "lán lǚ" (tattered clothes).) 7. 副词 (Adverb) - 一条一条地,详尽地 ([En.] in detail) - 引用: 1. 葛洪《抱朴子》:其功业相次千万者,不可复缕举也。 (Ge Hong, "Baopuzi": Those whose merits are countless cannot be recounted in detail.) - 例子:如:缕细(底细,详情);缕责(细责,苛责) (Examples: "lü xì" (details); "lü zé" (detailed blame).) 8. 量词 (Measure word) - 一丝,一股 ([En.] wisp) - 引用: 1. 清·邵长蘅《青门剩稿》:红光一缕。 (Qing Dynasty, Shao Changheng, "Qingmen Shenggao": A wisp of red light.) - 例子:如:一缕烟;千丝万缕;一缕幽香 (Examples: "a wisp of smoke"; "countless threads"; "a wisp of fragrance.") 9. 量词 (Measure word) - 股、绞等 ([En.] strand) - 例子:如:一缕麻;一缕头发 (Examples: "a strand of hemp"; "a strand of hair.") 10. 动词 (Verb) - 疏通;分流 ([En.] dredge) - 例子:如:缕河(疏通河流) (Example: "lü hé" (to dredge the river).) 11. 动词 (Verb) - 一种刺绣方法 ([En.] emborder) - 例子:如:纳缕(刺绣方法之一) (Example: "nà lǚ" (one of the embroidery methods).)
bì lù lán lǚ
the hardships of beginning an undertaking (idiom)
yī lǚ
a wisp of
jǐ lǚ
A few strands
lǚ lǚ
sī sī lǚ lǚ
tiáo fēn lǚ xī
to analyze thoroughly, point by point (idiom)
jīn lǚ yù yī
jade clothes sewn with gold wire / a suit of jade pieces tied together with gold wire / the jade suit sewn with gold thread
cuì lǚ
dì yī lǚ
First strand
bù jué rú lǚ
hanging by a thread / very precarious / almost extinct / (of sound) linger on faintly
qiān sī wàn lǚ
linked in countless ways

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Pinyin lv3
Four Corner
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