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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

纪 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

纪 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 纪
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 纪
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Meaning of

Pinyin jì、 jǐ
discipline / age / era / period / order / record
纪 jì 1. 记载: Record. - Example: 纪年 (Jìnián) - record of years. - 纪元 (Jìyuán) - era. - 纪行 (Jìxíng) - recorded travels. - 纪实 (Jìshí) - factual account. - 纪念 (Jìniàn) - commemoration. - 纪传 (Jìzhuàn) - biographical account (a genre of traditional Chinese historical writing centered on biographies). - 纪事本末体 (Jì shì běn mò tǐ) - a genre of historical text that records a complete history of important events. 2. 记年代的方式: Method of recording years. - Example: 一纪 (Yī jì) - an ancient term referring to a cycle of twelve years. - 世纪 (Shìjì) - a century (hundred years). 3. 地质年代分期的第二级: The second level of geological time division, where "纪" is below "代" (dài) and above "世" (shì). 4. 法度: Law and rules. - Example: 纪律 (Jìlǜ) - discipline. - 违法乱纪 (Wéifǎ luàn jì) - violating laws and regulations. 5. 散丝的头绪: Threads of silk. - Example: 丝缕有纪 (Sīlǚ yǒu jì) - there are connections among threads. 6. 同本义: Threads of silk. 7. 开端, 头绪: Threads; beginnings, clues. 8. 要领: Essentials. 9. 纲领; 纲纪: Guiding principle; standard. 10. 法则; 准则: Law; guideline. 11. 纪律: Discipline. 12. 终极: End; limit. 13. 仆人: Servant. 14. 历史上的或人类发展,尤指文化发展方面的一个时代或时期: An era or period in history or human development, particularly in cultural development. - Example: 世纪 (Shìjì) - century; 中世纪 (Zhōngshìjì) - Middle Ages. 15. 地质上的分期: A geological period (longer than "世") which is included within an "代." 16. 十二年的一个时期: A period of twelve years. - Example: 如何四纪为天子,不及卢家有莫愁 (Rúhé sì jì wèi tiānzǐ, bùjí Lú jiā yǒu mòchóu). 17. 杂记、印象或事件的非正式纪录: An informal record of notes, impressions, or events. 18. 旧时史书的一种体裁本纪: An ancient genre of historical writing that records the historical events of emperors and major events of the era. 19. 中国古国名: The name of an ancient Chinese state, 纪 (Jì state), which was conquered by Qi, with its location in present-day Shandong Province. 20. 姓: Surname. - Example: 纪信 (Jì Xìn) - a historical figure; 纪昌 (Jì Chāng) - an ancient legendary archer. 纪 Jǐ 1. 姓: Surname. 2. 另见: See also jì. 处理;治理: Handle; manage. - Example: 纪农协功 (Jì nónɡ xié gōnɡ) - manage agricultural efforts. 3. 通“记”: To record; to note down. - Example: 纪功 (Jì gōng) - record accomplishments; 纪述 (Jì shù) - record and narrate.
Èr dié jì
Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)
Sān dié jì
Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)
Bái è jì
Cretaceous (geological period 140-65m years ago)
máo zhǔ xí jì niàn táng
Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
jì lù
variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4] (but in Taiwan, not for the verb sense "to record")
jì lù piàn
newsreel / documentary (film or TV program) / CL:部[bu4]
jì lǜ
jì niàn
to commemorate / to remember / CL:個|个[ge4]
jì niàn guǎn
memorial hall / commemorative museum
jì niàn pǐn
jì niàn rì
day of commemoration / memorial day
zhèn dàn jì
Sinian (c. 800-542 million years ago), late phase of pre-Cambrian geological era
jì jiǎn zǔ
Discipline Inspection Team
jì jiǎn
disciplinary inspection / to inspect another's discipline
Ní pén jì
Devonian (geological period 417-354m years ago)
Shí tàn jì
Carboniferous (geological period 354-292m years ago)
jì niàn bēi
Zhú shū Jì nián
Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chinese ancient history, written c. 300 BC
jīng jì rén
broker / middleman / agent / manager
jì yào
minutes / written summary of a meeting
nián jì
age / CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4]
jūn jì
military discipline
dì sì jì
fourth period / quaternary (geological period covering the recent ice ages over the last 180,000 years)
jì wěi
discipline inspection commission
wéi jì
lack of discipline / to break a rule / to violate discipline / to breach a principle
jì nián
to number the years / calendar era / annals / chronicle
jì shì
record event
gāng jì
law and order
shì jì
century / CL:個|个[ge4]
shì jì mò
end of the century
běn shì jì
present century
Zhū luó jì
Jurassic (geological period 205-140m years ago)
kuà shì jì
trans-century / cross-century
wéi fǎ luàn jì
to break the law and violate discipline (idiom)
zūn jì shǒu fǎ
observe law and discipline / observe disciplines and obey laws
jì niàn yóu piào
commemorative postage stamp

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Input Method for
Pinyin ji4
Four Corner
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