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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

遍 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

遍 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 遍
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 遍
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Meaning of

Pinyin biàn
a time / everywhere / turn / all over / one time
遍 Pronunciation: biàn 1. Comprehensive; everywhere. - Example phrases: 周游 (travel all over), 遍布 (spread all over), 遍及 (reach all), 遍野 (throughout the wilderness), 普遍 (universal). 2. Measure word indicating instances or times. - Example: 看了三遍 (watched three times). --- 遍 Pronunciation: biàn Function: verb (Phonetic form; original meaning: to walk all over) same as basic meaning (English: have travelled all over). --- 遍 Pronunciation: biàn Function: adjective 1. Generally refers to universality (English: all over; everywhere). --- 遍 Pronunciation: biàn Function: measure word Indicates experiencing something from beginning to end once (English: time). For example: 念一遍 (recite once); 许多遍 (many times). --- References: 1. "说文": 徧,徧也. 2. "虞书": 徧于群神. 3. "梦溪笔谈" by 沈括: 凡永嘉山水,游历殆遍. 4. "陈州粜米": 遍衙门告不成. --- Examples in Literature: 1. "诗·邶风·北门": 室人交徧摧我. 2. "史记·魏公子列传": 公子引侯生坐上坐,遍赞宾客. Examples: - 满山遍野 (all over the mountains and fields) - 遍窥 (to look all around) - 遍体 (throughout the body; all over the body). --- (*Reference from traditional dictionary explanation) - (1) The phonetic aspect.
biàn jí
to extend (everywhere)
shī héng biàn yě
a field littered with corpses
biàn bù
to cover the whole (area) / to be found throughout
hěn duō biàn
many times
pǔ biàn
universal / general / widespread / common
pǔ biàn xìng
ubiquity / universality
màn shān biàn yě
lit. covering the mountains and the plains (idiom) / fig. as far as the eye can see / covering everything / omnipresent
biàn lǎn
pǎo biàn
to go everywhere / to scour (the whole town)
tà biàn
biàn dì
everywhere / all over
yī biàn
one time (all the way through) / once through
jǐ biàn
several times / a few times
biàn tǐ lín shāng
covered all over with cuts and bruises / beaten black and blue / be a mass of bruises
chuán biàn
to spread widely
liǎng biàn
biàn tǐ
all over the body
zǒu biàn
make the round of / walk around / travel through
dǎ biàn tiān xià
Hit the world
sān biàn
Three times
biàn yě
all over the fields
dì èr biàn
Second time
hǎo jǐ biàn
Several times
鸿 āi hóng biàn yě
lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims / starving people fill the land

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Input Method for
Pinyin bian4
Four Corner
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