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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

绩 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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绩 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 绩
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 绩
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Meaning of

merit / accomplishment
绩 jì 1. 把麻搓捻成线或绳。 [En.] Twist hempen thread. 2. 继。 [En.] Inherit. 3. 成果,功业。 [En.] Achievement; merit. 4. 下裳。 [En.] Trousers. 1. 把麻搓捻成线或绳:纺~。~麻。~火(古代夜间纺织时照明的灯火)。 [En.] Twist hempen thread: spin thread; hemp twisting; light used for illumination while spinning at night. 2. 继:“子盍亦远~禹功而大庇民乎?” [En.] Inherit: "Why do you not inherit the achievements of Yu and provide great protection to the people?" 3. 成果,功业:成~。功~。战~。 [En.] Achievement, merit: completed result; achievement in merit; military achievements. 1. 成就;功业 [En.] Achievement; merit. 2. 下裳 [En.] Trousers. 1. 把麻纤维披开接续起来搓成线 [En.] Twist hempen thread. 引: 1 《说文》:绩,缉也。从糸,责声。 [En.] From "Shuowen": "Ji" means to twist, associated with silk and a sound of twisting. 2 《诗·陈风·东门之枌》:不绩其麻。 [En.] "Poetry of Chen": "Do not twist the hemp." 3 《诗·豳风·七月》:八月载绩。 [En.] "Poetry of Bin": "In August, the thread is twisted." 4 《国语·鲁语下》:公父文伯退朝,朝母。其母方绩。 [En.] "Records of the Grand Historian": "When Lord Wen went to court, his mother was spinning." 例: 又如:绩绪(搓麻线);绩女(纺织的女郎);绩火(夜晚纺织时用来照明的灯火);绩纺(泛指纺纱,绩麻诸事。即纺绩) [En.] For example: twisting hemp thread; spinning women; light for spinning at night; general weaving and twisting duties. 引: 1 《尔雅》:绩,功也,又,业也,又,事也,又,成也。字亦作勣。 [En.] "Erya": "Ji refers to achievement, merit, work, and completion. This character is also written as 'Jie'." 2 《声类》:勣,功也。 [En.] "Types of Sounds": "Jie refers to merit." 3 《书·尧典》:庶绩咸熙。 [En.] "Book of Documents": "All achievements thrive." 4 《左传·昭公元年》:远绩禹功。 [En.] "Zuo Zhuan": "Long-term inherit the merits of Yu." 5 《左传·庄公十一年》:大奔曰败绩。 [En.] "Zuo Zhuan": "The great defeat is called a failure in achievement." 6 《谷梁传·成公五年》:伯尊其无绩乎。 [En.] "Gu Liang Zhuan": "The count disdains his lack of achievement." 7 《国语·鲁语》:男女效绩。 [En.] "Guo Yu": "Men and women emulate achievements." 8 《诗·大雅·文王有声》:维禹之绩。 [En.] "Greater Odes": "This is Yu's achievement." 例: 又如:绩用(绩效,功用);绩迒(功效,工作的成绩);绩阀(功绩。书功状以榜门叫阀);绩谋(功勋与智谋) [En.] For example: performance; performance output; achievements; merits and intelligence. 2. 下裳 [En.] Trousers. 引: 1 《汉书》:赐皮弁素绩。 [En.] "Book of Han": "Bestowed leather cap with plain trousers."
xūn jì
gōng jì
feat / contribution / merits and achievements
chéng jì
achievement / performance records / grades / CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]
jì xiào
performance / results / achievement
Jì xī
Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui
jiā jì
good result / success
zhèng jì
(political) achievements / track record
zhàn jì
military successes / (fig.) success / accomplishment
shí jī
actual performance
zǒng chéng jī
total points / total score
bài jì
to be utterly defeated / to be routed
jī yōu
chéng jì dān
school report or transcript
shèng jī
kǎo jì
to check up on sb's achievements
jī chà gǔ
Underperforming stocks
láo jī
merits and accomplishments
wěi jì
great acts
jì yōu gǔ
gilt-edged stock / blue chip stock
yè jì
achievement / accomplishment / (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc) / results

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Pinyin ji4
Four Corner
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