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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

差 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

差 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 差
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 差
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Meaning of

Pinyin chā、 chà、 chāi、 cī、 chài
difference / discrepancy / to differ / error / to err / to make a mistake, differ from / short of / to lack / poor, send / a messenger / a mission / to commission, uneven
差 [chà] 1. Error. 2. Unequal, not matching. 3. Lack. 4. Bad, not up to standard. 差 [chà] (Example): "What was said was ~." 1. Error: "What was said was wrong." 2. Unequal, not matching: "Not very ~." 3. Lack: "Still ~ ten yuan." 4. Bad, not up to standard: "~ grade. Scores are ~." 动 (Verb) 1. Fall short of; insufficient to meet standards. ([En.] fall short of) Example: "We are still far from our parents' expectations." 2. Owe ([En.] owe). Example: "I still owe you five yuan." 形 (Adjective) 1. Strange; peculiar ([En.] strange). Example: "A strange person." 2. Low; poor; bad ([En.] poor; bad). Example: "Poor quality (not good)." 不同,不同之点。 大致还可以。 错误。 数学上指减法运算中的得数。 1. Difference; different points: "Difference in standard." 2. Not bad: "It's ~." 3. Error: "Error." 4. Mathematical result in subtraction: "The difference in four minus two is two." 差 [chā] 动 (Verb) (Associative): Original meaning: Inappropriate; incorrect; differ ([En.] mistake) 名 (Noun) 1. Difference ([En.] difference). 2. Result of subtraction ([En.] difference). 副 (Adverb) 1. Slightly, relatively ([En.] rather). 差 [chāi] 动 (Verb) 1. To assign; to dispatch ([En.] assign; dispatch; send on an errand). 2. To select ([En.] select). 名 (Noun) 1. A term for temporary official positions in ancient times ([En.] billet; official position). 2. Labor service ([En.] corvee). 3. Messengers in ancient government ([En.] messenger). 4. Errand ([En.] errand). →参差 等级。尊卑之差、爱无等差。 差 [cī] 名 (Noun) 1. Rank; grade ([En.] grade; rank). 2. Limit; boundary ([En.] limit). 动 (Verb) To arrange by rank/grade ([En.] grade). 形 (Adjective) 1. Uneven ([En.] uneven). 同“瘥”。 差 [chài] 动 (Verb) 1. To recover; later written as "瘥" ([En.] be recovered). Example: "After a severe illness, I recovered." 动 (Verb) To rub, to wash. Example: "The officiants washed in the hall." (Liji, mourning records.)
chā zhī háo lí
The difference
chà bu duō
almost / nearly / more or less / about the same / good enough / not bad
jiào chà
mediocre / rather poor / not specially good
xiāng chà
to differ / discrepancy between
chā jù
disparity / gap
chā yì
difference / discrepancy
qīn chāi
imperial envoy
chà diǎn
almost / nearly
chū chāi
to go on an official or business trip
jí chā
differential (between grades) / salary differential
wēn chā
difference in temperature
chā é
balance (financial) / discrepancy (in a sum or quota) / difference
wù chā
difference / error / inaccuracy
gōng chāi
official errand / bailiff in a yamen
chāi qiǎn
to send (on errand)
luò chā
drop in elevation / (fig.) gap (in wages, expectations etc) / disparity
cēn cī
uneven / jagged / snaggletooth / ragged / serrated
chā cuò
mistake / slip-up / fault / error (in data transmission) / accident / mishap
chāi yì
forced labor of feudal tenant (corvée) / bailiff of feudal yamen
chā bié
difference / distinction / disparity
piān chā
bias / deviation
fēn háo bù chā
chā chí
mistake / error / mishap
chà cāi
jī chà gǔ
Underperforming stocks
zāng luàn chà
(coll.) squalid / squalor
chā é xuǎn jǔ
competitive election (i.e. with more candidates than seats)
qīn chāi dà chén
imperial envoy / imperial commissioner / the government inspector
nì chā
adverse trade balance / trade deficit
gé sān chà wǔ
every few days (idiom)
shùn chā
(trade or budget) surplus
cēn cī bù qí
unevenly matched (idiom); scraggly / jagged

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Input Method for
Pinyin cha1
Four Corner
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