Learn to write the Chinese character "佣" by watching the stroke order animation of "佣".
Stroke by Stroke: 佣 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '佣' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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佣 (傭 yōng)
1. Employment, being employed.
2. A person who is employed.
3. Employment, hired labor.
4. Hired labor (En. hired labor).
雇工 ([En.] hired labor)。
5. Servant (En. servant).
佣人 ([En.] servant)。
6. Wages (En. wages).
工钱 ([En.] wages)。
7. Common (En. common).
平凡 ([En.] common)。
8. Vulgar (En. vulgar).
庸俗 ([En.] vulgar)。
本义: 受雇佣,出卖劳动力
Primary meaning: Being employed, selling labor.
造字法: 形声。从人,庸声
Character formation: Phonetic-ideographic, combining "person" and the sound of "yōng".
1. 《说文》:佣,均直也。卖力受直曰佣。隋其力均其直也。
1. "Shuōwén": 佣 means to equally distribute fairness. To sell labor for payment is called 佣.
2. 《汉书·食货志》:教民相与佣輓犁。
2. "Han Shu, Chapter on Food and Money": Teach the people to work together in hired farming.
3. 《史记·陈涉世家》:尝与人佣耕。
3. "Shiji": Used to work in hired farming.
4. 佣者笑而应。
4. The hired worker smiles and responds.
5. 若为佣耕。
5. If hired for farming.
6. 清·周容《芋老人传》:子佣出。
6. Qīng dynasty, Zhou Rong "The Story of the Old Man of Taro": The son became a hired worker.
7. 子不佣矣。
7. The son no longer hires himself out.
例: 佣伍(雇佣的军队); 佣钱(雇佣的酬金、工钱) ∶受雇佣
Example: 佣伍 (hired army); 佣钱 (hired wages).
8. 佣作(受雇于人,为人工作); 佣债(受雇于人,从事劳役以取酬劳); 佣耕(受雇于人,为人耕种); 佣书(受雇于人,为人书写文字); 佣客(受雇用的人); 佣力(受雇出卖劳力)
8. 佣作 (working for someone); 佣债 (laboring for pay); 佣耕 (farming for someone); 佣书 (writing for someone); 佣客 (a hired person); 佣力 (selling labor).
9. 雇工 ([En.] hired labor).
雇工 ([En.] hired labor)。
10. 佣人 ([En.] servant).
佣人 ([En.] servant)。
11. 工钱 ([En.] wages).
工钱 ([En.] wages)。
1. 《旧唐书》:凡三年,运七百万石,省陆运之佣四十万贯。
1. "Old Book of Tang": Over three years, transported seven million stones, saving forty thousand cash in land transport wages.
Compensation given to intermediaries when buying and selling goods.
佣金 (commission).
佣金 (commission).
另见 yòng
Also see yòng.
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