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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

倒 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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倒 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 倒
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 倒
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Meaning of

Pinyin dào、 dǎo
to fall / to collapse / to topple / to change / to fail / bankrupt, upset / turn over / to tip / to pour / to go home / to the contrary / inverted
倒 [dǎo] 动 1. 同本义 (fall) - 倒下: 摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。 - Example: 竖立的东西躺下来 (An upright object lies down). 2. 失败,败落 (fail;be on the decline) - Example: 又如: 倒灶(倒霉); 倒扁儿(向人挪借钱财或货以应急需); 倒满(倒霉;晦气) 3. 导致法律上的破产 (bankrupt) - Example: 如: 银行倒了; 倒账(倒闭,破产); 倒盆(倒闭); 倒风(大批倒闭) 4. 移动;替换 (move;replace) - Example: 如: 颠倒是非; 倒票(倒换银票); 倒替(轮换); 倒包(冒名顶替) 5. 停止;中断 (stop) - Example: 如: 倒断(倒顿。休止,间断,完结;决断;了断;清楚) 6. 坍塌;垮台 (collapse) - Example: 又如: 倒口子(决口); 倒坏(倒塌崩坏) 7. 将货物或商店企业作价给人 (sell out) - Example: 又如: 倒盘(把全店存货作价盘售); 倒本(赚回本钱) 8. 另见 dào 倒 [dào] 动 1. 上下、前后颠倒 (put upside down;be upside down;be inverted) - Example: 如: 倒序(颠倒次序); 倒用印(将印信颠倒使用) 2. 向相反方向移动 (reverse;move backwards) - Example: 如: 倒车; 倒回(退却;倒退) 3. 将容器倾斜或反转,使里面的东西出来 (pour out;empty) - Example: 如: 倒杯开水; 倒垃圾 4. 浇铸 (cast) - Example: 如: 倒一锭银子; 倒铧叶子 副 1. 表示跟一般情理相反 (on the contrary;instead) - Example: 如: 妹妹倒比姐姐高 2. 表示跟事实相反 (indicating the notion that the matter is not as one thinks) - Example: 如: 你说得倒简单,你试试看 3. 表示出乎意料 (indicating unexpectedness) - Example: 如: 有这样的事?我倒要听听 4. 表示让步 (indicating concession) - Example: 如: 质量倒挺好,就是价钱贵点儿 5. 用于追问或催促 (indicating an urging or questioning) - Example: 如: 你倒说说看 6. 另见 dǎo
dào xù
to flash back / flashback (in a novel, movie etc)
wò dǎo
to lie down / to drop to the ground
dào luǎn xíng
dào xuán
lit. to hang upside down / fig. in dire straits
dǎo gē
to change sides in a war / turncoat
bān dǎo
pull down / defeat
dǎo bǎ
to play the market / to speculate (on financial markets) / to profiteer
bài dǎo
to prostrate oneself / to fall on one's knees / to grovel
dào guà
lit. to hang upside down / fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods) / to borrow more than one can ever repay
zhuàng dǎo
to knock down / to knock over / to run over (sb)
hūn dǎo
to faint
dào yìng
to reflect (producing an inverted image)
fān xiāng dǎo guì
to overturn trunks and boxes / to make a thorough search (idiom)
zāi dǎo
to take a fall
dào zāi cōng
to fall headlong / (fig.) to suffer an ignominious failure
fǎn dào
but on the contrary / but expectedly
dǎo méi
to have bad luck / to be out of luck
shuāi dǎo
to fall down / to slip and fall / to throw sb to the ground
退 dào tuì
to fall back / to go in reverse
guì dǎo
to kneel down / to sink to one's knees / to grovel
diān dǎo
to turn upside down / to reverse / back to front / confused / deranged / crazy
dǎo xià
to collapse / to topple over
diē dǎo
to tumble / to fall / fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business)
yā dǎo
to overwhelm / to overpower / overwhelming
dǎo dì
to fall to the ground
dào zhuǎn
to make an about-turn / to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc / to turn things on their head
dǎo tā
to collapse (of building) / to topple over
dǎo bì
to go bankrupt / to close down
yūn dǎo
to faint / to swoon / to black out / to become unconscious
dào hǎo
xià dǎo
to be frightened
tuī dǎo
to push over / to overthrow
dǎo teng
to move / to shift / to exchange / to buy and sell / peddling
dào xiàng
inverted image / reversed image (e.g. upside down)
qīng dǎo
to topple over / to greatly admire
西 dōng dǎo xī wāi
to lean unsteadily from side to side (idiom) / to sway / (of buildings etc) to lean at a crazy angle
dǎo bì
to fall dead
liáo dǎo
disappointed / frustrated / dejected
qióng kùn liáo dǎo
down and out / fall on evil days / on the beach / in a state of utter poverty / live a life of poverty / in the grip of poverty / crack up under the strain of poverty / be penniless and frustrated
dào guàn
to flow backwards (of water, because of flood, tide, wind etc) / reverse flow / to back up (sewage)
dǎo zào
to fall (from power) / in decline / unlucky
dǎo fú
(of cereal crops) to collapse and lie flat
shù dǎo hú sūn sàn
When the tree topples the monkeys scatter. (idiom); fig. an opportunist abandons an unfavorable cause / Rats leave a sinking ship.
cù dào
cataplexy / damping off
pū dào
Fall down
dǎ dǎo
to overthrow / to knock down / Down with ... !
liǔ méi dào shù
Her willow-leaf shaped eyebrows rose. / She raises her eyebrows in anger.
bàn dǎo
to trip / to stumble
bù dǎo wēng
roly-poly toy / tilting doll / tumbler
dào dǎ yī pá
lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记; fig. to counterattack / to make bogus accusations (against one's victim)
tǎng dǎo
lie down
dào tiē
to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)
dào xíng nì shī
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong / to try to turn back history / a perverse way of doing things
dào gōu
barb / bicycle kick, or overhead kick (football)
zì rèn dǎo méi
tough luck / tough titty / accept the bad luck / suck on it
shén hún diān dǎo
lit. spirit and soul upside down (idiom); infatuated and head over heels in love / fascinated / captivated
diān sān dǎo sì
confused / disorderly / incoherent
diān lái dǎo qù
to harp on / over and over / merely ring changes on a few terms
diān dǎo hēi bái
lit. to invert black and white (idiom); to distort the truth deliberately / to misrepresent the facts / to invert right and wrong
diān dǎo shì fēi
to invert right and wrong
qī diān bā dǎo
topsy-turvy / at sixes and sevens / all upside down
bó dǎo
to refute / to demolish (an argument, theory etc)
dào qí lǘ
Riding a donkey

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Pinyin dao4
Four Corner
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