Learn to write the Chinese character "擁" by watching the stroke order animation of "擁".
Stroke by Stroke: 擁 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '擁' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '擁' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '擁' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '擁'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
(v) gather round / rush in / crowd / throng / to hold / crowded / to support
1. 抱;拥抱。
- To hug; to embrace.
2. 聚;聚集。
- To gather; to assemble.
3. 围裹。
- To wrap around; to encircle.
4. 持;执持。
- To hold; to grasp.
5. 掀卷;裹挟;推送。
- To lift the curtain; to wrap along; to push forward.
6. 拥护;护卫。
- To support; to protect.
7. 占据;占有。
- To occupy; to possess.
8. 遮掩;蒙蔽。
- To cover; to conceal.
9. 肿。也作“臃”。
- To swell; can also be written as “臃”.
10. 曲隈。
- Curved or bending corner.
11. 阻塞。
- To block; to obstruct.
1. 抱。如:「左擁右抱」。《儀禮·公食大夫禮》:「左擁簠粱,右執湆以降。」唐·駱賓王〈夏日夜憶張二〉詩:「伏枕憂思深,擁膝獨長吟。」
- To hug. For example: "Hugging on the left and right." (Ritual Texts)
2. 持、拿。《孔子家語·卷二·致思》:「擁鐮帶素,哭者不哀。」
- To hold or carry.
3. 圍著。唐·呂溫〈吐蕃別館和周十一郎中楊七錄事望白水山作〉詩:「玉障擁清氣,蓮峰開白花。」《紅樓夢·第四九回》:「我已經打發人籠地炕去了,咱們大家擁爐作詩。」
- To encircle.
4. 聚集。《三國志·卷三五·蜀書·諸葛亮傳》:「今操已擁百萬之眾,挾天子而令諸侯,此誠不可與爭鋒。」
- To gather.
5. 護衛。《南史·卷一·宋武帝本紀》:「孟昶、諸葛長人懼,欲擁天子過江。」
- To guard or protect.
6. 占有、據有。《文選·賈誼·過秦論》:「秦孝公據崤函之固,擁雍州之地。」
- To occupy or possess.
7. 阻塞。《史記·卷一一五·朝鮮傳》:「真番旁眾國欲上書見天子,又擁閼不通。」
- To obstruct.
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