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Meaning of

Pinyin duō
many / much / a lot of / numerous / multi-
多 [duō] **Adjective** 1. Many, much; a large quantity. Opposite of "少" (few), "寡" (scarce). 例: 人多。Years are many. Many poses. Many levels. Many angles. Many difficulties. More good deeds lead to more rewards. Great injustices will lead to self-destruction. 2. More than one. 例: Many years produce grass. Many styles. Many synonyms. Many theories. 3. Surplus, larger than a certain number. 例: Surplus. More than a year. 4. Excessive, unnecessary. 例: Too talkative. Too ambitious. Excessive actions. 5. A large degree of difference. 例: Much better. 6. Indicates surprise or admiration. 例: So good. 7. Indicates a certain degree. 例: Has much effort to exert. 8. Indicates questioning. 例: How much is there? How long? 9. A surname. **Additional Meanings** 1. Excessive, unnecessary. 例: This character has one extra dot; many causes (most likely); much time (a long time); much effort (mostly); mostly certain (probably). 2. Heavy; opposite of "轻" (light). 例: Scholars also consider it heavy. 3. Praiseworthy, virtuous. 例: Very knowledgeable. 4. Used after numerals to represent the remainder or partial amount below a whole number. 例: Two months and more; three feet wide; over five years. 5. The degree of difference is large. 例: The patient is doing much better today; much time passed (a long time). 6. To praise or admire. 例: This is indeed a trivial matter, not worth mentioning. 7. A surname. **Adverb** 1. How; indicates a degree of amazement or questioning. 例: How good! How tall! Raising a child is so difficult! 2. Used in interrogative sentences to ask about the degree or quantity. 例: How much per pound? How early? 3. Used in exclamatory sentences to express a high degree. 例: Look how well they did! 4. Vague reference to a certain degree. 5. Only, merely. 例: What a pity, I truly regret, having caused trouble for Qin. 6. Mostly. 例: Using ancient methods for foraging herbs usually occurs in the second and eighth months, which may not be appropriate.
duō jí cái ràng
tú dào duō jí
fèi tán duō
duō wàn dūn
More than ten thousand tons
duō dūn
Many tons
亿 duō yì dūn
Billion tons
亿 yì duō dūn
Billion tons
wàn duō dūn
Ten thousand tons
Hǎo yòu duō
Trust-Mart (supermarket chain)
Xīn Kā lǐ duō ní yà
New Caledonia
duō zuǐ
talkative / to speak out of turn / to blab / to shoot one's mouth off / rumors fly
xǔ duō
many / a lot of / much
tān duō jiáo bù làn
to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)
duō zhǐ
multiple access
zēng duō
to increase / to grow in number
duō shǎo
number / amount / somewhat
hěn duō
a great many / plenty of / a number of / a good deal of / a lot of
duō zhǒng
many kinds of / multiple / diverse / multi-
duō nián
many years
duō shù
majority / most
duō cì
many times / repeatedly
dà duō
for the most part / many / most / the greater part / mostly
dà duō shù
(great) majority
chà bu duō
almost / nearly / more or less / about the same / good enough / not bad
jué dà duō shù
absolute majority / overwhelming majority
duō jiā
Duō ěr gǔn
Dorgon (1612-1651), fourteenth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤, successful general, instrumental in Manchu conquest of China, ruled China as regent 1644-1650 for his nephew Emperor Shunzhi 順治帝
duō míng
Ào lán duō
yī fū duō qī zhì
polygamy / polygyny / plural marriage
duō mǔ
Dooms / Domm / Domb / Daume / Dom / Dome / Dohm / Daum
ào duō mǔ
姿 duō zī duō cǎi
diversity (of forms and colors)
姿 duō zī
many postures
姿 ē nuó duō zī
very pretty and charming / gracefully slender figure
姿 xuàn lì duō zī
duō méi tǐ
duō méi tǐ jì shù
multimedia / multimedia technology
duō méi tǐ tōng xìn
multimedia communication
duō méi tǐ yè wù
multimedia business
duō méi tǐ kuò zhǎn
Multimedia extension
duō kǒng
duō gōng néng tīng
function hall
duō lí mǐ
More cm
Duō pǔ lè
Christian Johann Doppler, Austrian physicist who discovered the Doppler effect
duō bàn
most / mostly / most likely
duō guǎ
number / amount
jū duō
to be in the majority
duō suì
Many years old
xī luó duō dé
pà duō wǎ
duō chuáng
Multiple buildings
duō zuò
Multiple seats
hěn duō nián
many years / donkey's years / over the years
hěn duō biàn
many times
hěn duō shuāng
A lot of double
shù hěn duō
Count a lot
hěn duō hěn duō
very much / plenty / a lot of
xiōng duō jí shǎo
everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious / everything points to disaster
duō zé
Yà lǐ shì duō dé
Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher
duō chóu shàn gǎn
melancholy and moody (idiom); depressed personality
huò duō huò shǎo
more or less
È guā duō ěr
kē ěr duō fán
Mó ěr duō wǎ
Moldova / Republic of Moldova, former Soviet republic on the border with Romania
qíng dào duō yún
Sunny to cloudy
qíng zhuǎn duō yún
clear to overcast
zú zhì duō móu
resourceful / full of stratagems
姿 yáo yè duō zī
swaying gently / moving elegantly
Dù sāi ěr duō fū
Düsseldorf (Germany)
duō tiáo
duō méi
duō yàng
diverse / diversity / manifold
duō yàng huà
diversification / to diversify
duō gēn
yè cháng mèng duō
a long delay may cause trouble
duō léng
sēng duō zhōu shǎo
lit. many monks and not much gruel (idiom) / fig. not enough to go around / demand exceeds supply
duō yuán
poly- / multi- / multielement / multivariant / multivariate (math.)
duō yuán huà
diversification / pluralism / to diversify
duō bèi
Xiān chéng duō
Xianchengduo, Chinese brand of orange-flavored soft drink
duō xíng bù yì bì zì bì
persisting in evil brings about self-destruction (idiom)
duō ěr duō niè
duō yú
superfluous / unnecessary / surplus
zhòng duō
Duō lún duō
Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada
Duō nǎo Hé
Mǎ duō xiàn
Madoi or Maduo county (Tibetan: rma stod rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai
duō nǎo hé pàn
Sà ěr wǎ duō
El Salvador
duō fān
Many times
duō yí
mistrustful / suspicious / paranoid
fú lā duō
duō mǔ
Many acres
亿 yì duō yuán
Billion yuan
亿 yì duō
亿 duō yì
duō kuī
thanks to / luckily

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Pinyin duo1
Four Corner
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