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Animated Stroke Order of

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下 stroke order animation

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下 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 下
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 下
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Meaning of

Pinyin xià
under / second (of two parts) / next (week, etc.) / lower / below / underneath / down(wards) / to decline / to go down / latter
下 [xià] 名词 (Noun) 1. 下面,位置在下: below; under; underneath 2. 地: ground 3. 指下巴: the lower jaw 4. 臣下;百姓;群众: the masses; inferior 5. 方面: side 6. 下一次: the next time 7. 特指湖泽: lake 8. 地表之下: underground 9. 里面: inside 10. 旧时时间单位,相当于“点”: o’clock 11. 指时间、处所、范围: time; place; area; scope; field 12. 位在下的人: subordinate 动词 (Verb) 1. 下来: descend 2. 落下;降下: fall 3. 离开: get out 4. 弯屈: bow 5. 卸下: take off 6. 放入;投入: put in 7. 施行;使用: apply; use 8. 完成;结束: finish; end 9. 递送: send; deliver 10. 发表、宣告: issue 11. 去;到: go to 12. 常指从北到南、从上游到下游、从城市到乡下、从上层到基层: often refers to moving from north to south, upstream to downstream, from city to countryside, or from upper level to lower level 13. 做饭: cook 14. 指某些动物生产;养;生: lay 15. 从事棋类活动时,举手着子: play 16. 夺得、攻取、占领或攻占: capture 17. 歇宿;收留: stay 18. 以菜肴佐食: go with 19. 投降: surrender 20. 居人之下;谦让: modestly decline 21. 安扎: camp 22. 拍: beat; clap 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 身分、地位低: lower 2. 幼小: young 3. 次序或时间在后: latter; next 4. 如:下稍头(后来;终了);下浣(下旬);下邻(右边的邻居);下古(近古);下半世(人的后半辈子);下回(下次): 5. 低于,少于: inferior 量词 (Measure word) 1. 表示动作的次数: indicates the number of occurrences of an action 2. 表时间的单位,犹言点: indicates a unit of time, equivalent to "o'clock"
chéng shàng qǐ xià
a connecting link between the preceding and the following
wú jiāng shàng xià ér qiú suǒ
I will search up and down
yàn xià
to swallow / to suppress
xià yàn
laryngopharynx / hypopharynx / laryngeal pharynx
shí bù xià yàn
Can't swallow
tái xià
off the stage / in the audience
xià bàn yè
Lower leaf
xiàng xià
down / downward
xià chú
to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal) / to cook
xià chún
lower lip
jiē xià qiú
prisoner / captive
sì xià
xià zhuì
tenesmus / straining (at stool)
xià pō
xià chuí
to droop / to sag / to hang down / sagging / drooping / prolapse (medicine)
xià diàn miàn
underlying surface
西 xī yáng xī xià
the sun sets in the west (idiom)
xià gōng fu
see 下工夫[xia4 gong1 fu5]
duó xià
xià jià
(of a woman) to marry a man of lower social status / to marry down
bēi xià
base / low
xiè xià
to unload
xià bàn nián
second half of the year
xià bàn chǎng
second half (of a game)
dì xià shì
basement / cellar
jì rén lí xià
to lodge under another person's roof (idiom); to live relying on sb else's charity
xià céng
underlayer / lower class / lower strata / substrate
xià shǔ
subordinate / underling
shǔ xià
subordinate / affiliated to / subsidiary
fàng xià tú dāo
drop the butcher's knife -- to reform an evildoer into a good person
xià ba
chin / CL:個|个[ge4]
dǐ xia
the location below sth / afterwards
xià liè
chuàng xià
to establish / to set (a new record)
rēng xià
to throw down / to drop (bomb)
kě lián tiān xià fù mǔ xīn
Bays Of Being Parents
dǎ xià
to lay (a foundation) / to conquer (a city etc) / to shoot down (a bird etc)
liào xià
Put down
sī xià
tear down / rip down
xià bō
Dial down
ná xià
to arrest / to capture / to seize / to win (a set, a game etc)
xià cuò
(of sales, prices etc) to fall / to drop / decline / slump
huàn xià
jiē xià lái
to accept / to take / next / following
xiě xià
to write down
měi kuàng yù xià
to steadily deteriorate
jǐ xià
a few times
xià fán
to descend to the world (of immortals)
xià bǎi
hem of a skirt / shirt tail
piē xia
to cast away
bō xià
gōng xià
capture / take / overcome
fàng xià
to lay down / to put down / to let go of / to relinquish / to set aside / to lower (the blinds etc)
qí xià
under the banner of
xià xún
last third of the month
zhōng xià xún
mid-to-late / the middle ten days and the last ten days
pǔ tiān zhī xià
all over the world
xià tà
to stay (at a hotel etc during a trip)
Sōng xià
Matsushita (name) / Panasonic (brand), abbr. for 松下電器|松下电器[Song1 xia4 Dian4 qi4]
qiáo xià
xià qí
to play chess
lóu xià
xià lóu
go downstairs / come downstairs
tíng xià
to stop
cuī rén lèi xià
draw tears / draw tears from sb. / bring tears to one's eyes
shēng lèi jù xià
to shed tears while recounting sth / speaking in a tearful voice
dǎo xià
to collapse / to topple over
zhāng shù xià
Under the camphor tree
xià kuǎn
signature on letter / name of donor
shàng liáng bù zhèng xià liáng wāi
lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices
殿 diàn xià
Your Majesty (honorific) / His or Her Highness
dì xià shuǐ
xià chén
to sink down
xià xiè
flow / drain / discharge
jiǔ quán zhī xià
after death / dwelling place of the dead
xià huá
sliding / slide
lèi rú yǔ xià
tears falling like rain (idiom)
xiè xià
xià xiè
flow down / (of price) drop sharply
shàng tù xià xiè
to vomit and have diarrhea
xiè xià jì
purgative drugs prescriptions
shān rán lèi xià
to shed silent tears (idiom)
xià yóu
lower reaches (of a river) / lower level / lower echelon / downstream
zhōng xià yóu
middle and lower reaches
xià sān làn
riffraff / scum / lowlife / despicable / inferior
xià qián
dī xià
low status / lowly / to lower (one's head)
yú xià
yàn xià dōu
fàn xià
xià hěn xīn
xià yù
to imprison
xià bān
to finish work / to get off work
liú xià lái
stay behind
xià gān
duì zhèng xià yào
lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom); fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it / to take appropriate steps
wàn bān jiē xià pǐn
All inferior
yǎn xià
now / at present / subocular (medicine)
qī shàng mán xià
conceal the true state of affairs from above and below oneself / bully those below one and hoodwink those above / deceive one's superiors and delude one's subordinates
sī xià
in private

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Pinyin xia4
Four Corner
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